Sup Forums, are these guys fascists?

Sup Forums, are these guys fascists?

I do like a few of their songs but a friend laughed at me and said he'd "never buy their stuff because they're a bunch of fucking fascists"

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Weird way to spell faggots.

No, theyr not extreme left but left enough to not care about their political stances.

If by "Fascist" he means "German," because he is an illiterate moron who knows no history, then yes actually.

They have 2 songs that warn you against the semen demons. They happen to be my favourite ones

They're pretty redpilled

Yeah dude fucking astronauts and their ISS First movement put everything in the geocentric orbit at risk

lol rammstein fascists. I wish.

Links 2 3 4 (Left 2 3 4)
>They want my heart on the right spot
>but then I look below
>it beats left there

They're lefties.

No, they are not fascist, they barely talk about politics. Often declared to be are anti-war.

By the way, why should you care about what other people care? if you like their music just listen to it.
Mutter best album

fascism is great, it is against materialism and pro spiritualism

Accuse your friend of bigotry. Til and the gang are pretty left leaning, not so much as American musicians but still. Everything with Nazi iconography or themes is satire. Hell If I remember correctly most the band is from East Germany so they're Merkel's ilk.

Rammstein are pretty left wing

Not East Germany left wing mind, West Germany left wing

You only have to point you friend to their lyrics. Links 234 is a pretty good example. He literally says "My heart beats on the left" at one point.

They are anti-capitalism goys
you can't get more blue pilled than that

No, people just mistake them for Nazis because they're dumb, and Rammstein are angry Germans who produce industrial metal music and wear sill costumes.

I actually quite like them. Some of their songs are both fun to listen to and surprisingly deep if you read the translations.

I think they were joking

these people are the biggest meme-magics before Sup Forums even had a word for it

you know one time "Die Aerzte" invited Rammstein onto a "against-facism" concert, but they refused and said that actual nazis won't be intimidated by silly rock music

and then they got hated on by gov / media pack
and as a reaction to that they came up with this vid

And also, you probably don't realise this but they're the biggest music export germany ever had, and the german media completely ignores them, almost pretending they don't exist or they're just a "niche" band

>OP is so dumb he can't figure it out himself, he will just emotionally pick an answer which he will be unable to verify until he becomes smarter


you misunderstand this a bit

you know the "left" thing were they grew up is these days considered far-right-wing

You think Tito would have let hordes of mudslimes charge his country ? no

btw to all these people in this thread, you really think that they would even be allowed to play in germany if they claim to be a right-wing rock band?

Well even the Links official video is clearly anti-fascist. The ants (proletarian) are attacked and abused by the big shot tyrants (beatles).

Eventually the people revolt against them (viva la revolucion) and kill them.

But yeah, I think rammstein don't care about politics. The video and song was made because the german media kept accusing them of beeing fascists (and heavily censor their stuff). Same thing with ich will. It's also about media abuse.

Nope. They are not.

German mass media really is an insane self-absorbed bubble.

You do realize the word "fascist" in modern society just means someone I don't like right?

Yeah, sure. If you replace 'fascists' with 'communists'. Cuck-(((stein))) are about as fascist as Merkel.

"Angry german music must be fascist."
Way to go, also, Ärzte.

I wasn't saying angry German must be fascist. I was saying that's what a lot of people think because they're dumb.

The German voice lends itself really well to metal and bombastic military stuff. It has such a great coarse, harsh, curt set of sounds to it.

Saw them last week, was fucking amazing.

Do you really give a fuck what your friend thinks?

>buying music

Pretty sure they aren't allowed to play in Germany.

stop that non-sense
They're as redpilled as it gets

you expect them to sing "Opa war Stürmführer..." orwhat?

more like Leninists

Are you kidding me? Rammstein are about as cuck as it gets. That whole 'we are so nazi' thing is just a joke. They are probably waving around 'refugees welcome' signs in their freetime.

>And also, you probably don't realise this but they're the biggest music export germany ever had, and the german media completely ignores them, almost pretending they don't exist or they're just a "niche" band

They are not anywhere near the biggest music export Germany ever had. They're also not ignored by the german media. Everybody knows them and everybody knows they are succseful. They make news all the time. Recently Till Lindemann made news because he dressed like an afghan with explosives under his jacket on stage

they are neither left or right, they actually make a point of being non-political. But some of their songs are without a doubt what we would call "redpilled". And the Frontman Till Lindemann is most certainly an anti feminist.

Man, i would love to see them live

No, they genuinely want all to be living in America.
They are an exhibit in the Germany Zone for the edgy kids who think Micky Mouse is beneath them.
> Look at das hard rockin yah! GOTTIK! SO REBEL! SO ANTI- ! NO KIDS OR PARENTS ALLOWED!

If something like Memestein is called redpilled nowadays, then, by god, we are truly living in the end times.

>Sup Forums, are these guys fascists?

Not even slightly.

you're crazy

Till (or rather the figure he's trying to portray) is a man who cucks YOU and not the other way around

We don't want limp wristed men with tattooed spaghetti-arms and designer glasses

we want men, and if this rammstein thing give the youth and example its good

They're not though, they're pretty unequivocally leftist. They even wrote Links 234 specifically to get people off their back about being nazis, trying to prove you can make angry heavy metal militaristic music about being a lefty faggot.

Of course, I still like the music because it's angry heavy metal militaristic.

Žižek’s argument, as usual, is that this general position needs to be completely reversed. For Žižek, far from being sympathetic to Nazi ideas, Rammstein show us the ridiculousness of Nazism by allowing us to experience its emotional structure and the way it works by stirring us up into a violent frenzy, whilst attaching this to something divorced from Nazism completely. This shows us how Nazism works, and undermines its claim that our emotions are stirred by its greater cause or anything like that; they can be stirred up this way for anything, even for a New German Hard band like Rammstein. For Žižek then, ‘the way to fight Nazism is to enjoy these elements […] suspending the Nazi horizon of meaning and undermining Nazism from within.’

At best they are Nazi fetishist, at worst Marxists.

The gays weapon engineers have been working overtime since the Orlando attack.



How do they not suffocate without their helmets? It makes no sense.


I'm astonished to see how many german jews survived (around 50%) while Germany was the designated kike remover in the 40's. They say that doctor's children have the worst healthcare.

You're just now figuring that out Hans? Take a look around, Merkel has put the nail in the coffin for Germany.

Well they never admitted it but...they never took part in "Rock against Right" or other lefitst bullshit concerts as far as I know.

When asked why by some leftist journalist one of them replied:

>Why should we? What's the point of that? The rightists are there. Making an anti-right concert does not change anything. You should talk to those people not condemn them.

>We don't want limp wristed men with tattooed spaghetti-arms and designer glasses
>we want men
Is that what they call "oxymoron"?

>in Yuropoorland
you have to be joking. if they are they are incognito.

Germany hasnt even caught up with france and Britain yet 60%er