Can a woman appreciate films the same way a man can?
I don't think so.
Can a woman appreciate films the same way a man can?
I don't think so.
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obviously not, same goes for any other medium really. But why care?
there are all kinds of ugly girls in my film school classes so - yes.
What's your reasoning for this assumption?
women are whores and are inferior to men
Women can do literally anything men can do if it gets them the right kind and amount of attention.
because women are fucking stupid idiots who are also a bunch of fucking whores and sluts
why won't any of them sleep with me
god I hate women so fucking much
many would
All they can see is whether or not rhetoric lead actor is attractive
>why won't any of them sleep with me
Because you dont show sociopathic personality traits.
no in the same way men can't appreciate sex the same way a woman can
No. They have a small brain like insect or rat.
or raising children
Women are capable of understanding art just like any man, don't be delusional.
But the difference is that some concepts like honor, brotherhood and especially isolation are completely alien and unrelatable for them.
Therefore, they can't enjoy or truly experience most movies like men can.
this shit again...
Nice Christmas day thread, I love you all.
all the best my dear amigo friend
My sister is the only woman i know to take film seriously and to have patrician taste.
Sad thing is, ever since she'd had a kid she's lost the patience to sit through most slower films so now her taste is a bit more normie.
THIS. My wife has straight up said that she couldn't go through life without a partner, whereas I know I could. Isolation I think is something women aren't used to because from the minute they're born they're being doted on and pampered by men.
As do i also check theeeese
Let me guess what kind of person you are OP.
I expect you are mid twenties, single, over weight, and you try and wear contacts, but they hurt your eyes too much. So you go for the glasses, and you tell yourself that intellectual people wear glasses.
In your spare time you troll on the internet, belittling others for kicks, because lets face it, the combination of partial facial hair and dressing up as an elf on weekends, means that sex is something that doesn't happen to you.
After you have finished trolling tweens about Harry Potter, Star Wars and LOTR, you masturbate into a favorite sock before your mother calls from upstairs... 'user! Time for dinner before your flute lesson!'
>dumb fart fetishist frogposters know anything about honor
Nice projection m8
Aw fuck Im mentor guy to this cute but dumb chick at my work.
>tfw mentor guy to a young female engineer at work
>Can talk with her about everything from Tolstoy to Toyota Production Systems
>hand pick her to take my job when I move to a new management position next year
She is one of the coolest chicks I have ever met but we have no romantic spark, idk
Can you name a single movie that women actually DO understand? Protip: I don't think you can.
Have you ever tried watching a movie with a woman? I don't know if it's hormonal or something, but their minds are literally unable to focus on anything. Have you ever read even the most respected of female critics, Pauline Kael? Her reviews were mostly just inane ramblings, filled with mean-spirited hysterics.
Have you ever known a woman that had a deep and varied appreciation for any art? Digging around obscure music genres or old filmographies, just for the sake of it and love of the medium, not for potential social status and superficial validation?
When a male cinephile watches a movie, he reflects on the themes and subtext, deconstruct the mise en scène and cinematography in order to analyse how the director's choices affect the mood and characters arcs, question the ethos it proposes about its subject matters, judge its authenticity, come up with a list of intertextual references that deepen his understanding, examine the narrative structure as if he were in the writer's head to get his creative process and where he's headed, all this while sensorially appreciating the aesthetics, marvelling at the layers in dialogues and noticing many odd details, pondering how this film overall fits into its auteur's oeuvre, observing what it does similarily and what it does differently... as well as its place in film history, amongst many other active ways of studying and appreciating art... meanwhile women can barely follow the plot.
Ecclesiastes: 7:27
>“Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered: “while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all."
Even the wisest man in the bible, King Solomon, thought women weren't capable of being on the same level as men.
how is the bible so based?
>she typed furiously, temporarily forgetting about the strange discharge from her vagina in between bouts of lachrymose depression and faux self confidence, never sure if the boy she's fucking really likes her for her or just as a warm hole
>she knows the answer but can't bear the thought that her only purpose on this planet is to get dicked down repeatedly, giving only a temporary respite from the blood oozing from her damp cooze
>don't allow women education
>wow look how dumb women are
>women thoughout history have snuck out of the house to fuck some dude on the sly but could never band troubled to sneak into the husband library
This is bullshit by the way.
What about innovation in art? Music? Uneducated niggers created jazz, the mostly beautiful and creative music of the last 100 years. And many other genres, from blues to hip hop, all come from ghetto illiterate niggers. What have educated, bourgeois women contributed to the art world?
What have women, of any race or social class, have ever created?
You're all sexist virgins. Women under and emotion and movies was better than men!!
>haha virgins!
>watch movie with a sister or mother
>they type something on their phones at least a dozen times throughout movie
I will never touch a woman and I don't even care. Fucking disgusting people
women are stupid and gay
wtf I hate women now... thanks for the redpill
Women usually like what their boyfriends like.
If you say you like some movie or it's your favourite movie, she'll automatically say she likes it too. Having a different opinion to a woman is breaking the comfort zone.
this is obviously a fact
Women can't appreciate anything
that only works for 8/10+ women though
i know lots of beta women who are quite pathetic in their own right.
This. Women aren't really autonomous entities like men are, at best they happen to be getting fucked by a patrician man and learn to repeat some of the opinions he holds.
I can confirm
yes they can, if they are plain or ugly
it's the attractive women that almost always have shit taste, because they are completely fulfilled socially/romantically and don't need to develop niche interests to get men