What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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child actor, Jar Jar, cringe worthy jokes, awkward dialog

Why didn't Obi Wan just use Force Speed to save Qui Gon?

Virgin birth
Stupid body double sub-plot

bad plot
bad dialogue
bad characters
bad fan service

Pretty much everything



>Oh, sweetums, I hate sand! HATE it! It's coarse and gets everywhaaaare
A lot of the secondary cast did the best they could but the main cast except for Obi Wan just decided on having 50 dicks for lunch every day.

George Lucas is an omnipotent meme lord and foresaw that this version of the prequel trilogy would generate the most lols.

this desu
the best worst trilogy
based Lucas

George had ultimate power and surrounded himself with Yes Men rather than the people who made the original trilogy so great.

Jar-jar is the key

Man that poster is excellent

I saw it as a child and remember loving it, rewatching it as an adult is very disappointing

The soundtrack was good, though.

Duel of the Fates deserved a better film

It was pretty awful but at least it did the job with setting up the prequel universe.

Absolutely. In retrospect, it seems even worse to think that such a good soundtrack was included for these garbage flicks. Fuck.

Darth Maul had a double lighstaber, they both could've kept switching it off and he wouldn't be able to keep up.

Director was to ambitious and keen to making something different, as it turns out audiences is to stupid to appreciate that and many years later we had episode vii made just for them

why did he start out as a little kid but Natalie Portman didn't? It's weird how in two she is the same and he is aged up

>tfw not intelligint enough for the prequel trilogy

oh my

What went wrong?

>awful "politics" plot in a kids movie
>fundamentally unlikeable cast barring Qui Gon
>woefully underused badguy (Darth Maul)
>stupidly racist lazy stereotypes
>ineffective and unthreatening droid foes
>greenscreen, greenscreen, greenscreen

And the most egregious of all:

>filmed as a series of individual scenes not a cohesive movie.

The last one especially, as scenes are filmed in such a way as to only resolve that particular scene. Once the scene os over it's like anything they did in that scene no longer exists.

Superspeed run to end one scene? Let's never mention that again! Shields repaired on an ongoing dogfight? Let's just stop and have a little meeting. Utter shit.

Also; all the characters act like they've already read the script in advance. In all 3 prequel movies. They all know stuff they clearly shouldn't and behave as if they all know how that scene is supposed to end.

>he is in my behind
how is that not a good dialogue

The central conflict of the plot is irrelevant to everything else in the series, and the things that are actually important (Anakin, Palpatine, Obi-Wan) are all in the background to that stupid fucking Naboo vs. Trade Federation garbage.


Anyone remember the arcade race game based on Episode 1?

>as it turns out audiences is to stupid

ah yes, it takes a paragon of intellect such as yourself to understand episode I.

I'm of the opinion that the main problem was the flat characters. Otherwise, it was good. Jar Jar was the well-developef character in PM.


Nothing. The movie was great. There was political intrigue. And Jar Jar kept kids entertained despite the very adult subject matter. The action was great and the entire thing did a good job of being Star Wars while also being different from the OT. Only haters don't like the movie.

>I remember watching the press interviewing the fans as they came out of the first screenings.

>I remember the looks of pure bewilderment on their faces.

>I remember them all trying to search for the words to say "It's good, but..." and failing.

>All those people realising they'd just queued for hours for a film that was a passable mess at best.

God I love hubris sometimes.


That was so funny that I forget for a moment my sad life.


It was a nice poster but terrible movie

>Jar Jar kept kids entertained
I distinctly remember hating Jar Jar

I loved r2d2, chewbacca and ewoks, but Jar Jar was cringingly unfunny and reminded me of this annoying kid with ADHD

Lucas focused on visuals too much at the expense of dialogue and structure. Also his pastiches of costume drama and serial space opera went over the heads of uncultured plebs unfamiliar with the milues of those genres. Overall it's an underrated film.

>m-muh racism

You just ruined your whole post

Star Wars Racer or Bombad Racing?

The real problem was the story, which was a meandering mess until the second half of Episode III

The visuals, worldbuilding, and action are good.


I agree, the music was too good for the movie

Everybody did the best they could with the material and direction that was given to them by a man that preferred at that point to direct things in the laziest, most comfortable manner possible after getting himself in a position where nobody could pull a Harrison Ford on him anymore and tell him when he was being retarded, here's what he should do instead.

