Spain really knows how to make a show.
Spain really knows how to make a show
the moorish girl was best girl
Thats Chile , best show to fap
>tfw kissless virgin
>tfw no qt latino gf
That's not Spain, you idiot.
>dat sweet brown chocolate
Someone already told us, dumbarse.
Time for a new Pinochet.
latin american tv is patrician fap materialo
does anyone know where i can order a full series of strip dance from argentina? they used to be on youtube but they got removed. thanks
fuck off croat shit
Literalmente unas putas totales, viva el patriarcado arriba el machismo dinero por sexo yahooo
wtf I love spics now?!
Man, I wish shows like this existed in the US when I was a kid. All I had to fap to was Wild on E and Girls Gone Wild commercials
and bikini bottom
Dem thighs
god shes hot
Why do they only put white people on South American TV when most of the population are mestizo manlets?
It's almost like white people are far more attractive than non-whites
chile senpai, chile
>average chilean
I didn't see a single white person.
>two time Copa America champions
That's because you're not white.
>nobody does it right
fucking pathetic
>Sup Forums memes in Sup Forums
Glorified gypsies.
I need to fuck now.
girl 3mins in T H I C C
>that face
Are you retarded or just blind?
what is this show even about?
jebi se :(
Technology questions/solutions program. 4pm every afternoon. Very progressif.
uncalled for
ovo je sada /hrv/
*nagne sajkacu*
>Calling someone retarded for the incredibly subjective topic of appearance
Gas yourself kike.
damn u weones
Thanks now I have to walk down stairs to my family and try not to break by dick off hiding this boner between my legs. Am I a beautiful trap now?
I'm Chilean, and that show it's just about shit like that. They sometimes play drinking games live and talk about sexuality with stupid models so everyone can get horny with their very sexual answers.
literally what is the point of this segment
Do they tell the ladies "ok doll it's time to show off your legs, sit down now"
like wtf
You are gay?
no, i enjoy the show.
>not "are you gay?"
Habla bien, tira flecha.
that's rather sexist
you are rather gay
Why yes good sir, I am quite of a cuckold, I enjoy seeing my wife get fucked by bulky men
No esperes mucho de la television latinoamericana. El comportamiento de su poblacion gira alrededor de lo sexual.
>¡Ay virgencita, virgencita, porfas deme la posibilidad de cortejar a la lupita! Que ganas de ensartarla toda y dejarle cinco chamacos para luego irme a la verga...
El chicANO
all women are whores
>nigger attractiveness levels
>le anyone who disagrees with me is a kike
Kill yourself faggot.
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!
Dat pussy must be so sweet.
fucking hell guys when will we get some of that
>toc show
este post entero
remember what was promised to us...
lol what is this show?
Spics are such vulgar, crass pigs.
fucking whores.
This will be someones mother one day.
Imagine the shame
Anyone has the name of the girl?
They're latinas, this is daily life over there.
Dont you worry they are operated from moral and end up having better life and money than anyone here will ever have.
Paula Bolatti
They are all disgusting roastie whores who only made it to television because they fucked the producers hard enough.
Well if i wasn't creep after 7 years of this shithole I will become one now.
Holy fuck I need this type of girl in my life.
you sound so cool and manly
>muh degeneracy
fuck off back to /r9k/ you worthless piece of shit autist, or better yet just do the world a favour and kill yourself
tumblr is sure triggered today!
>/r9k/ called out
>yells tumblr
shoo shoo roastie
Fucking why man.
Every user here deserves some of that sweetness.
Hell I would share it with you guys if I had it.
Imagine the lucky sons being taught how to be a big boy...
thank you
Yes, and the woman enjoy it because they are in on the joke, and they have a naughty sense of humor just like the men do.
Not like in the White washed USA where if a female talk show guest was asked to do the same the bitch would start screaming Rape Culture.
I really want to see this girls tits, holy shit what a rack.
Have you ever hung out with women? They love doing things like this.
>Not like in the White washed USA where if a female talk show guest was asked to do the same the bitch would start screaming Rape Culture.
You know, like 20 years ago this would have been okay in the US too. Racy but okay.
What the fuck happened?
reminder that sabado gigante no longer exists
dios mío las hamburguesas estas, no he visto cosa más retrasada en mi vida que la mierda que brota en vuestro país
The 90's were progressively getting more and more 'edgy'. Mtv used to air Spring Break shows where they would show close ups of a girls ass in a g-string. E! had Howard Stern messing around with porn stars, and shows like Wild On.
Then Janet Jackson Superbowl half-time show, and 9/11 turned Television into Pussyvision™, after that everything had to be child friendly.
A show called Son of the Beach that aired on FX back in 2002 at 10pm would show girls walking around on the beach in thongs. Saw a re-run of the same episode in 2013 at 12:30AM, and the girls the same girls ass had been blurred.
Mtv did a lot of self censoring as well. They stopped showing their yearly spring break shows, and even went as fare as to banning some sexy music videos like Britney Spears's "Toxic" along with a few other videos that had lyrics that said "Let the bodies hit the floor"
>violence is censored to hell and back in my country
>bare tits and sexy women are fair game in early evening tv programs
being in europe has its benefits sometimes