Is the DCEU fridgekino?
Is the DCEU fridgekino?
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Gal Gadot is not a fridge, she just has a boyish figure. You gotta be nice and stout with zero curves like Margot Robbie to be a fridge.
>I don't understand what fridge actually means
Jews have shitty genetics. Literally look at this list:
They're so inbred due to the founder effect that they will wind up holocausting themselves in a few generations just by continuing to breed
Other than Lizziefu, DC girls destroy Marvel girls every day of the week and twice on sundays
Obviously this
go here for top tier waifu capeshit casting
Scorsese deserves an Oscar just for making her appear human in TWOW.
>this thread
wew I knew marlelcucks tend to be homos but holy fuck
they make movies for shitskins and shitskins love fat chicks so yea
Its not even a competition
>Amber Heard
>Amy Adams
>Antje Traue
And Im not even going to mention the CW universe which is still technically DC (Melissa Benoist, Willa Holland, etc..)
>Emily Van (im so average and plain it hurts anons eyes to even see me in the movie) Camp
>Hayley Fatwell, people ignore how ugly she actually is because she has fat tits and wears pantyhose like a whore
>Gwyneth "I only eat expensive organic greens so my shit smells horrid" Paltrow
Lizziefu and Natalie Portman are the only Marvel women that can even compete, but Natalie doesnt count, she literally dropped Marvel out of disinterest and noone even remembers her character
Also, notice how DC has well-developed badass female characters, Marvel whores are just there to metaphorically suck Cap's dick while he ignores them because hes busy listing after buddy's cock
>dcucks will literally defend this
Yes. Because Snyder is gay and DC fans are faggots.
Take this guy for example He's a closet homosexual and tries to project his homosexuality on others
It's real.
DCucks will defend this
dubs of truth
>they always talk about how buff the men snyder casts are
>about how buff snyder is
>meanwhile the female casting
>tfw Miller is the prettiest grill in the thread
>Also, notice how DC has well-developed badass female characters, Marvel whores are just there to metaphorically suck Cap's dick
So DCucks were the numales all along
Preach it brother
>got FIRED after Ultron
Are you honestly, unironically implying you wouldn't bury your dick in that for as long as possible?
I want to sniff and lick Margot's delicious pusy, Im so horny for she!
>make her face pretty as fuck
>hair looks amazing
>emphasizes her perky tits and slim figure
>steers clear of any shots that would show her flat, non-existent ass
>wear high wasted panties to compensate
when you think abou tit, she's never really shown from her ass point of view. you see her once completely naked (in the beginning when she entices leo in her apartment) and shes standing a way to make it look like she has curves.
also she probably fasted and didnt eat shit before those scenes
>that belly
my gawd
>make up was a mistake
I dont understand, I used to jerk off to her in Wolf of Wall Street.
>actresses use makeup and are filmed from flattering angles
>actresses lose weight before filming a movie
Why are you so butthurt and buttblasted about it? Jeez, get a life
what are you even talking about? never said I was mad at all, thats the way it is. shes not as hot as portrayed in the movie.
why you projecting so much
Rightly so, there is no room for cucks in the MCU
Chloe Moretz for DCEU, when?
>actresses take months to prepare for roles
>look good in movie
>actresses take time off
>look 'average' in real life
what did you expect?
Honest question:
Is Cara Delevingne a man?
Wtf is wrong with marvel actors
Hemsworth, Hiddlestone and Olsen are the only normal ones
MCU doesn't have anything comparable to this.
She looks super hot here though. How did they do this.
Thicke is a nigger meme. Fridge is the patrician body type.
>hiddleston dating swift gay nigga I hemsworth "I'm sorry native americans" instagram post
Great use of light and shadows and colors. That's what great directing means.
>pinnacle of masculine male testosterone fueled manmountain actors
>each one other than Flash is 6'2"+ and 230lbs of burly fucking bulk
>even Commissioner Gordon is jacked
>but all the women are fucking Frigidaire, old, or skeletal
>nice balance between different types of dudes
>brutish male Hemsworth, handsome strong clean cut Cap, witty and funny Tony, smart and reserved bruce
>absolute most attractive woman in capeshit movies Hayley Atwell
>all other females are basically no better than DC other than Liz Olsen but that shit don't matter because Atwell
I thought celebrities looked perfect all the time. That's why I feel insecure about my own appearance.
DCEU is for husbandos
don't forget oil
What do you mean? Ugh you aren't a conservative right?
I still do desu. She looks literally perfect in that movie.
most of them lets themselves go between shoots, i dont know why desu.
maintenance doesnt take alot at all
getting in shape from skinnyfat takes alot tho.
actors like ruffalo are tumblrites.
Not kidding
>there are still people who think any Adams is hot
She is the literal definition of a fridge, basically skinnier version of any schumer. I don't know what people see in her. Atwell>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I feel like the amount of (You)'s you got wasnt proportional to the amount of effort you put in
Patricians look at the face. Plebs look at the body.
Why not neither?
>curly hair gal gadot
>leave waifu casting to flash
>I will never snort coke from Cara's bumhole
why live lads
She has small tits but she ain't fridge.
Large and almost 1:1 waist to hip ratio
Textbook fridge
Amy's face is shit
Why would they cg it? There are thousands of actresses whilling to do that role and who wouldn't be against being naked
Agreed. Other women in capeshit are hot, but Hayley is the only one who is truly beautiful.
