Why is Jewish comedy always so filthy and focuses on sex, obscenities, faeces etc.?
Why is Jewish comedy always so filthy and focuses on sex, obscenities, faeces etc.?
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Kikes have no creativity or imagination. All they're good at is money.
Pic related
It's disgusting. Have you watched World Peace? It's dripping with degeneracy, I've heard the creator even sucked a tranny off.
sex jokes are the bottom of comedy
Well you would know all about being bottom.
Top ke- wait, are you Jewish?
Their culture revolves around deconstructing White imperium. I don't think it's conscious, they just can't help themselves. They're parasitic by nature.
If Sasha stuck to interviews and never touched feature films his portfolio would be great.
i love his ali g series
you could say the same thing about this website
They don't have the imagination to create anything of their own so instead they choose to destroy what white men have created. Abrams's Star Trek and Star Wars movies are good examples.
"MTV needs to put all their minorities out there... Because I'm gonna gun them down." (Ben Shapiro, SIC of Greater Israel's Reich. Breitbart - 22 December, 2016)
Shapiro is Jewish
What you need to realize is that despite all the tolerance and anti racism they preach, Jews are very racist and they hate non Jewish people.
>its another thinly veiled jewish hate thread
Honestly, I like Jews alot. love em, really.
They are a practical people who value education and self-improvement, while squeezing the last drop of value out of everything they can. Friend of mine at work eats entire apples, including the core, the seeds, and the stems. I think of myself as pretty much of a skinflint, but I could never do something like that.
They're survivors, if not necessarily thrivers. Whether or not it's their own innate traits that leads to them being persecuted, they HAVE been persecuted. And yet despite this they have spread to all corners of the globe.
Lemmie ask you a question, OP. Assuming you're american, how do you think your people would fare if a cataclysmic event drove you from your homes, spread you across the world, diverging you among other populations that soon your groups don't even look like each other anymore? Would even after that, you could still conceive of each other as American?. and be able to find common ground and rebuild your society?
Because that's what the Jews did. And now, well, with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world, reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years. It is a fantastical success story.
Why hate them?
Jewish isn't a race. Look up Ethiopian and Eritrean immigration to Israel.
Same reason why they make porn.
They enjoy mocking Jesus Christ.
I can't find the source for him saying "Multiculturalism has no place in Israel".
Do you know Israeli jews castrate them when they arrive to Israel, don't you?
That's been debunked.
They want to corrupt
You'll have to try harder than that Shlohmo :^)
>a cataclysmic event drove you from your homes
? which cataclysmic event was it that drove jews from their home and forced them to spread out across the world?
>admitted to long acting forced contraceptives
he was wrong about castration but they basically sterilize them
That's because they had AIDS.
>Honestly, I like Jews alot. love em, really
Honestly, I hate jews a lot. Want to exterminate them, really
The kikes have been jewing up the west for two millenia
I completely agree with this. The notion that 15 millions Jews are somehow responsible for 500 million white people constantly failing is fucking preposterous.
Let's assume just for the sake of argument white-nationalists and these pathetic alt-rightists are right: and that Jews are out to destroy them. Well...Whites were warned about Jews by Martin Luther in the 16th century. So whites have had nearly 500 years to evolve, adapt, and conquer.
Has that happened? Nope. Nada. Never. Not in the least. As a matter of FACT white men are more incompetent and insignificant as ever.
So at BEST: white men have failed to adapt and evolve and there is NO way they can blame Jews for that.
The truth is very simple: white men are poorly educated, lazy, spend too much time and money on hobbies, out of shape, embrace degeneracy, are risk averse and gravitate to stupid/safe jobs like the Trades.
It is white men's faults they are so powerless now. I look forward to the day Jews control the world openly and the gentiles are no longer needed.
>tfw you're a self-hating jew
sorry my people are such scum bros. i''m not like that though, I swear.
Jews are no worse than white people for this, stop being dishonest. Also his best joke is "what type of dog is this?", and has none of that.
Don't you see the oppurtunity you have? You can work against them from the inside.
Do it, Shlohmo. Do it for the glory of the Aryan race.
You are literally a cuckold.
>communism is a capitalist ploy
never gets old.
Jews are not a monolithic entity you fucking retard
Who do you think funded the Bolshevik revolution you stupid homo
I bet you're one of those (((alt right))) fags and you still haven't figured out that Trump is controlled opposition.
