West. BTFO'd
>Month of peace
father of attacker said "it wasn't because of religion but because they hate radiohead"
Religion of peace not of cucks, americucks.
You repress people enough time for them to revolt in the most heinous ways.
They are at the end of their wits, true; but, they are fighters trying their best.
Enjoy fucking lefties shoving interracial mixing and liberal agenda while you dance around in this muppet stats, cucks.
>father of attacker said "it wasn't because of religion but because they hate radiohead"
That's fucking appalling, what a bunch of savages.
If it was Nickelback I could understand, but fuckin' shit man.
I'm not a sandnigger and I've also smashed up "radiohead" listening parties...
Radiohead are goat
هناك إله واحد فقط، واسمه هو الله.
Shhhh. Don't talk about goats in a thread where muslim visit.
Exactly. Muhammed loved lying and fucking 9 year olds.
Shouldn't have sinned on the holy month
No one should touch a man's beer.
If anyone touched my bear I would literally....kick him in the nuts and do very bad things in return.
Try that shit in 'murica, you Turkroach.
>those 'shoes'
Man, she got some nice tig ol bitties under that shirt though.
...but was he lieing about fucking a 9 year old? rly makes u think
No m8.
good ..fuck radiohead bunch of pussys...you know these fuckwads don't want make America great again
He's wearing a man bun, he got what he deserved.
who's your favorite alternative rock band? probably some gay shit like "the national"
Can someone tell me how this kind of thing doesn't shame slim or fit women? Saying that the body they have worked months for in the gym is unrealistic.
that man on the left looks familiar
Radiohead always sucked anyway. I don't care what you Sup Forums hipsters think.
>Can someone tell me how this kind of thing doesn't shame slim or fit women?
Because they can hide the body fat in the burqa or birkini.
Sorry m8 your cuntry is cucked and your women belong to Sharia law now.
was this picture taken in the Shire? why is everyone so short
This desu, or like we call them in Finland "suvaitsevaisuusnuttura" (tolerance bun).
Leftist fags and only leftist fags have those.
oh, I see
i said alternative rock not pop punk
Nah, here in Scotland, we'll be white for some time lad.
Finally, Radiohead have actually got something to moan about, the whiny middle-class cunts.
What am i looking at
when the attack happened, were they playing the song JUST?
>Nah, here in Scotland, we'll be white for some time lad.
This is true. I've been to Scotland and it's really nice, m8. Pure and simple, good people, and unlike Londonistan, there are values.
>inb4 Radiohead apologize to the attackers for the event offending them
Eat something Ahmed, you get angry when you are hungry
can someone post the tom yorke goofy face with ok kid underneath it
She clearly doesnt
> scotland
> values
I hope you enjoyed your weekend trip to edinburgh
Hahahahahaha, Blink 182 are awful. Radiohead's worst song is better than everything Blink 182 have made.
Besides all the heavy drinking/vomitting and loudness, I liked Edinburgh, lad.
Radiohead is probably the most overrated band of all time.
They're also insufferable lefty faggots.
They'll probably find a way to blame themselves for not being tolerant like the cucks they are.
You had to listen to them when you were like 13 to really appreciate it, I still do once in awhile for nostalgia but I've also moved way on in terms of taste.
Edinburgh is the least wild part of scotland short of st.andrews. Say what you want about the scottish but they aren't well mannered and dignified, they're depressed alcoholics who will kick you to death for blocking the entrance to aldi
Cant say I blame them this once
>There's no religion of peace where this man is from
>says Tanner from his basement suburb bedroom
i see what you did there
I don't care, I liked the Scots, lad.
Inverness was cool too.
Aye, can confirm. But this is also half of Yorkshire too. Its probably just the north that does it to us. Miserable weather and a bit of whiskey is all we have to keep us going.
It's at least a completely legit reason to attack.
Radiohead is ass. Always has been, Sup Forums.
Go away, Ahmed.
Fuck those leftist pieces of shit. Only made one good song.
radiohead btfo
Which one is the good one?
The Scientist
Is that his mum standing beside him?
Fuck the fags hating on radiohead and diverting the issue at hand: Muslim.
Radiohead is a great band.
Fact. When a man can't enjoy his beer because of a shitty religion, we're in trouble.
Get these sandniggers out of here.
أنت لا تعرف العربية
This, people should be shitting on mudslimes instead of saying "lol I hate Radiohead so I'm glad that mudslimes are being barbaric fuckers xD"
what language is that? urdhu?
fuck outta here with your gay scribbles you smelly fag
Hey Montie, you should stay on Sup Forums and leave Sup Forums forever.
>This, people should be shitting on mudslimes instead of saying "lol I hate Radiohead so I'm glad that mudslimes are being barbaric fuckers xD"
Paid shills by Saudi govt. infiltrating every nook and cranny of the internet. Starting with Twitter.
They know that Sup Forums has a strong voice so they infiltrate here first and try to derail conversation.
Typical kike-style manipulation, but this time, for the barbaric religion called islam.
Who comes up with the bright idea to perform in a muslim country?
Up next Bieber fans attacked at concert in jungle hosted by FARC.
It was a live stream that took place in a record store.
Turkroach country is supposed to be the most "forward thinking" mudslime country in the world, but apparently not. Kek
>middle-class cunts
Attacker shouted 'U2 BETTER'. My uncles shopkeeping 12 year old whore say he heard it
Retard American that's arabic
Looks like shit.
Kek I knew he was small, but damn.
No wonder his music is so depressing
>Thinking class is a matter of money
wew lad
Subterranean Homesick Alien
But that's one of the worst songs on OK Computer. Almost every other song is better.
He's 5'5
But they're not allowed to critcize the Turks who attacked, that would be racist.
Instead they have to blame the cis white males that saved them.
Well considering classes are divided by the amount of money one has, yes.
>Thinking it isn't
Go back to bongistan, faggot.
Doesn't it feel like we're stuck in the middle of a subversive war between the merchants and kebabs? It seems like we're pawns that both sides try to convert to their cause whether it be remove kebab or gas the kikes.
I think Christians and secularists need to unite to purge both ideologies.
Atleast they stand for their religious values.
Lesser than Manlet.
Better and bigger than your shitty language.
Your spelling.
you could have prevented this
There are so many things going on in this picture.
>hur dur, all muslims are terrorists
literally kys rn
fuck, I used to like Radiohead but not if they're going to be islamophobic assholes. nasheed > readiohead.
>avorite alternative rock band?
they were always a meme band and a hard-on. no one even knows any other song other than "Creep" but it was trendy to talk about how you loved "OK Computer" rather than admitting it was shit.
My fav "alternative rock?" There is no such thing, it's just jews pushing thumping african tribal beats or girls being sluts.