Diane Lane and Marisa Tomei >>> anyone else in both universes
They're not Margot Robbie
don't ask me, ask the director, they cg nudity all the time. Just like they did with Alba in Machete.
Literally the physique of a skinnyfat dyel male
Please delet those posts
post your torso or GTFO
i don't mean to sound like a faggot...
but do you guys really have such expectations of women? just actresses?
i mean, they all look better than 99% of humanity.
So you're saying she ain't a fridge? Because fridge is 1:1 not almost 1:1
No. But it's washboard kino.
>shittalking Atwell
why does she even bother with the bra
I wonder how, in 50 years, people are going to discuss this multi-cultural/LGBT trend in comic books. Like, for example, how today we discuss about old marvel and DC comics talking about AIDS (seriousy, the other day I read a one shot in which Death of the endless teaches how to wear a fucking condom).
This shit feels forced as fuck. You have a comic character with super power spending their time fighting superpowered autists, and all of a sudden they turn into the drawn equivalent of a facebook post about social issues.
I wonder if people cringed reading that shit 20 years ago. Then again, internet didn't exist, and a lot more of people read comics; nowadays they're dying.
young, skinny and a pretty face
Margot is gonna flop hard and quick if she doesn't start working out properly
>Jews have shitty genetics
Oh yeah?
yeah but try living with her
>I wonder if people cringed reading that shit 20 years ago. Then again, internet didn't exist, and a lot more of people read comics; nowadays they're dying.
There was the mail letter section
While I never read someone complaining about that kind of thing (I have only read a few), the other stuff that people complained about barely changed to what people complain about comic books today
great ass btw
Please donate 10% of your curves to Gal Gadot
She's a big girl
The problem is that comics aren't independent anymore. They are basically merch for the movies and IP farms for the studios. When Disney wanted a Civil War movie, they made a Civil War event in the comics, and that event is the purest shit you would ever read if you were masochistic enough, but it sold well so they kept going.
Also Marvel wants to be progressive but they can't because they need the chinese market and that means no blacks or minorities as anything more than sidekicks, so they use the comics. They go over top making Iron Man a black girl, Spiderman a black AND gay AND latino dude, turning Thor into a SJW gurl, etc. They don't give a fuck if it doesn't sell, they'll keep printing them and put it in the marketing budgets of the MCU. I'm not memeing here, Disney is the worst thing that has happened to audiovisual arts since the black lists.
I think the problem with the comics industry is the same as with american politics. The major adress the idals of liberals and tumblr audience, getting praises here and there for how progressive they are, and removing immediately anything that provokes more than ten irritated posts on Twitter; but, despite all that, comics sell like shit, and they are forced to reboot almost on an annual basis just to squeeze those one thousand sells coming with first issues.
Before anyone calls me pol, what I want to say is that shoehorning social issues in comics who are not bought by people who care about them and that clash with the principles of what you're selling (again, I fucking doubt that anyone who buys a Wonder Woman comics gets it to see how progressive she is) is retarded and forces the writer to stuff their stories with thematics that simply don't belong there.
>Spiderman a black AND gay AND latino dude
Wait, Miles is gay now? Goddamn, they might as well give him mental retardation and I think they'll have all social minorities into one guy.
Btw I totally agree about your statements about Disney and marketing. These are the reasons why the Avengers get all the spotlight and X-Men get the worst resources and zero attention.
literally built for black cock
Notice how I didn't say anything about her, I only mentioned Gal Gadot, you fucking spic.
what does that even mean?
schnüfffffffffffffffelll...oh ja mein schatz....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....ziemlich würzig...sind das....erlaub mir zu sagen....sssssssnniff...eier die ich da rieche?......sniff ist es mein schatz....sniff....ziemlich würzige eier würde ich sagen .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....oh ja...und....auch ein bisschen....sniff....Käse.....sehr feucht mein schatz....sniff...aber ja...das ist perfekt....sniff.....bitte schatzi....noch einen bitte....einen großen....
Oh ja...sehr gut!....richtig versaut und das Hühnchen da an der Seite?...hmmmm.....lass mich.....lass mich das nur mal kurz schmecken.......hmmmmm....hmm..ja....da ist ein köstliches Stück Schokolade mein Schatz....oh ja....lass mich raten...curry zum Abendessen?....hab ich wohl recht....oder nicht?....ok....Zeit zum riechen.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm Ich seh schon...ja....ja wirklich curry......hmmm....dieser Duft ist einzigartig....ja.....Zwiebel und Knoblauch chutney oder mein Schatz?.....hmmmmm....oh ja.....
Oh das hätte ich nicht erwartet…dieser Geruch mein Schatz… hast du mich…ja…so geil aah…hmmmm…lass mich das nur mal kurz schmecken..hmm..…nur mal kurz riechen…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…und trotzdem…so streng…ja…….sniff sniff…hmmm….ist das….sniff….hmmm….Ich kann es fast schmecken mein Schatz…..ja….nur…sniff….noch ein bisschen was bitte mein schatz…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…oh ja jetzt hab ich's….ja fast….hhhhmmmm…köstlich mein Schatz…..sehr exquisite ja…..Ich würde fast sagen…sniff….bisher wohl der schärfste mein Schatz….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….JA….
underrated post