You are a hateful and anti social man in your mid twenties. You blame everyone else for your problems and you vent your social and sexual frustrations on a Japanese cartoon forum. You unironically worship a cartoon frog named after the Orc laugh in world of Warcraft. How did this happen?
What Went Wrong?
>what went wrong?
I was born part Ashkenazi Jew. I look like Bobby Fischer but slightly less Jewish
Black Transgender Jewish Feminist Muslims from Mexico
A mix of Freud and demographics reading. Think this is enough to reject kek.
But I'm only 20
But I have money, job, girlfriend, etc. What else am I supposed to have that I'm failing at so hard
We are literally fighting what you are saying. SJW are anti-social [insert weird gender here] that blame white people for their problems and vent their sexual frustration by circlejerking on leddit and masturbating to MLP rule 34.
Single mother, medication culture and public education.
>fighting for a cause
>not doing it for the lulz
Man... what the fuck happened.. 9 years ain't even a long time.
Changed schools for my final year of high school. School said there wasn't enough people registered for courses I needed to go into health/medicine and would have to take a fifth year. I went home and cried and was depressed all year. Fifth year comes and they tell me they're not offering the courses again unless more people sign up for second semester. Second semester comes and no classes. Depressed af and do nothing for all second semester and next year. Eventually settle for accounting at a reputable university and am doing well.
I'm two years behind in life and my dream of becoming a radiologist is long gone.
The Jews, obviously.
Im too unique
22 and i'm going to be responsible for the ethnicide of all blacks at this rate
slide thread, same canadian shitposting op as the country ranking one.
because we're right
>pre electrical apprentice
>have a small group of friends oh 3 guys spend like 50% of my time with them but know they recently got jobs were they work nights and get mon and tuesday off so ill been bored as fuck.
other than that i'm alright
I'm 30
What's that you want advice from a wise old gentleman ?
Always take ice cold showers, solves everything.
The Eastern Campaign.
can't find more to laugh at than on here baby
I was born a cynical asshole.
The normalfag life was never meant for me. Becoming red pilled was my fate. Also
What this user said.
>How did this happen?
Jews and feminism happened. Both of these things ruined my future and I am rather bitter about it.
Why the frog tho?
Kek is the true god. There's no hell.
This isn't Sup Forums