It wasn't all bad, if there's anything better about the prequels than the new Disney flicks is that they actually add something grand to the playground for superior artists to play around with, such as in the Clone Wars. It's just that Lucas should have had someone capable go over his screenplay drafts instead of just going with whatever he banged out first, and maybe kept a capable co-director around not afraid to go nitty gritty with the actors while Lucas focused on the technical stuff.

Anakin should have been a teenager, not like 9 years old. It would have made the whole "too old to begin training" thing make a lot more sense. Teen Anakin should have shown hints of a dark side, that he was somewhat prone to anger. Obi-Wan should have been the one wanting to train him, not the "wiser" Qui-Gon

Are you telling me Harrison Ford called Lucas a retard?


Do you mind to spoonfeed senpai?

the nerve of that man

>was a futon repairman when Lucas discovered him or some shit
>cheated on his wife and mother of his 2 children for a 19 year old coke addict
>calls the director out on his shit and voices his distaste for the Star Wars franchise

Focusing on Anakin was a mistake

Vader is just a bad guy in the original trilogy who Geroge Lucas made Lukes dad for pottery reasons

Nah being a kid was fine, there was one kid they had that was amazing in the audition, when asked about being a kid & he replied "I won't always be" you could fucking hear Darth Vader in his voice, the kid looked like he saw some shit


the only thing wrong with it is everyone taking it so damn seriously
childish banalities desu senpai

Lucas chickened out of making Jar Jar a Sith Lord.

That would be based

Bad parenting



The Force Awakens would have been a better film if John Williams had scored it.

Is it time to admit Star Wars is a mediocre franchise bolstered by the pure talent of Williams?

Yes. John Williams is amazing.

That would have been so fucking silly I can see Lucas doing that. He'd probably call him Darth Icky too.


no one cares who anikin was, we already got enough info about him.

we know he's gunna betray everyone, so why should we give a fuck about him?

being annoying and lucky is not a good character trait.

When the movie itself doesn't give a fuck about anakin's virgin mom, why should we?

the fuck is podracing? Why are the jedi getting involved in this shit? It's so fucking forced.

So anakin is a little kid and meets his near adult future baby mama. This ain't fucking awkward at all.

Does Obi-wan even give a fuck about Qui-gon-jizz? Does anyone? None of these characters matter.

The phantom menace is a red devil alien dude like in the cantena scene only he's fucking mute and boring. His entire personality is a double bladed dildo.

FUck this movie.

The actors all feel very lifeless and bland. Jar jar is awful. Darth maul has no motivation or character. The cgi feels very obvious and has not aged well. The film has a million characters and none of them feel like real people. The tone is all over the place.

Was Vader's hallway scene kino?

Why does he hate Star Wars so much but wants to keep doing Indiana Jones movies in his 80s?


The story was supposed to be about Anakin, yet he was poorly written and miscast from the start.

Instead of a kid with clearly deeply rooted anger issues, we got a generic kid who likes space racecars and yells YIPPIE when he's happy. Anakin had every reason to be a bitter piece of shit, he was a fucking slave. The first meeting with Anakin should've been unsettling IMO, but Qui Gon ignores that because he sees the potential for him to be a great Jedi. I mean, this element is still there in the final movie, but the way Anakin is written you don't get that impression at all.

han ain't luke
that's why

it's pure ego. Dude is very uncomfortable to listen to in interviews. Always expects his dick to get sucked then acts pissy when they do.

I agree, they didn't go nearly far enough in showcasing the proto-Sith that was always supposedly lurking in Anakin's personality. He should have had anger issues and had an obsessive need for order and control, at any cost.

For what it's worth, the CGI clone wars cartoon did good work in showing how he grew steadily more aggressive and angry as the war progressed, so you can kind of see it building.

IMO the biggest failing of Anakin's characterization was in making him a super empathetic father to the men under his command. There's 0 transition from that to the guy who executes his subordinates on a whim, it just happens like flipping a switch.


No one is really that stupid.

In the new canon, how strong in the Force is Leia?

So much this. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either misinformed, a contrarian, or a five-year-old.



Holy shit that is great

Which one are you?

Problem with the Star Wars franchise is some of you claim the prequel trilogy is dumb but the original trilogy is just as retarded. Shitty dialogues, shitty shots and some really shitty characters

How do the Disney films compare to the prequels?