RIP Jo Cox, may you live in hearts.
RIP Jo Cox, may you live in hearts
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I hope she suffered greatly
Rot In Piss, bitch
That's a Norwegian radio personality m8..
RIP Brian Cox.
I keep hearing she was some 'rising star' of Brit politics, but was she in any way relevant before she got martyrd? Was she in any way an important figure
Men de ligner ikke sant, eller er det bare meg?
I'm still trying to figure it out why her.
Me thinks she knew something.
Whenever the link to the euro is threatened, death tolls...unearthing assassins from the "far right"
Apparently, Jo is an acceptable name for a woman in England
In retrospect she was clearly being groomed as the next "mutter Merkel".
Someone tell me who she is
I know she has something to do with UK politics
She was about as relevant as that girl in Orlando until she got killed.
because she happened to be the mp of a lunatic with a gun
kindof rare
supported the muslim invasion in the EU
I sure wish the UK would get a handle on their gun problem.
Joe Cucks
seeing the way this has been spun heavily in the media... Brexit is dead now, huh?
>RIP in pieces Jo Cox
Don't wish to speak ill of the dead, but literally never heard of her until she got shot.
That was the entire plan.
May your death be avenged, inschallah.
i am glad she got shot :D
No wonder she was killed.
Islamic gangbang then they converted her to allah
At least right wingers dont shoot random peoples. They attack the leaders.
Good job
so muslims killed her and the left is blaming it on the right-wingers?
why do they do this?
Summer fag
The bitch supported the Muslim invasion of Europe and was Pro-EU. Good riddance I say.
no. she is an open border activist and that is was causes the immigration. Furthermore an unprotected state can be easily blackmailed by banks or any other groups with a lot of money.
Nothing of Value is lost
yes yes greatly saddened, shocked, terrible tragedy etc.
in what pornos did she perform?
perhaps a rising star within political circles, but not generally well known to the public
And the mockery in this thread is why this board will never be taken seriously.
One less anti-white in Britain, good riddance.
> may you live in hearts.
Nah m8, she lived near York apparently
R.I.P. J C
no one gives a fuck..most dont even know who she is
infact id say millions here dont even know whom their local MP is
she was a paki glad she is dead and her hubby was a pedo and was investigated but was covered up
>minus one remain vote
Jo "sucks nigger" cox will be sorely missed. By the niggers.
Would be grand
How retarded was she, as in, how feminist/marxist
What was her influence in the party?
She wanted UK to take 200k refugees... This should show you how much a retard she was.
She deserved it she was born f(ailure)emale.
i read the wiki article on his page and a media story regarding an investigation
and now google yeilds nothing and he has NO wiki page?
even checked my history....doesnt show anything
earlier my computer randomly rebooted and went into update mode even when i told it not to update for a week...not sure if related
that is fucking spooky! it has me questioning is there a cover up?
i just went to look for the sources to link hence how i found out...gonna go try dig again
Such Shenanigans
on his wiki which is now deleted it seems
i read at the bottom the controversy part regarding being investgated for child abuse and it tarnishing him
is there anyway to pull up archives of wiki pages?
found this verifying i aint dreaming it
had to put it into pastebin the link...Sup Forums WOULD NOT let me post it and that makes it dodgier :L