It leaked

it leaked

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leak it deak





link it son

nice try

who cares


what gives?

Leak pls

I want you to know how much I hate you

so much this.

this band is diet animal collective.
i don't think anything could be more plebeian.

INB4 nobody talks about it after it gets released

here is the opinion of a true faggot


it did not leak


>hurr durr look at me im a retard

For all the people upset this didn't actually leak and now the wait for the album seems longer, just listen to all the singles in a row then you'll be good :)

have a nice day

But mgmt is way better than anco

get out son

spoken like a true faggot

how plebian do you have to be to think that mgmt are better than animal collective jesus christ

how plebian do you have to be to think that animal collective are better than mgmt jesus christ

Do you realize how pointless this type of argument is?

>they're less known so they're better
not him but you're a faggot. the best MGMT album is better than the best AC one

nah, because it is actually true? how can you argue the objective truth lmao ffs

how plebeian do you have to be to actually think animal collective is better than MGMT because they're a Sup Forums meme band?

damn you got me

Except it’s not

we good bro congratulations is a banger tbf

No it’s “not good bro” you come to our mgmt thread, shit on them and think you can get away with it while saying anco is better? Fuck that! you should be put down like the moronic dog that you are

i take it back we are definitely not good, but not for the reasons you stated

other reasons

Other reasons you can’t explain

I believe the aforementioned "other reasons" were perfectly clear - although i'm not surprised that an mgmt loving plebian like yourself didn't have the mental clarity to see lmao



No it wasn’t you autist. you only said mgmt is diet anco.

S/T is better than anything AnCo has ever put out.

It's shit.

that wasn't me

and are you actually being serious I can't tell now

then wtf are you talking about

I was implying that the reason we are not good anymore is because you said "you should be put down like the moronic dog that you are"

that was mean bro, i thought we bonded over our differences in taste for a moment

I shouldve known that humor gets lost on anco fans so i guess i am sorry for that.

ironic because my response was also a joke

how many layers deep are we in right now

i hate onions

wrong man

thanks deak

false totally. both bands are great for their own reasons but no way in hell is mgmt better

Mgmt thread killed by two mongoloids that cant live without feeling suprior to the other. Thanks alot faggots

More like this mgmt thread was saved

i have als

MGMT for life baby

The cover art sucks

you suck


>mainstream music for plebs is better than STGSTV
That's a feeble enticement, lad.

________ is better than mgmt and anco combined

your mum in bed


Fuck You

where at