Erykah Badu on Hitler: “I’m a humanist,” she says. “I see good in everybody. I saw something good in Hitler...

Erykah Badu on Hitler: “I’m a humanist,” she says. “I see good in everybody. I saw something good in Hitler...Hitler was a wonderful painter.” "Poor thing. He had a terrible childhood."

What did she mean by this?

Hitler was actually a pretty shit painter from what I've seen. He had no understanding of shadows

is she, dare i say /our cuck/?

Hitler is about to become a lot more popular in the next 5-10 years


His perspective is also absolutely fucked.

There is potential though. If he got into art school he might have learned to fix the weak-points in his paintings and get good.

Is it in bad taste to say I like one of Hitler's paintings?

He's already gotten pretty popular if 2016 and early 2017 was any indication

That's actually really good shit.
Or at least it's a lot better than what some millenials make that they consider to be art nowadays.

Yes because they're not that good

In the age of anime art Hitler would have been a prodigy.

I love Erykah Badu, but she's chalk full of stupid ideas.

Not necessarily, that one looks quite nice. But I don't think it's very interesting, it looks like something you'd see on a postcard.

Go away.

where are the shadows?

is it me or it does the center of perspective seem off?

>Hitler was a wonderful painter
When will this meme end ?

why do you put spaces before your question marks

She's such an insightful, honest and truthful person. She doesn't have a fake bone in her body. And because of that these inferiors try to shame her and tear her down because her courage represents something they fear and are unable to face up to in themselves

Hitler was an impressionist, which is why all of his paintings are bereft of darkness

fascists literally have no idea what art is wtf

in fact everyone who's even a little conservative seems to immediately know nothing about visual art and music


Suck a bullet, faggot

>Hitler was a wonderful painter
>implying that people would've given a shit about him if he stuck to painting
The guy absolute madmaned his way out of life, that's what wonderful about him.
Like him or not, he was an interesting person, you can't deny that.
Still, what a shitty painter, jeez...

People are only calling him a shitty painter because he was Hitler

If these peoples' next door neighbour could paint like that, they would consider them amazingly talent

But because he was a wacist, they have to go with the narrative that he clearly must have sucked because Jews didn't accept him at art school even though he's obviously talented

Not a fascist.

1. hitler wasn't a fascist
2. does italian futurism ring a bell

lmao what a faggot

Hitler was a shit painter and even a shittier fascist. Go suck a bullet.

If these peoples' next door neighbour could paint like that, they would consider them amazingly talent

wow hahaha

do you think maybe we hold our neighbour on a different standard to a historical artist to be remembered?

Shes got the schitz right?

Or is this just maximum virtue signal


okay retard

>hurr durr hitler was actually left wing and a socialist because he was the leader of the national SOCIALIST party. nevermind their actual policies and what they did to people, they're socialist because it says so in their name.


I love seeing how different based queens are from how feminist writers fantasize about them. Get's coming shortly, Sup Forums. You ain't seen shit.


The fascist of tomorrow are the anti-fascists, user!!!!

>People are only calling him a shitty painter because he was Hitler.
Not really.
People who claim that Hitler was a good painter are obviously people who try to find at least some redeeming qualities about him, so they'll try to put a greater meaning into his work, JUST because Adolf painted it.
It's fedora tipping as usual, so cut the crap.

>People who claim that Hitler was a good painter

Are also people who are closeted fascists and also have no fucking clue about art or painting in general.

Funny thing is, if he had passed on realism and gone with what he later called "degenerate art" he may have made some sort of name for himself.

>implying Ms Badu doesn't rock it


not just you. the center of the building is fucked, and i can't tell where those columns to the sides are actually supposed to be

She's obviously an art lover.

>Are also people who are closeted fascists
>Maybe to an extend, but from my experience, everyone that told me that had no clue about his personal life nor his politics (other than the obvious things).

Its not, ideologically they are two completely separate entities
The Nazi party had workers rights and tons of social programs before the US even did, they're left wing in a societal sense also racial discrimination and xenophobia and genocide isnt a right wing thing if that's what you're saying

National socialism is literally a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and the Nazi party was completely different in the beginnings. Fuck off.

>le not real gommunism meme

What are you even trying to say?

End your life normalfag.
Also art can literally be anything. It's an expression of human creative skill and imagination in a visual form. There is no way to determine the qualifications surrounding skill but I'm pretty sure a painting of a scenery is literally an artwork by definition.

And what would be an example of such degenerate art?

Everything you like

She's another privileged millionaire. She has no connection to reality and says whatever she wants without consequence. Nobody who works a fucking normal job at a bank can go on about how Hitler was a "person, too". That shit is reserved for celebrities and lunatics, who have no tether to reality. She isn't going to lose her job. She makes money while she sleeps, because her label pedals her boring pseudo-spiritual R&B garbage to urban drama movie soundtracks.

Hitler sucked my dick and can rot in hell. How's that for a soundbite?

So brave

It really stunned me when the interviewer said that feeling empathy for hitler was too much of a stretch, like they live in a star wars world where evil people aren't really human.
Hopefully people in the future will look back on hitler with a bit more sobriety, like we do with ghengis khan etc., and maybe think a little bit more than we do now about the many atrocities of the allies