Really not into metal typically but I've been enjoying the hell out of this...

Really not into metal typically but I've been enjoying the hell out of this. I like the emphasis placed on atmosphere / concise songwriting with no needless guitar wankery. Any of you guys have recommendations?

Other urls found in this thread:

Their album demigod is their best. There is a metal general everyday though you should check there.


>slow, deep, and hard
>has a song about Jackhammer rape


>half of the songs are about getting cucked


>guy says he's not into metal
>dude check out metal general

>hey, I like this one album, anyone have something similar in mind?
>yes, here, check out this 60 hours of music, you can figure out for yourself what's similar

Most of that chart is metal for people who are too grown up to like metal, which is OP.

Immolation - Close to a World Below.

Not OP here.

I don't know if I should feel trolled or thankful for a list like this. I fucking love half the albums here and haven't heard of the other half so I'm fucking ready.

Listen to pretty much any Atmospheric Black Metal band.

Nice list though Deafheaven is shit.

fits stylistically I'd say

its a great chart user- ill pick an album every time its posted and give it a whirl. i've only been disappointed once or twice.

Listen to Celtic Frost- To Mega Therion

is it even possible to be this much of a stereotype?

A stereotype of what?

Yeah but he is angry about getting cucked and thrashes the "twat" that cheated on him so he himself is not a cuck also Peter Steele was manlier than most people on this board combined

Every album, that I've heard, from this chart is fucking amazing.

Love that album as well user, think you will like this band. Absolutely love this album. Am I gay?

Is Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel the best metal album opener of all time?