it all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
Stop harassing me online!
I seem to remember them saying the democrats would gain seats in 2014.
Yeah Trump just went past the republican high point and he only drew with Clinton. It's still a long way to go but it's not looking good.
Note how Hilary doesn't seem to actually go up at all. That silly tweet from Trump really shot himself in the foot, but people will forget.
They always forget.
How come that right after surpassing her it's started to come down? Doesn't seem like a coincidence to me
>trump goes down
>clinton stays the same
>plots that dont start at 0
It looks like a manipulated poll because clinton didn't move, trump magically lost voters. This just means trump didn't lose any ground to clinton.
He'll get a boost next month after he's officially the nominee, just as clinton when sanders started licking her taint and signaling he's going to play the roll of the cuck.
Honestly not even worried, we're going to win.
People said the same thing about Brexit when we were 10+ points behind, now look at us.
yeah, the polls had 20% repub 50% dem
Sup Forums when Trump had 0.1% lead:HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING
Sup Forums when Hillary has 6% lead:meh it's manipulated
do you guys not see how retarded this is?
He's been gaining on her since Orlando, and that's with polls over sampling democrats
>when Trump had a lead over Clinton despite the pool size having more demos than repubs
>"Holy shit"
>when Trump loses the lead to clinton due to the pool size having more demos than repubs
>"Well that was expected"
Nice try tho
it's confirmation bias. Sup Forums is utterly awash with it.
>gaining on her since orlando
>polls after orlando are both +5 and +9 her
whatever helps you sleep, user-kun
Where are those disappearing voters going? Back to "undecided," or is Johnson starting a sneaky rise?
I'm not all of pol, I'm 1 person in the hive. Trump has been catching up to clinton this whole time, so some pollacks think trump is becoming the leader in the polls. I'm just pointing out that the poll didn't really change, hillary hasn't gained any new voters, it was trump that somehow lost them. I don't care much about the polling numbers because this shit will oscillate for months and what actually matters is the electoral vote. An electoral poll is vastly more interesting anyway.
You are on a troll containment board, that may come into play from time to time.
Clinton will still lose.
Her probably isn't going to be a lack of popularity in the home phone polls. It's going to be a lack of people bothering to go vote.
Latinos and especially blacks are mostly just not going to vote this year. That's my prediction. They won't vote for Trump, but Clinton does not enthuse them enough to actually get them out of the house on election day.
Trump will win due to weak Democrat turnout.
and at the convention bernie is gonna give a nice long speech about keeping the psycho white nationalist out of office and polls will swing even further towards clinton. trump will never win, Sup Forums is just in denial
It started to go down after the comments he made about the Mexican judge and it looks like it'll go down further after his comments on the Orlando shooting if the current polls are to be believed
>1 post ...
Ahh, I'm not even going to finish that
That grossly fraudulent poll will be exposed if the US can manage to stave off Soros' organized election fraud.
czechoslovakia did this
>Happening occurs that would easily help Trump
>all of a sudden they zerg rush polls that show him down
Also, anybody (including people proTrump) that thinks the election is over when the debates haven't even fucking started is a moron
>Clinton will still lose
Pic related is you getting Clinton's saggy prolapsed asshole shoved down your throat on election day
why doesn't hillary go up?
It's over
Who will you vote for?