Guys, we gotta fucking save Carrie Fisher. And the only way to do that is to meme her back to health!
Guys, we gotta fucking save Carrie Fisher. And the only way to do that is to meme her back to health!
she'll be fine
I'd rather save Robbie Rotten.
No. let the Trump curse take its next victim. Curry and Lebron are next
dubs for her last breath
I will contribute my boobs
Shes ok.
She'll be fine.
5s confirm she's a vegetable.
Only Sup Forums can meme things into reality, and Sup Forums hates Carrie Fisher for talking shit about Trump.
Check em
Fuck you
The frog god has already chosen her fate
Fuck you dude.
double dubs confirms she makes a full recovery
Close but no cigar
meh. I really don't see why /tv's getting so bent out of shape over this old coke whore slag. She hasn't been good looking since the eighties and thats about all she ever had going for her
People change
>implying even meme magic can harm LeGod
LeGod owns the meme magic. Curry can fuck off though.
WATCH IT, 2016
Not sure if cute or terrifying
lol no
still in bed
bitch is dead
Trips and she stars in the next movie
Dubs and she doesn't make it to 2017
Let me help you with that.
She's dead Jim.
From now on we can have superior Carrie Fisher.
Praise kek
Sup Forums crashed a plane and killed hundreds of people, what's it take to save one life?
>LeGod owns the meme magic.
t. cuckold
She'll do Episode IX and then drop dead
lmfao who cares about that old bitch
shes done-zo
maybe if she was young and hot again I'd give a fuck
you people are fucking idiots
Holy shit