Can you explain this ?

I'm a little confused.

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tl;dr kikes won

what the fuck

>Siding with Saudi Arabia against Best Korea

Both deserved it


Filthy Arabs trying to repeat Muslim invasion of Persia.

Hillnigger Iranians die like animals to Sandnigger Iraqis.

Stalemate resulting in Iranians being more screwed than they were after their "revolution".

And the Jews won, as per

Israel was secretly supported Iran because they thought they could gain political influence in the country, make money and weaken both countries at the same time. They succeeded, but anyways here's another video just discussing what lead up to the conflict if you're interested in that instead.

We freed them from mongols tho

It was a literal fucking meme war, you're all too young or weren't born to remember. Sup Forums would have enjoyed it