/joanna jeneral/

>he didn't fast in a circle of stones for 3 days by a river when he turned 18
Explain yourself.

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skimmed thru this just because of this thread after seeing this album on here forever and its awful

Everyone has some spiritual awakening of some kind. Or at least everyone should.
HOOM is her best BTW.
And the new live version of Peach Plum Pear with her brother on percussion is godly.

What's the best album/song to start with if I've never listened to her before?

sprout and the bean

she sounds like a cat

Keep listening.

yeah but hows her ass?

The best in the business.

Thoughts on the rumors she’s suffering from post-partum depression and has checked herself into a secure facility?

Source on these rumors?

Joanna’s tumblr fanbase. They got it from one of Andy Samberg’s friends who mentioned it on Snapchat.

Links plz
I hope my dear Joanna is ok

If something happens to Joanna I will never be the same again.

It would be for the best honestly. Her entire opus is heavily influenced by her apparent inability/unwillingness to have children. Finally having a kid, only for it to indirectly kill her would be the most poetic fate.

But then that raises the moral question of weighing the artists' suffering vs. the pleasure people get from the art produced from that suffering. I couldn't bear to think of pain befalling my precious princess, she has suffered far too much already.

Joanna Newsom's well-being is more important than her art, as good as it is. I mean, it would be kind of cool in a Yukio Mishima way but she seems to be a nice human being and really hasn't deserved to suffer.

This, I've thought about this question a lot myself; for example if I could go back and time and cure Beethoven's deafness before it began, knowing that that would almost guarantee he wouldn't write the best works that he did after going deaf (because it radically changed his musical direction), would I do it? I would. As much as I love Beethoven's works, his well-being as a human will always have to come first. It further raises the broader question of pushing things to the limit to do great things. I digress; Joanna has already established herself as a great artist, to be remembered in history. I will be sad if she creates no more, but it is her right to do as she pleases; the artist must never be a servant.

Nice writeup. I want to add that the common perception that suffering inherently enhances an artist's output is also highly questionable. Only few artists really write down their unfiltered conciousness, most literature, music... comes from a place of construction and discourse. Therefore, when you wish suffering upon an artist, you should always consider the possibility that this very suffering is without need or merit; further strengthening the point that the well-being of an artist always comes first, because his/her health is something that can be measured with absolute certaintly, whereas the question whether the art becomes better during times of pain always kind of hangs in the air.

We can chart the pain=quality work thing with Joanna.

Based on interviews:

Milk Eyed Mender: Sadness, she was living in a shitty rented room, dropped out of school and had recently had an abortion she regretted and was also clinically depressed

YS: Happiness, she had financial success and a stable relationship.

HooM: Sadness: recent breakup

Divers: Happijess: recent marriage

A poet makes himself a visionary through a long, boundless, and systematized disorganization of all the senses. All forms of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he exhausts within himself all poisons, and preserves their quintessences. Unspeakable torment, where he will need the greatest faith, a superhuman strength, where he becomes all men the great invalid, the great criminal, the great accursed--and the Supreme Scientist! For he attains the unknown! Because he has cultivated his soul, already rich, more than anyone! He attains the unknown, and if, demented, he finally loses the understanding of his visions, he will at least have seen them! So what if he is destroyed in his ecstatic flight through things unheard of, unnameable: other horrible workers will come; they will begin at the horizons where the first one has fallen!

t. Raskolnivokov

Very true - I didn't mean to imply that at all. It's worth dispelling a lot of the mythology surrounding artists - the idea of sudden inspiration late at night or suffering = greatness as you have pointed out - the truth is often far more mundane. 1% inspiration 99% perspiration and all that, and I know from trying myself, though I've never done anything on a great level. For example, when Mahler wrote his "tragic" symphony he was actually in very happy life circumstances. A great work that didn't require bad things happening to him. But also, his unfinished 10th was in many ways an outlet for his pain over his marriage - especially so in the last bars, where over the heart-wrenching final swell he writes "Alma! To live for you, to die for you." It's a question that we'll probably never have a definitive answer to, like so many questions of art.

For everytime that somebody quotes this Michel Foucault is killing a kitten.

>And the new live version of Peach Plum Pear with her brother on percussion is godly.

>ywn be her brother and seduce her late at night when you are both curious, sexually budding teenagers
>she will never write songs after the fact trying to internally deal with what you did together
Why live?

>I know from trying myself
I absolutely agree. I feel that this sentiment of the suffering artist usually comes from people who have never tried their hands at serious art before. Many people underestimate the sheer amount of constructive, explicit and - as you correctly stated - mundane work that goes into a piece, whether it becomes great or not. This kind of work is usually very disconnected from the emotional level and very much craft. Of course there are exceptions, for example stream of conciousness literature and the like, however I when we are talking about Joanna Newsome we are talking about very intentionally crafted and intricate, complex compositions and lyrics, something that requires a lot of time, research and work and rework. Of couse and artist always 'digests' influences from outside and inside - but he/she is more of a medium, not a participant.