That's what whiteys crave.
>Why are jews evil?
Because they are jews
this is the truth. that's why i'm going to marry my jewish gf and be a good goy and be jewish. at least my lineage is secure. jews are the master race after all
>Jew isnt a race
Explain the Talmud schlomo.
wouldn't him winning make him pretty bad controlled opposition?
No because they're going to use him as a terrible president to make the right look bad.
Look at his cabinet. He has chosen a bunch of (((bankers))) and corporate cocksuckers.
You really think he's on our side? He doesn't give a shit about us. He's the same as Hillary.
>Sup Forums's face
its fake but the message is real
but white people are and never forget it
Ben is BASED
He was one of the few that had the guts to call Trump out on his racism
meh. as long as he keep all the muslim (((refugees))) out of the country I'll be happy. with all the shit he's been going back on though, it looks like we can't even be positive that he's gonna do that.
>Woody allen
>Larry david
>Peter sellers
>throw the jew down the well, so my country can be free
Jews actually care about their country of Israel unlike white people in europe or america. You're one of the few people on this planet that can actually become a nationalist and have support from your government.
Jews are filth. It's the only thing they know from the mother's womb to the rest of their lives.
It's no all of them. The worst are selected and inducted to fame for reasons we know. Same for the goyim.
>Jews actually care about their country of Israel
Yes they have pride in their own country, but they shame white people and attack them for having pride in theirs. Nationalism is considered racist and evil if you're white but good if you're Jewish.
This is the hypocrisy of the Semites.
There's a reason why they've been kicked out of a 100+ countries. They're always the ones pushing homosexuality, drugs, porn, and multiculturalism
How does sterilizing someone stop the transmission of AIDS?
Protip: It doesn't.
not dropping any panties for a long time gives you big rage which can make you very strong at times and sometimes can make you so strong dropping (((someone))) down the well becomes a piece of cake
When the choice is "fight the good fight for the sake of muh white skin" or "fuck a jewish princess and join the winning team" the choice is pretty fucking obvious. As a whitey I have no ideals or history worth clinging to. May as well join the winning team.
>fuck a jewish princess
Jews are ugly though. Why would you even want to fuck some rat faced SJW whore with a hooked nose
Traitors like you are disgusting.
It's that or racial extermination innit? May as well lend my genes to theirs and even out those rougher features while securing a lineage for myself and my posterity yeah?
You are dooming your kids to a life as a hook nosed faux-white beta.
Pic related. Is that what you want your future son to be
False premise. Seinfeld for instance is an example of a totally "clean" Jew comedian, and on the flip side there's no shortage of "dirty" non Jew comedians. Propaganda thread.
>Jews are ugly though.
nice meme
There are definitely ones, but most of them are celebrities. The average jew girl you meet on the street is average or ugly as fuck
>As a whitey I have no ideals or history worth clinging to
Oh yeah you're right user. Centuries of European art, literature, music, science, mathematics, architecture, honor, bravery, strength. That's all bullshit isn't it. Let's embrace Jewish consumerism and faggotry instead that's way better.
Go fuck yourself, traitor.
And this is lost by me fucking a jewess how? All it does is give my little jewletts even more history to be proud of.
>implying average Jewish whores look like that, and not overweight hook nosed rats
You can find plenty of hot British girls too, but that doesn't change the stereotype does it
Your typical Jewess is ugly as dogshit.
This is why they killed him, right?
>Frederic Raphael, who authored the Eyes Wide Shut script for Kubrick recalled that Kubrick once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything, and I say this as a self-hating Jew. Israel is a racialist, theocractic, far-right apartheid state, yet its opportunistic and hypocritical supporters preach forced diversity and tolerance in host countries, while they profit off the created conflicts. The international Jew is a cancer and I mean, sure, its attempted systemic extermination might have been a bit of an overreaction, but this doesn't mean there isn't in fact still a Jewish problem, yet anyone daring to bring it up today is devilized and made an outcast, despite all nations having kicked them out at some point across centuries and all the generally agreed upon greatest minds throughout history having expressed Judeo-critical thoughts as well. A lot of them Jewish themselves, by the way, starting with Christ. Even Marx said that the modern commercialized world was the triumph of Judaism, a pseudo-religion whose god is money. Of course, one must not confuse the evil globalist elites with the respectable, common Jew, living a simple daily life, the term "antisemitism" is a fallacy, there is no such thing. These elites, corrupt bankers and media moguls, who got rich through centuries of usury and nepotism, hired me to fake the moon landing and I regret going along with their charade, I wanna atone for my sins, clear my conscience, that's what Eyes Wide Shut is about. Exposing them! The light will be restored once more." Fellow successful Jewish-born filmmaker Sam Raimi was visiting Kubrick on set that day to discuss camera techniques and was observed nodding in agreement and laughing repeatedly at those remarks. Kubrick's bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. Raphael was further puzzled over Kubrick's cryptic praise for Hitler, unable to decide if Kubrick was jesting.
