America, give up your firearms

America, give up your firearms.


America needs to join the rest of the civilised world in terms of gun control. For example, Australia banned its guns in 1994 after a mass shooting, the people agreed, and there hasn't been one mass shooting since, Not one. On the other hand, America, with its "gun culture" refuses any reasonable agreements to give up and restrict its arms to military/hunting use, There were 50 people killed in Orlando thanks to Americas idiotic "guns for all" licences and there have been many mass shootings since that.

For the good of your people and nation America, ban guns!

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a "some guy post Holocaust Horsey comics edited to be leftist propaganda" episode


>Not one.
[citation needed]

But, there's only going to be one post by this id in the thread.
29 killed 130 injured by a knife
50 killed by a knife

Baning guns won't stop mass killings they will just chose another weapon and be just as successful..

Fuck off!

Come and take them. See how well that works for you.
I'm never giving them up.

>"on this country we cut everyone hands since 2000, it has been 16 years since someone was punched."
>"no one being punched is a good thing"

gun baning people.jpg

PS: this come from someone that would be afraid of even touching a guy and that, years ago had the same stupid opinion and even voted to ban guns on my country referedum (thanks god, most people said no).
People can change, I already saw the light, please do the same.


Math FTW

If those increases are with proportion to population growth, then your implied argument is void.

The rest of the civilized world can go fuck itself.

Weak bait you bellend

>Australia banned its guns in 1994 after a mass shooting, the people agreed

like fuck we did

It is actually time for our government to give up its guns. The government was created as a servant of the people. We gave the government the privilege of using weapons to carry out its appointed duties. We have reached a stage where the servant is attempting to usurp the power of the master. We don't want violence - we just want the government to stand down, and disarm itself. If not...let the games begin. ANYONE can be killed. That includes the president, congressmen, governors, and mayors. Those who oppose the will of the people must be rounded up and shot.

Fuck off Britcuck. Worry about your own shitty country. You faggots have your own problems.

Why do other countries think they even have a say in what the fuck we do on our own soil. Fuck them. Especially Bongfags. They should just fuck off back to their own issues.

I don't think Eurocucks are civilized much anymore, especially because of the Islamic Invasion that's Occurring currently.
Besides, banning guns won't do shit if a crim can get them Illegally.



>fearing a one world government
Why? Imperialism is the white man's creed.

If my lgs is any indicator, the people really fucking want to have AR-15s so I'm gonna say, fuck off.

How long did you have to dig to find those outliers, lad?

>america, be like everyone else

We are not a perfect country but we didn't get to where we are today by giving a fuck about euros think about us and how we operate, so blow it out your ass.

Also remember to sage folks.

>Just outliers
>Mass murder only happens the US
What do you guys plan to do about rape gangs?

It's all proxies, it's the reason why you see so many rare flags.

1 post by this ID

And you chose to represent that point with a statistic that shows the rate of homicides in the US as the second highest on the list

Also, it has nothing to do with the point being argued anyway.

I hope you're at least being paid good money for acting this retarded.

>1 post by this ID
The DNC have resorted to shilling on Sup Forums. It just doesn't make sense why they think they can accomplish anything.

i mean you can't be this dumb, look at your own ID, it's also 1 post. it's a per thread thing, not a board wide history

seeMass murders occur all over the world on a regular basis.
see Gun policies have no measurable effect on homicide per capita.

>the trend in assaults shows an average growth of 5% each year, 4x the annual growth of the australian population in the same period

>sexual assaults have increased at an average of 4% each year

Ignore amertard shitters, a nation doesnt need 100 weapons per capita, thats just absurd and irreponsible and irreprehensible and irresistable
All guns need to be banned, firearm proliferation will only work with more shootings because gun nut theory is all about scaring criminals with idea of localised M.A.D. and M.A.D. doesnt work

4th highest retard

probably 5th if you count the recent attacks in france

probably 6th soon the way germanys headed

>M.A.D. doesnt work
The lack of nuclear war over the past 70 years is just a coincidence.

>America needs to join the rest of the civilized world

and that's where I stopped reading. If you're going to shill and shitpost, at least try to be more creative. You're boring us.

you don't need the internet, it should be banned.

P-Value: 0.678...

That's pretty shitty. I love me a good correlation plot like anyone, but this one is very obviously shit.

50 more

That's the point, household gun ownership has no reliable effect.

No, Yank. A high P-Value suggests that whatever correlation coefficient you've calculated is not statistically significant. Such that if you were to repeat the experiment, you would find, with a statistically significant chance, a very different value. In other words, the odds are that this correlation value could be due to mere chance.

This suggests that the R values are not due to chance.

>America, give up your firearms.
Nice try, retarded NRA guy!

people didn't agree, politicians passed a law without public input a day afterwards

You're right though
Internet, phone, and mail allows you to communicate with other people to organize crime
Cars allow you to perform the crime, get away, or even use the automobile as a weapon
Religion serves no purpose *tips leftist fedora* and only makes people into bigots that believe everything they read from a book because thats what the book says
You dont need any of those things to live, so they all need to be banned
The only reason anyone wants a phone is because all their friends have phones

>In other words, the odds are that this correlation value could be due to mere chance.
That's the point, household gun ownership has a small R^2 that is not likely to be causal while things like poverty and homicide have an R^2 that is small and yet still likely to be causal due to it's low P-value.