How do I get a spiritual awakening? I feel like a numb nihilist falling into a pit of despair. I see plenty of people out of it, and I want to too, but I can't see the ladder.

I'm not typically one to call someone's taste in art embarrassing, but... well, here we are.

Reading Crime and Punishment was I un-ironically mine. It’s basically a parable against nihilism so it should affect you greatly

I doubt that there is anything school could have taught her. Also, source on abortion? Obviously a lot of her songs deal with themes like that but I've never heard any definitive facts on the matter.

But Ys is her best

Sauce on quote? It's a very byronic idea.

I didn’t say it wasn’t.

maybe he likes cats

Yep. Do you ever try to create?

Arthur Rimbaud

I've heard that before. In what way? I've been reading War and Peace and have to stop on almost every page because Tolstoy constantly writes sentences that cut me to the bone.

Created during a time of happiness you say, is it happy?
Emily - Deteriorating relationship with her sister
Monkey & Bear - Parable of an abusive relationship
Sawdust & Diamonds - Honestly haven't figured this one out, someone chime in with their interpretation
Only Skin - An unfaithful relationship
Cosmia - Death of a friend
Not very happy at all.

Pretty much.. I mean there's a lot of emotion that goes into the formation of a song for me.. actually. I look for the moments when it sits "right", usually this takes some time. Sure it's intellectual sometimes but not always. People can tell whether stuff went into it or if it was just shat out. The good stuff takes time "usually"

Sure. I am not great by any measure, and you know those doubts whether your stuff is even a worthwhile addition to the current art-discourse, but I paint (acrylic, oil) and write a bit. I feel like everybody should at least try to 'create' whatever in their lifetime - after all it's pretty much everything humans as a species are really good for. Self-expression also helps very much to become more organized, and to develop skills such as planning ahead, getting rid of stuff you don't need and understanding the world surrounding you better. To become a mediator you first have to conciously process and parse information which is something you don't usually do on this level.

>almost every great artist was a prodigy who started the determined path to greatness very early
>I spent my youth shitposting and playing video games and now don't even have the discipline to work out
Never gonna make it.

>skimmed through an album

Just because she was happy doesn’t mean the work was. She was drawing on past experiences.

Leonard Cohen was 33 when he made his 1st album

Yeah. I've tried writing poetry and stories, but those weren't very good. I've also written music, but the art I want to pursue most is the theater. I would be lying if I said I didn't have dreams of greatness, I think many people do, but I don't think I feel entitled to it or anything. I see art as a great tapestry of human life, and if I can add just a thread or two of my own, no matter how small, I shall have to be content.

He probably had picked up music beforehand, and is also more likely to be the exception that proves the rule.

He had already written 2 novels and several books of poetry


I was an atheist and a socialist but had lost all conviction. I saw myself and all my little cunt friends in Raskolnikov and came to realize that nobody is above exempt from Jude’s-Christian morality and that it is the foundation of a stable society. I’m still an atheist but I no longer wish ill on people with faith, and am fairly conservative politically now.

Go listen to Kanye fag

Do you think that's what Dostoyevsky wanted you to take away from it?

Best I can find youtu.be/kTkZqBpCK3w. You might want to try and get a hold of a recent bootleg. Egyptian Theatre for example.
Try psychedelics. Doing something in the community. Jordan B Memerson is helping a lot of people out. Try exercising, get a new job if you hate the one you're in. You've just got to work hard and fix yourself breh. It's hard work.

have you always had bad taste or is this a sudden change?

That's exactly the spirit. Just keep at it, study it (professionally or not, it doesn't matter) and continue creating and I can guarantee somewhere down the line somebody will even be waiting to read or see your art. Two years ago I was painting kind of shitty digital paintings, and recently some of my stuff got published in our university paper and people I barely knew came to me saying that it has really struck a chord with them. It is not much, and will maybe/probably be one the highlights in my progression as an artist, but it's still... something, and more than I would have contributed if I just gave up on it because I will never become Klimt or Doré. Just don't take it as your only career option and you're fine and will contribute something worthwhile one way or the other.

>It's hard work
It absolutely is not. Want to make someone feel like they truly will never ever do something? Tell them it's hard work. I say that a spiritual awakening is one of the easiest things you can come across. You just need to see something so large as to frighten you in that pit in your stomach where your death fear hangs out, and then witness someone else in this same position. If you can't connect the two and spark your innate sense of empathy, you might actually be a sociopath.

Fair enough. I guess I was coming at it in terms of changing your life around rather than having a sudden shock to your system that frightens you to the core but leaves you alive.

