Is Japan really like it is in the movie?

Is Japan really like it is in the movie?

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japanese guidos

No, there weren't any used panty machines.

I wish...

It's literally a bunch of 5s everywhere. Such a disappointment.

well that pic is 5s everywhere too m8

but seriously, japs are fucking ugly, koreans have a few beautys here and there but Shanghai had the most asian cuties so far

some night scenes are like that, yea. Except the racing part. They jsut stand around and smoke a lot of fags.

yes exactly like that

Arent they all chinese actors anyway?

dey arr rook da same

How do ya know ??? Post each example, horny boy !!!

Japanfag here. These are the most unjapanese people I've ever seen in my life. Those all look like "asian-americans" to me. We absolutely do not look or dress like that. I mean t-shirts and jeans, are you fucking kidding me? Seriously?

where do you live in japan?

Ru fas
Ru furu.. frurius

agreed. they look like 90s HK crime movies characters.


Japanese girls really are a night and day difference from the Hollywood interpretation of "japanese girls". For some reason every old impotent white director thinks all east asians look like saigon whores and rice paddy workers. They emphasize all the wrong details, use bizarre makeup, and black hair, black hair everywhere.. black has been the least common haircolor among fashionable young women in the city for decades now.

The FIRST thing my friend told me when he came back from a trip to Japan was how ugly everyone was.

They have really done will when it comes to their branding.

That's a women though. How do the men dress?

>black hair
Every single japanese person is born with black hair.

also I doubt you are from tokyo dess

All the more reason why so many people would dye their hair.

Ru flului-us!!

Slim fit everything, lots of collars and tweeds. If they're not wearing a jacket, blouses. Basically /fa/'s wet dream.

That is one ugly pair of trousers.

I want to go to Japan but I only know hiragana and some basic words.


Last year almost 20 million tourists visited Japan. I think you can get by.

I actually like this fit


I don't know the language.

How would I get around and do anything?

I don't want to only go to Tokyo.


Here's a jeans and t-shirt combo, Tokyo-style.
The defining attributes of the japanese male over asian-americans is tiny delicate bird bones and soft skin.


By using this wonderful thing called "English".

Sure you might not be having a lot of conversations about philosophy, but unless you intend to only visit tiny insignificant villages and you are braindead. It's not that hard.

You don't generally need to to be able to read "shoe shop" to see that a shop that sells shoes.

so japs look like pussies? well excuse us for trying to make you appear manly in the media.

>Sure you might not be having a lot of conversations about philosophy, but unless you intend to only visit tiny insignificant villages and you are braindead. It's not that hard.

What percentage of japan speak english?

These pictures look like Humans of Tokyo

Same percentage that knows how to use google.

As long as you find younger people it's that that big of an issue.

Japan is a tourist country. It wouldn't have that reputation if tourists couldn't get by.

>Same percentage that knows how to use google.
Don't they use yahoo for everything there?

Really? I didn't think Japan had much of a reputation as a tourist country. The whole thing with 'no gaijin' signs outside bars, that sort of thing.

Your ignorance and inability to critically think hurts my head.

Way to dodge the issue.

Why is Tokyo so /fa/ you guys?

What dodging? Would you prefer I broke it down and explained it to you like you were a 5-year old?

show us how normal japanese people do like.

I would prefer you respond with something that isn't ad hominem.


Oh, ho hoooo...who do you think you're kidding, Hoshi?

Then you came to the wrong place, reddit. Now fuck off back to your hugbox if you can't handle your poor lil feelings getting hurt when your gullibility gets you BTFO.

I think they still use google the most. At least for searching.

That would be like saying America is a bad tourist country because a few people in the redneck areas are racist gaybashers. Every country has those people.

Japs are completely hopeless at English. You can just about get through with a phrasebook and lots of gestures, but 95% of people you stop on the street don't know anything but "harro" and "cewl zapan".

Average Japanese girl

>come to japan
>get outside the airport
>guy in a van on loudspeaker screaming "WHITE PIGGU GO HOME!!" at me
>go back inside the airport
>board a plane then fly away

>more ad hominem
Whatever. I don't remember seeing any bars with signs saying 'NO BLACKS' when I visited America.

japs, I can't take them seriously, they look like ungrown children, stunned in puberty. has to be too much soya.

