What side are the CIA and the FBI on in the globalist conflict?

What side are the CIA and the FBI on in the globalist conflict?

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duh aliums

CIA is on whatever side has the biggest guys.

CIA: Globalist Kennedy killers (thanks Bush) and heroin dealers

FBI: Desperately trying to save the homeland


For you

Kek confirms

FBI may be resisting slightly.

CIA confirmed helping and infiltrated.

The kosher side.

Kek is aware the big kosher side is controlling us all with aliens

What motive does the CIA have to push for a globalist agenda?


For you


isn't the head of CIA a wahabist muslim convert?


That doesn't sound right at all


Most of them are patriots. Even John Brennan knows something is wrong with Obama. He directly contradicted Obama yesterday.

You're thinking of Obamas flunky secretary of DHS, JEH Johnson.


They're the footsoldiers of the globalist kikes. Bane did nothing wrong.

This is the feeling I get form them. Same goes for our military, but it seems like due to the CIA and sometime FBI's covert nature we think of them as evil.

If there is any group that gains from nationalism, it's the CIA.


There is hundreds of others I could link, motive or not they are doing it.

Gray State m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy7FVXERKFE

And pic related

They are against you


Look at the CIA management profiles, you see Leftists and Liberals.

Those are the ones who have been allowed to survive. That is why they are compromised, to support the fall of western civilization.

In their minds, when it falls it can be remade into something better.



CIA were doing good work up until the 80's.


when they finish moving their pieces into place, they will start the crisis. most of these agents will become useful idiots; and when the 'messiah' arrives to save us from the crisis, the useful idiots will be lined up and shot because they know too much.

Fbi is still harvest-able. I think they realized what the elites are planning, and they decided that debt slavery for their children in perpetuity isn't favorable. Hence the defiance against Hillary.

Our primary targets to destroy is the media. Without their media the parasite class has absolutely no influence. They are weak right now, reads online and media attention has been the lowest it's ever been in years. Now is the time to dismantle them.



We're already winning that now though. 4 chan gets more exposure to people than any journalistic bullshit. Twitter is more effective now than entire media outlets.

>They are against you




I know a guy who went through FBI academy, and according to him they're all broski boy scouts, sort of like your local police precinct but a bit more intelligent .

The problem is the brass sides with TPTB, while agents keep their mouths shut.
Ah yes fucking Hayden had the gall to say Trump is a national security threat, when the blowback that bastard alone instigated blew open tons of security holes.


x files was redpilled af


I use to see people bash Sup Forums on Sup Forums ever since I followed in 2009. ...
2 & 1/2 years ago ,
well right as the LA escape from Dorner popped off,
I woke up from the blue pill & took the red.
Realized Sup Forums


^this, top kek


their globalized drug and sex trafficking netting them literal billions for black projects is one

CIA Airforce and astronauts don't come cheap and they can't exist put the money for it in a senate expenditure bill

what side?


CIA and FBI arent on the same side of anything. So figure it out from there.

For you

aw shit, i know linda. bitch dont fuck around

>FBI: Desperately trying to save the homeland
Hoping to capture more of the funding and expanding operations is more like it

>this thread is CIA agents arguing against the FBI
wew laddy

Kind of. Think KGB and what wouldve happened if the US had collapsed rather than the USSR. CIA is always ready

so fbi are the good guys?

>good guys
It doesnt work that way.

nahh bro eliminate the god part and just have one nation liberty and justice for all I don't need no sky fairy to have my liberties and nation


Director of this film and his whole family were murdered by one of the alphabet agencies

You'll have to go back

I feel like the FBI and CIA are both working for nationalistic issues but in the interests of the American public's freedoms.

It would be interesting if the FBI and CIA were arch enemies and nobody publicly knew.

Such fucking bullshit, go away shill

The vast majority of the members of the intelligence community are Catholics (especially CIA directors), most of them with Irish roots.

Pic unrrelated, Candice Swanepoel isn't member of intelligence community.

I sincerely meant NOT in the interests of the American public's freedom.

fucking mobile

How is this show really? I asked in /wsg/ but only got one answer so far. Aliens kind of spook the shit out of me, even ET scares me. I'd kind of like to see it because scully is hot, but I'd also like to be able to sleep at night.

I watched the baseball episode and had fun with that, although the initial reveal was kind of spooky. But it was funny seeing a gray talking like a black dude from the 50s. Apparently that's one of the more lighthearted episodes though.

Scene in question

FBI agents are basically functionaries, they take care to keep their job and nothing more.

Pic unrelated, Nina Agdal isn't a FBI agent.

Why do people assume these alphabet fuck holes are in the same team? None of them have your interests at heart, and the only thing they hate more than natural born American citizens are competing agencies.

Degenerate cultural hegemony

>More drug users
>More drug monies
>More cartels on the Agency's strings
>More black ops

Pretty solid, my man.

A lot of episodes are kinda just monster of the week in a random place in the states but aliens are pretty much the go to.

Spooked the hell out of me as a kid and last night I had a dream I got visited by some aliens which wasn't cool at all so I got to thinking about this show.

That said Id give it a watch. Moulder's handsome and cool, scully is hot and a bitch and it's got some really great stories. A definite must see for any Sup Forums /x/ hybrid.

Okay, I'll give it a shot, just going to make sure to watch it while the sun's still up. Like I said, that baseball episode was really fun and pretty heartwarming so maybe it won't be too bad.

They play both sides, it's even in the normie news

FBI stands for America while the CIA is firmly in the Globalist camp. This is a bad thing, mostly because the FBI is fucking terrible.

Isn't that the story for GTA 5?




Oba and Clinton are definitely against the CIA and national supremacy. By that measure I can't assume CIA is pro globalism

Only some members

There are globalist shills appointed by Obama in the alphabet agencies

[1481 - 1987B

Save your image in a reasonable size you fucking subhuman.

Underrated post


I'm glad you post here, user


What are you on to OP?

Fight the power, homie.

What are you on to?