Canada ranked most admired country in the world

> Canada ranked most admired country in the world

> America not even top 20

Don't feel too bad though, you guys still top the charts in some things, such as mass shootings.

"By who?"
"For what?"

America is not so great

>NZ in the top ten
Shitty fake rankings. Nobody "admires" NZ.

really makes you think huh?

It's official, you're no longer our hat. We're now your pants.



nuke us


slide thread

Mexico is the pants, south america is the dirty shoes and you're the fat belly.

They are objectively the most legitimate government on Earth. Only Aus and NZ have representative democracy, and of the two, NZ has partial proportional representation instead of still relying on ancient geographic representation.

You're not our real dad!!!!

>implying anyone knows anything about Canada besides maple syrup and moose

I know, I'm your alcoholic uncle ;^)

Canada is a shit hole with a shit economy and everything costs an arm and a leg, it's really hard to survive if you're poor.

lol what the fuck

I admire a country that would have the guts to elect such a brave handsome man as president

USA as a country is over

It's wrecked

time to go home bohys

Brits beaten again. It just keeps happening.


>implying anyone knows anything about America apart from guns and diabetes

Am I the only one noticing a rise in Irish anti-brit posting?

Are you lads jealous of Brexit?

>a rise

If Canada is ranked #1 then what rank is the U.S.?


why? why- are we even on this? How can I take this seriously if Belgium is right below us.

Who the fuck admires Belgium.

lel who cares. They'll admire us when we have to bail them out again.

Germany deserved #1.

Aaannnddd who cares?

100% confirmed they surveyed bernie supporters for this.

>cuckada number 1
>Norway only number 2
>sweden number 3
Well that's not very fucking accurate now is it?

Canada is good.

well the U.S. may become a different country if Trump wins.. probably worse..

Canada s basically a second world country similar to Argentina or Bulgaria

>Sweden that high
the people who make that list are stuck in the 70s

Nah, that's Ireland

>greatest military
>leading entertainment country by far
>best sports teams
>best musical artists
>best movies
Shall I continue, leafcuck?

hirohito please go

Canada is good.

only Sup Forums rankings matter


Well then...

Name me a single good thing about Canada

>Protip: You can't

Canada is good.

>leading entertainment country by far
>best sports teams
>best musical artists
>best movies

It's not surprising that a gluttonous Amerifat goes by quantity over quality but this only really shows how little you know and how little others should value your nigh worthless opinions.

They're far away from me

(((1 post by this ID)))

I admire your patriotism, but question your motivations.

No one cared about your response the first time faggot

Is 2 posts better?

Probably by lefties.

No sane person would admire Sweden

If Trump becomes the next U.S. people, it seems like people will move into Canada. The future is coming..


Pick one, and only one

>Top 20 countries of 2015
More like top 20 of 1985.

Fuck off, the world is shit. Brother burgers is one of the least fucked country in the world.

Comic relief, in the form of Schadenfreude.

You're being admired for being a cucked version of the US

schadenfreude you say?

"Who cares?"

International politics isn't a popularity contest.

most jealous of usa list

how in the fuck are we even on this list

>Germany - 5


Should we increase security at Pearl Harbour?

I'm wondering the same thing.

If this chart is for 2016, then we're all screwed..

What's Sup Forums's top 3? Mines:

We're Nazis compared to Swedes for that crowd, though.

Hell, the export of polluting oil and commercial whaling makes us hated by green-fags as well. I wonder who they actually asked.


Belgium has got pretty good chocolate. Netherlandian chocolate makes me see weird colors and think about deep stuff.


It's a combination of your lyrical genius and high tech brewing abilities.

>mfw countries are ass blasted about us still


The US is also like number 30-something on the list for the ability to read, write and do mathematics.

Americans be jealous.

*chocolate rage intensifies*

The U.S. is going into debt every second. They owe billions of dollars.

People go to America to be rich & successful, people go to Canada to live an abject life of complete mediocrity.

Just ask Elon Musk.

We're all in debt, act accordingly. There's no reason Slovenia should be able to beat you on all three accounts.

>posts from Sweden
I don't think you know what great means.

Russia, Iran, and Syria are my Holy Trinity

I reject that, the U.S. owe almost 20 trillion dollars

That has nothing to do with poorer countries still outperforming you.

>Austria in the top 20
>Germany not in the top 5

Huh. Not saying that Austria is not a great country, because I'd say it is, but we are so small and kinda insignificant that I'm somewhat surprised to see it on this list. And I'm also surprised that Germany is that low, even lower than us.

ik, i'm just stating how bad the U.S. economy is, that is probably why the U.S. is not in the tops for something something education abilities.

hmmmm one of these countries is not like the others

Allahu Akbar


Singapoor is number 20, m8. I dare say this list is utter bollocks.

Sugar bushes.

You haven't been paying attention lately, have you?

Population Density.

There's so much open space in Canada, even our cities are pretty small in size. As long as you avoid the shitholes that are Vancouver and Toronto.

that's because other countries are currently watching america's large population of uneducated white failures rally around a reality tv star/ white nationalist for presidential nominee


they won't be laughing after the second term

Welcome to the future my friend, how can I help you...

>Switzerland not #1
Opinions discarded.

well i'm outta here...

>All this Sup Forums has made me bored...


You mean worst?

10/10 b8

That's basically just saying we're next in line to get BLACKED
A lot of the other countries on there would be more admired than us if not for the shitskins

That whole list is faggots.