You LITERALLY have 5 seconds to tell me why you're not in a sexy interracial relationship
You LITERALLY have 5 seconds to tell me why you're not in a sexy interracial relationship
Your nigger daddy sucked my dick last night.
she turns 18 in november and i live in cuckfornia
Sorry i cant explain it to you in 5 seconds, also you have a shit attention span.
I'm not a cuck
I am
Gosling has the worst tattoos ever. WTF was he thinking
>procreate with nigger
offspring has lower, diluted IQ
>procreate with east asian
offspring has small dick
>procreate with muslim of any race
offspring is forever alienated and will probably join ISIS
just, we can't
the goose does as he pleases
People with ADD are more creative. Stay mad
You have to be kidding me if you think Elon Musk doesn't have it
What are Latinas and mixed black girls/Westernized 'muslim' women?
Because the hot black bitches I fap to hate me because I'm a racist.
Black women are ugly.
Asian women either have huge jaws and big round faces, or look like 12.
So, white women it is.
My hand is paler than my dick.
Latinas may be an option, some of them are like >75% european heritage.
That movie was awesome.
Enjoy your feminism and eventual divorce
>procreate with an Italian
a smelly, stinky, hairy, brown nigger
Can't find any white people. :^)
Because I don't want to give my child a mental disability. Race mixing is equivalent to drinking while pregnant.
Because niggers are smelly, and stupid, and will rob you. They need to be exterminated.
i feel you brother
That isn't an interracial relationship. Northern European and Southern European.
The hilarious thing about these virgins is that the white girls that they're white knighting will actually LAUGH THEM OUT OF THE ROOM if they heard them say it, lol.
Reminds me of the alt right lashing out on muslims to defend gay guys, and they just were called racist bigots. That's exactly what the roasties that they're defending would say
It only is, because society shits on the mixed kid.
I have zero interest in fucking up my family tree
fuck off normie scum
I actually am. My kids are going to speak Spanish. No fucks given
what are Sup Forums's thoughts on 50% white 50% hispanic girls?
'Cause i am not a kike you nigger
Do you really have a problem with having children with Hispanics
I can understand not wanting a Indian mestizo baby but not wanting a bit of melatonin in your child skin is a bit silly
I am.
White women may look better in some cases but they can't hold a torch to submissive old-fashioned feminine Asian girls.
Marry a white girl and argue 90% of our relationship just for her to divorce me 5 years later?
Nah, I rather marry an asian girl that will treat my like royalty, worship my "giant" dick and knows that once she gets married she's in it for life.
It I am
Because I don't attract saucy Latinas with huge aeroelas
But boy if I did
Because my list of relationships is already diverse enough.
A pole, a Dutch girl, A Russian and a Serb.
Why should I add any interracial women?
I'm not even attracted to any and my kids would be raised up all fucked up not sure what they really are.
I have self-respect.
I'm not sure if you jest, leaf
I'm not attracted by other races.
I find Black women repugnant, both psychically and mentally.
I am in one, with an Asian
> tfw no bean gf
Because sheboons are fucking gross, don't know any Asians as I still live in a white area, no Hispanic bitches worth my time that aren't ghetto garbage cunts with an IQ higher than 85
They are generally hot af
Kill yourself
>talks about interracial relationships
>posts a photo of a white man + a white woman
You went full retard, son.
BAHAHAH listen to these neckbeards
Literally kill yourselves
She's literally white though, just her ancestry.