>Try psychedelics
I've actually thought a lot about this. Hard to get though.
I already cleaned my room
I really should. I don't. I'm not going to give an excuse, I just need to do it
>new job
Don't have a job to begin with. But I am a full-time student.
Thanks. I actually do want to make theater my career, but writing music will likely remain a hobby. I've been writing a piano concerto for the last few years, I have the 2nd movement done but I haven't touched it for a while because I haven't had ideas. I think I'll keep at it, even if it'll never be performed or heard.

Considering his conversion to a fundamentalist form of Russian Orthodox Christianity, yes.

>I actually do want to make theater my career
That's no problem because even there are actually far more jobs in this field than most people realize. When I say "don't take it as your only career option" I wanted to put the emphasis on 'only', meaning that you will run the risk of becoming miserable when you rely on your artistic output (meaning your plays) to keep you fluid. However, getting in the field is very possible, plenty of people I know made it and I will probably wind up there too since I study literature and cultural studies. Do not fall for the "you have to study physics/math/engineering to make it"-narrative some people try to push so hard. It is just plain wrong.

Interesting. I'll give it a read sometime.

Her best friend died before she made Ys, that's what Cosmia is about
Divers is her worst and also the one she made when her life was going well

It’s not a purely religious tract though. We can pull out secular “spiritual” themes as well:

-No man is an island
-Empathy is not a weakness
-Don’t resent those richer than you, they are likely poor too in the grand scheme of things
-Intelligence isn’t a license to be an asshole

Thank you for the words. That narrative you mentioned seems to be so prevalent ("Oh you're an actor? I'll have a large fries with that"), especially on Sup Forums, that it often makes me have second thoughts. I have nothing but respect for STEM, but I would be forcing myself to do it.

But surely even the "worst" of her works is still quality, no?

Maybe let me rephrase somewhat. She was in emotional pain for Ys but she wasn’t the total, substance addled wreck a lot of “tortured” artist are. You don’t convince a label to let you work with Van Dyke Parks and a full orchestra unless you have your shit together

Milk Eyed Mender is her worst

Just think about how a world would look like in which those people got their way and everybody was "intelligent" enough not to go into culture; there would be no actors no more, no writers, painters, movies, plays, books or music. Like seriously, the field surrounding cultural production is quite large and needs people with many different qualifications and talents (STEMs too, of course). Also, so many people go into STEM nowadays that they actually oversaturate the job market, and a degree in engeneering is in no way a ticket to a well paid job anymore.

Yeah divers is good

That's true for all her albums, it's not like she was a crack addict when she made MEM or HOoM

(not true, by the way)

Yes but her living situation was far more precarious during MEM than it was for any of her other works.

at least in Divers the songs are thematically connected

This thread has been the highlight of my day, thanks.

>Andy's dumbass friends leak ANOTHER extremely personal part of her life

Sandberg was joking about autoerotic asphyxiation on Conan, maybe he does it, because his wife is not home

but seriously dat ass tho

>>he didn't fast in a circle of stones for 3 days by a river when he turned 18
is this a JN lyric?

>you are now imagining joanna choking andy inbetween her thicc thighs while she calls him steve the cunt
Stop boner I don't even like femdom

Soy: The Thread Part II

No, it's something she actually did when she turned 18. She went beside a river and sat in a circle of stones for 3 days. The friend in Cosmia was one of the ones who camped far away and brought her bread while she slept. Thus, "all those lonely nights down by the river brought me bread and water"

Poll is thataway.

it is in a long arthur article about her

wow. very neat. is there an interview where she talks about this? im fascinated.


Thoughts on her acting? Anyone seen pic here? Also nice trips OP

I really wonder what compels someone to do this. Also it doesn't help disprove that image of her as a waifish faerie...

I think the movie is great and she is all right in it, but Ihated that it delayed her album

She went to a Waldorf school. She was basically educated to be weird.

Arthur magazine

Yeah, Panda Bear did too


I wish I could have gone to a school like that, it obviously works. God I hate the US education system.

Sounds like an interesting education.

It seems superior to your regular fucking public school in the states where it only exists to educate you enough to be subservient and to consume literal shit.

not necessarily i know people wh went there and they are fucking stupid

Waldorf schools allow the students to create their own reality, and don’t challenge it. That’s great if your reality is cool an interesting, but if you’re dumb or mentally ill it’s going to be a problem.

>joanna thread
>no ass pics
You're slipping Sup Forums

It reads like the most white people shit ever.

>go to Waldorf
>catch a preventable infectious disease because no one who sends their kid there believes in vaccination
No thanks

Yeah, like antibiotics, electricity, or the internet. Fucking wypipo and their civilization n shiet.

Joanna is NOT for lewd.

I mean YOU could get vaccinated and thereby avoid that.

Not agreeing with antivaxxers but their destruction of herd immunity isn’t a body deal if you’re old and healthy enough to be vaccinated. Joannas parents were doctors so I’m sure she was.