I always cringe at their action, warrior etc. movies. samurais, kek.


Koreans and Chinese are good at English though. It's also a useful fact to tell Japanese people if you want to see them politely rage.

Also point out that Japanese women are dating more and more Korean men.


>japs, I can't take them seriously, they look like ungrown children, stunned in puberty.

that's the reason they lost the war. it's easy playing supah warrur samurai on a little isolated island, but once you step out of the kindergarden you get fucked. I can't imagine what the chinese will be doing to them now, if we hadn't occupied them.

WW2 fucked them up culturally and they regressed to an infantile state in their pop culture and media.


you mean that place where everybody get plastic surgery?

Which is the easiest set of moonrunes to learn, Japanese, Korean or Chinese?

>Which is the easiest set of moonrunes to learn
Japanese katakana, basically chinese for retards.

To be fair, this movie came out a while ago.

why do they all look korean?

Korean is pretty easy. I can't read it anymore but I could when I was stationed there. Picked it up in about 4 months or so.

At the same time, though I could read it phonetically I didn't know what it said.


>ungrown children
How is that a bad thing you faggot?

Japs are less concerned about being PC.
But at the end of the day, Japan has a huge tourism scene and it has that for a reason.

Korean by far. It's an alphabet much like the Latin one, the reason it looks like moonrunes is because they they slap all their individual letters into a syllable.

It's said to be one of the most elegant writing systems in the world. Mostly because it was created in the 1400s as is and not having been changed and adapted over millennia to have a multitude of weird rules and shit like most writing systems.

sad honestly.

japan became the only fuccboi nation in the world. raped into stockholm syndrome by the americans.

>japan became the only fuccboi nation in the world
I'm guessing you haven't seen Germany?

They're literally the best country in the world right now.

Nationalist and Capitalist but also socially accepting.

Literally perfect.

Except they did that to themselves.

>socially accepting

What do you mean? Germans have been acting like faggots ever since they lost.

you should stop taking what's said on the internet for a fact, if they're so anti gaijins they wouldn't be a tourist nation

Yeah, it's so great the Japanese just can't stop killing themselves.

That's what should happen to good-for-nothing basement dwellers everywhere.

Yeah, tourist nation. Try getting a long term stay visa.

I was able to read Korean words and alphabet only in 1 day. It's much much easier to memorize than Japanese. But I found the listening part harder since Korean sounds more 'fluid' than Japanese.

goalpost moved

No. Japs dont take public spaces for individual purposes.

Goalpost not set. Social acceptance not defined. Victory by forfeit.

Koreans are patrician Japs. Look better, are better. However Finns are still the best Asians.

Fins are Asians with personality. It's the influence of European tradition. East Asians are more like robots than real human beings.

it's difficult only because they make sure you won't be homeless after they let you in

>>It's said to be one of the most elegant writing systems in the world
By gook retards.

Korean is easy, sure, but it's no more elegant than any other system.

Plus there's the massive negative of it being the language used by people you'd never have any possible reason to communicate with.

I've only met one (well two) Finns in my entire life.
My friend and his little sister. They are some of the most attractive people I know. Dude is a genius and his sister is attractive as hell.

>They are some of the most attractive people I know.

How much people did you meet living in your cellar? Mum and doggo?

but I listen to kpop senpai

I don't recognize that Japan.

Remember the '90s when every high schooler was played by middle aged actors? That's how this is like.

Besides, most movies don't represent America or Americans as it truly is either.

Well I'm judging purely by appearance alone, but still I've met a lot of people irl.

>Look better, are better
Koreans look "better" because they all get plastic surgery. They're by far the most empty of the Asians, they have zero culture so they just emulate America.

>they just emulate America
Their films aren't very American.


how can she eat so much?

K-pop was only half-decent for a few short years, now it's literally the exact same shit as American pop.

also, typical vandals hang out outside 7elevens

>bancho culture and pompadours will never come back in style
Just fucking kill me now.


finns are the most powerful race in the world.

absolutely fucking disgusting

are these prostitutes or something?

She has worms from eating raw fish. They digest the food faster



i want to see her shits