Give me the most pretentious, tryhard movie you can think of

Give me the most pretentious, tryhard movie you can think of

Other urls found in this thread:

Air Bud 2

the dark knight rises
>planned as the biggest of the silent era
>inspiration from a tale of two cities
>result: meme for eternity

The force awakens. Oh wait they didn't try hard at all, they just remade ep IV

Stupid american

Collateral Beauty


B-but it has better CGI and more diversity and grrl power! Therefore it's a completely different film!


anything by Federico Fellini, but 8 1/2 in particular

The Tree of Life

It's certainly the most pretentious (and arguably worst) movie this year. I'm glad the critics and audience saw past Will Smith's desperate plea for an Oscar.


Lost in Translation

It's Such a Beautiful Day

anything by Terrence Malick

either of these:
enter the void

This tbqh. Can't believe everyone is falling for it.

Guardians of the Galaxy


synecdoche new york

>american beauty
>fight club
>shawshank redemption


literally reddiт the animation

Dead man

I vitelloni is actually very chill

you done?

>shawshank redemption
So you've never seen Shawshank Redemption is what you're saying.

no, i'm saying it's quite pretentious

You can't follow simple narrative?

It's the most basic flick ever made you fuck

which makes it pretentious

>was the inspiration for American Graffiti

I'll give it a shot. I love Italian movies I just generally can't stand neorealism or any of the directors involved in the movement

I'm pretty sure 8 1/2 and La Dolce Vita aren't part of the neorealism movement.
Why can't you stand neorealism? (I think 8 1/2 is attends more to surrealist values)

Dolce Vita and I Vitelloni are my favorites from him.

>the holy mountain

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


fuck you

God Bless America

any other answer is OBJECTIVELY WRONG

Pls gib oscar
t. Will Smit

The life of pi
the million dollar baby
O brother where art thou?
Any cape shit.

Digits confirm.

donnie darko

Fight Club

>Air Bud 2
>not Seventh Inning Fetch

Air Bud 2 was a respectable sequel gone wrong because of shaky production. Seventh Inning Fetch throws all realism and with it potential to warm hearts out the window to get the le xDD doge sports!! crowd.




Easily anything from Bresson


lars von trier is so full of himself


what a shit thread

>i don't understand it so it's pretentious

Not really, he just had a different view of what cinema is, very unique and interesting too in my opinion.

Every other film you mentioned at least manages to do something right, but BvS not only is terrible but it pretends to be deeper than it really is.

>It's a Sup Forumsedddit episode where the extras think that just because they don't understand it the film is pretentious and that any attempt at artistic or philosophical expression in film is pretentious even though Malick knows full well what he's talking about

My least favourite episode

Trips of truth.

I thought you were kidding but its real

such a good cast too

all that mad deserves a (You)

>Even the world getting destroyed had to be artsy and overdone
Yeah this is a contender for sure.

your favorite movie

Nolan filmography

Yeah how fucking dare something be artistic

this movie was so weird

we need more artless and commercial film thats for sure

Saturicon beats it imo. Single handedly ended by Fellini phase.

it was somewhat interesting for about an hour

then it went on for 2 more fucking hours and i wanted to claw my eyes out

yea thats pretty much how I felt as well.

is this the oscar bait thread because I can name many blatant oscar bait movies like

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

>I'm pretty sure 8 1/2 and La Dolce Vita aren't part of the neorealism movement.
true, but they're born from that movement, several neorealist directors went on to make "surrealist" movies which while stylistically different in many ways are just as dull

>Why can't you stand neorealism?
I hate somber realism in movies, period. I like my films fantastical and escapist, with larger-than-life characters. I'm a big fan of Golden Age Hollywood and genre picture in general. Those kinds of "contemplative" films that were popular in Europe in the middle of the 20th century, they bore me to tears. Watching them feels like doing homework

>dude shots of nebulas and volcanos for 8 fucking minutes straight LOL

Why people love this pretentious nonsense is beyond me

Simple Jack

Ok I understand, I still love watching slow cinema and am an arthousefag so I guess we disagree on that. Golden Age Hollywood is God Tier though.

And I agree the neorealists aren't my favorite either, except for some Bunuel in Mexico.


Metal Gear Solid 4

What's wrong with nebulae and volcanoes faggot?

good pick

Ing this thread

Mr Nobody


The absence of this flick from this thread makes me realise how forgetable this shit was