What does Sup Forums think about this kike Shaun King
www .nydailynews.com/news/national/king-stop-mass-shootings-banning-white-men-article-1.2678026
What does Sup Forums think about this kike Shaun King
www .nydailynews.com/news/national/king-stop-mass-shootings-banning-white-men-article-1.2678026
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Now lets ban blacks for all the crime they commit.
Was just about to say this. Why do all these faggots think they're an exception to everything and every rule?
Isn't the last one a "trans" woman?
I think giving attention to him and whining cunts who have a problem with white people is counterproductive to our race
These people thrive off of acknowledgement. Quit giving it to them. Eventually they'll just get more and more outrageous and hostile to whites and we can have a solution, finally
He's a cancer.
i would love to see america becoming haiti 2.0
He's welcome to be the first sheep to cross that particular dam.
We won't be building it lol, watch it crumble.
no lol that was conservativetreehouse being retarded
Except Shaun KANG is like an octoroon or something, 'cept he acts full black. He's even been called out on being almost white before.
Better luck next time, I guess.
White cis male BTFO
Whites make up 62% of the population.
even under the most liberal counters they committed some 64% of the shootings.
Fifty killed with a knife
29 dead 130 injured with a knife
Take away guns and they will just use another weapon with just as much success. You are a fucking idiot if you think a gun ban will stop crime or mass killings
You guys realize he's satirizing Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering the US, right?
This nigger is white
Navy yard shooter
Dc sniper
Chiraq over memorial day weekend
The fag who killed his co workers at the tv station, at a live report
Just as many black mass murders.
that batman guy was amost certainly drugged beyond belief
I used to work in a hospital. schizophrenics at their worst are more lucid than what he was displaying in that video. he acts and behaves as if someone had put him on a VERY high dose of either disassociatives or some combination of drugs taht retard motor function.
there is NO mental disorder that makes a person bob his head and behave like that
Muslim is not a race or ethnicity
White people kill due to mental disorders, not because of white male supremacy
Wanting to ban Muslims would be illogical if being Muslim had nothing to do with why they killed people. But most Muslim terror are attacks are because of their religion. Find me something to show that these mass shooters are doing it because they're white men.
Islam is an ideological choice. You don't get a free ride just because you call your belief in indiscriminate slaughter a religion.
Why is he comparing race to a religion again?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts about this black man?
>banning someone for a biological characteristic
>banning someone for a chosen ideology
Two separate things, you fauxmonkey
I think that mass shootings are a drop in the bucket, and his adopted race account for a far greater amount of gun violence, especially compared to their population size. Maybe he should look closer to home.
Banning black people from America would put us on par with some of the safest European countries.
Hood rats are the greatest threat.
Actually the Muslims are doing because obummer and Killary are bombing their homeland.
Gay night club, he said he was doing it because America bombed his country.
Boston bombings, because Syria bombings.
San burnagetto, CA, because the U.S.is bombing Syria.
DC Sniper, the dorner and navy yard guy
Ban and deport blacks to africa.
Islam is an international terrorist organization where 2/3 adherents believe it is morally right to execute gays for being gay.
Isnt his stepfather white? His black father abandoned him.
He's not wrong. Cum skins are dangerous. Kill them all. Fuch White e people
He's the most liberal libtard that has ever lived.
>Lets ban white people
Okay good idea. Now where do gibs comes from?
It didn't work out too well for Zimbabwe, did it?
It gets me that theres all this talk in our western society about "muh diversity" but time and time again non-whites are basically saying they don't want diversity, they want their race only.
>written in English
>posted on a site created by a white man
Step up your game, shitskin.
holy fuck
>t. Ahmed
you have got to be fucking kidding me
i want off this ride
Omar Thornton killed 8 white people at a beer distributor a few years ago. According to him they were "racists."
GMAC shooting by James Pough a black male, killed 8 people because his car was reposessed and because of "racism."
Colin Ferguson on the Long Island Rail line killed 6 whites because of "racism."
Black men are obsessed with white dick.
Semi-rare yay
Aren't those guys Jew?
Even if not, start redpilling on the dangers of the Jew and counterpoint. Watch him lose his shit.
If he really were black he'd be murdered and dismembered for special albino juju medicine in African
the orlando attack happened in my city and boy howdy i'm sure tired of seeing people piss on the graves of the victims by turning it into a far-lefty "wtf? i hate white ppl now" issue. fuck them forever
Underrated post
Call him white all you want.
> That was Africa-tier commentary
Rock solid comment.
He admitted hes 75% white
Both Jade Holmes and Dylan Roof were on and off some very powerful psychotropic drugs
San Bernardino- Muslims
DC snipers-Muslims
Fort Hood-Muslim
Washington Navy Yard-Black Guy
Chattanooga- Muslim
1993 WTC bombing-Muslims
Chris Dorner-Black
Boston Bombing-Muslim
Hartford-Black Guy
Inner city shooting that kill dozens a day-Black and Hispanics
Am I missing anything guys?
live tv news shooter-black guy
do it. let them fucking do it. let white men build a nation and see how it will prosper. leave anyone who doesn't want to join behind and see what will happen.
oh wait, mugabe already provided us with that entertainment in a miniscule fashion.
Lol lets take him up on the offer go to sibera biild it up then invade and kill us the shit skins