Kubrick was redpilled.
He tried to warn us.
Like I said you are giving them a history of consumerism, faggotry, and weakness instead. They are like rats.
I'm Israeli and we have plenty of Russian, Polish, and German DNA in our collective gene pool due to our country being founded by diaspora Jews who mixed with their European countries of origin and then immigrated to Israel when they felt prosecuted during ww2 era. It's a mixed bag, we have Syrian and Turkish light skin blue eyes but also Spanish and Persian, definitely a lot of hot white girls in the street but there are ugly people everywhere in the world.
The only place where people are genuinely exceptionally ugly are in the hardcore orthodox closed communities where the in breeding happens, and that's where you get the pictures posted here of the iconic big nosed ugly Jew with the black suit and big hat, but there are also model level Russian sluts, the hot IDF girls you sometimes see posted here isn't entirely propaganda.
Kill yourself too, fucking kike.
How can a jewish man be this based? You sure this is leggit?
t. nigel the cuck
They look plain and average by Western standards, but they're probably model tier by kike standards.
Your average person is ugly as fuck though.
So you live in Israel, I'm curious about the place?
>what's it like
>what do most people think about the Arabs
>do certain Jews consider themselves white
>why is it so right wing
No, your average person is average. That's why they're called average you dense idiot. Ugly people are below average.
Because they're raised with jewish guilt and let out all of their repressions in adulthood.
Gee I wonder why
Nvm kubrick's comment, it was just banter
Those girls are plain and average in Israel. The fact is that Israel has some of the best looking women in the world. Deal with it neckbeard faggot.
Literally every episode was about sex and relationships.
Jews as a collective always rely on lies of past history of persecution. Just like how the supposed slavery in Egypt never happened, the Bible is obviously mostly made up too, then you arrive at the Holocaust.
It's always false myth bilding, then always infiltrating the dominating culture (Roman, German, US) till they break it down enough so the majority starts blaming the jews (rightfully, though individual jews have nothing to do with this, its simply the jewish nature which is the problem) and this repeats for eternity.
There has not been a single country where jews didnt get kicked out from.
Surely no matter how blue pilled and naive about history you might be that should tell you something about jews. No other groups of people were even close.
Blaming only everyone else is stupid, there IS something wrong with jews too.
I don't even start with the jewish identity thing: "we are not different from you, if you say we are you are a nazi, but we also themselves differentiate ourselves from you"
They always play a con game and thus you cannot trust them collectively. A jew will always support a jew against a non-jew, just like a muslim will always support a muslim etc.
They simply dont belong in white societies, no matter how smart they are.
>and be Jewish
Not how it works. You'll always be a goy
Did you see the interview with Gervais when he realises that Gervais isn't Jewish and his demeanour totally changes?
>I don't like what you're saying so I'll call you buzzwords
Typical Jewish witch hunting tactics.
Sorry no, it doesn't work like that. Your little Kikes will hate their history and work to demean it by nature. The power of the Shekel cannot be undone.
Jews have been kicked out of everywhere because they always end up making lots of money, consequently making them the actual rulers of every nation, and jealousy arises among gentiles
How does it not work like that? Isn't this the premise behind the fear that blacks and other races are breeding us out? Taint spreads both ways.
>sex jokes are the bottom of comedy
You mean racist jokes.
This is not true. Most jews were always dirt poor. Especially in Eastern Europe.
Even today, 50% of the real Orthodox jews are on welfare in Israel.
The 1% of the jews were richer than the 1% of non jews thanks to their lax business ethics which became famous in Hollywood and Wall Street later on. Jews dont like to play by the rules, and they almost never do.
All of the big Wall Street scammers were jews.