You can still buy guns in Australia


No, read again. If your p-Value is high then that specific R-value is not significant. It means that you should not infer any correlation or lack of correlation from that statistical test. It's not surprising given the small data set.

This test shows that the lack of correlation is statistically significant, whereas this one is not.

In a world where we could actually get rid of guns having a ban on most or all would actually be worthwhile. However, gun bans usually only hurt people who wouldn't shoot up a school and does shit for those degenerates. We need to address mental health much more than we need to address guns but that's too expensive so they go after the easier target.

This rotten old cunt who is the unelected head of our country can do pic related, whilst (You) cannot even carry pepper spray in public.

The King of England could just come into your home and kill you and get away with it, because of who they are its not just a NRA meme.

Britain isn't even a democracy its a shitty jewified monarchy that is in the same Tier as Saudi Arabia for free speech. Due to the Monarchy being able to elect lords which are not elected by the queen in (((constitutional democracy))).

We have unelected (((lord rothschild))),(((Lord Browne))) who illegally decimated the gulf coast of louisiana with BP and the house of commons is headed by (((John Bercow))) who used to fuck little boys in holland.

Yet you don't even complain about the dick in your arse, you cry yes thank you master!

You are the fucking property of some old bitch. Why should you be the boss of me?

Why do you all hate freedom?

Fuck you, people like you are the reason we can't even defend ourself in Europe now.

Based britbong.

The point is OP comes in with a stupid bait thread and then just leaves. You dumb leaf.

>horsey edits
please let this be a thing



Very good.

Thanks for posting the real one.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

is that Evangelion?


the first one happened today faggot

xinjiang muzzies are fuckin lunatics


So this chart would be better evidence for the lack of correlation between homicide and gun ownership per state?

>muh, muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.

The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.

The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.

>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:

From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.

>b-b, but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:

Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.

>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:

>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:

keep the hood safe H

>91% white German

you'll understand soon enough, the only reason America is where it is, is because of demographics and everyone know it.

Yes. Including Louisiana devaluates the significance (credibility if you want) of the statistical test, as you can see the P-Value shoot up. It's a sign that your sample size is too small that including or excluding a single data point more than doubles the P-Value. Interpreting a P-Value is a science on its own, most people go with the rule of thumb that states that anything below 0.05 is significant.

Next time, you could break down the data into chunks (i.e. not taking state-wide aggregates, but rather use county-scale data), that would eliminate the sensitivity to a single or a handful data points.

gee I wonder what can be done to fix this

> a brit wants to dearm america

fuck off

>rest of the world banned them
Switzerland seems to be doing fine with their lax gun laws. (hint: no niggers)

>ban those AR-15 salt rifles
Less than 10% of gun murders are committed with rifles, and even less of that percentage are committed with ARs, or other modern semi-autos. Banning ARs is relatively pointless, and mostly shits on honest citizens.

What you autists don't comprehend is that the US is a huge country of many seperate states, each with differing regions and cultures and crime rates. Conservative rural whites shouldn't be forced to abandon their guns, just because some nignogs 1,000 miles away in a different state can't stop killing each-other. The US is based on individualism, not a hivemind.

Also, gun control is a form of eugenics; since most gun deaths are from criminals killing each-other, and we’re overpopulated anyway.

its part of the plan m8

keeping the 13 colonies is just a meme

keep the hood safe H
Wait. If the "shitskins" are the problem why are we trying to emulate them?
Keep your guns clean and ammo dry, Mr Hickok!

All of you. Reading this thread. Just take a step back. Breathe.

This is someone trying to false flash flag and bait you. You probably know that, but want to respond anyways.

Just calm down. Now, I want you to type out your response - but don't send it just yet. Just look at the words you made. Take them in, read them out loud. Wait one minute in its entirety.

Now, I want you to hold backspace until it's all gone. All the words, the ugliness, the meaningless links and evidence that he won't even read.

Now, if you're ready, I want you to leave the thread. I want you to enjoy your day, to spend your time talking about things you love rather than people you don't. Every time you feel like you want to respond to a false flag, or bait, or just someone stupid, I want you to do what you did in this thread. You will feel happier when you do.

Remember, the change within yourself starts with you. All you have to do is take the first step.

I love you

a good video with Colbert and O'really

Actually there have been four mass shootings since.

The only meme is your insignificant island in the dustbin of history.

>see that son?
>that's an english faggot

>one post by this ID

Ah well, at least I may have informed some other plebs about guns in America with my pasta.

eternal anglo at it again

M.A.D. is the only thing that does work and the reason you're not a serf, you dumb cow.

Stop sucking the elite's cock.

If you can't hit your target in the first 10 rounds, you're going to die anyway.

Not necessarily.