How do you go from this...
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based Shane Black. Made one of the few good marvel films
>go outside the box and take risks
>set up your own unique tone
>have actual witty one-liners, jokes, and visual gags
>pull the rug completely out from under the audience and genuinely surprise them
>movie considered one of the worst in the franchise
Manlets deserve no respect.
>Rebecca Hall has stated that her character was originally to be the lead villain, but her role was severely reduced, and the lead villain made a male, when studio suits insisted that boys wouldn't buy a figure of a female character.
This would have made the film even better again.
>final say on film came down to toy revenue
no wonder they all have yes men as directors now
It's sad
>Jon Favreau exhausted
>Joss Whedon completely broken
James Gunn is the only remotely creative and unique director left, wonder how long he has to go.
>Make the plane crash seem like a big deal in the ads to Iron Man's character as he can't save them all.
>In the final product he saves everyone easy peasy lemon squeesy
Fuck Iron Manlet 3
>Tony Stark's crappy armour has more funny scenes than nearly all the other MCU movies combined
>shane black somehow makes Ironman a buddycop film by making Stark a detective and his new suit his clumsy sidekick
I literally forgot this happened, what an awful, awful scene
>Best girl dies and nobody sheds a tear
I lost it in the theater during this scene, did not expect such a comedic moment in the middle of the epic climax
>one of the few action scenes in the MCU where the goal isn't "beat the bad guy"
Fuck you. The fact that every action scene in Iron Man 3 has Tony facing different types of situations with different tech on his hands is why the movie is so fresh.
Isn't that how it was in all the Ironman movies where Stark's robots had the best interaction with him than everyone else?
I only saw the first movie and the scenes with RBJ and that robotic arm were the best part.
DC won as far as plane scenes are concerned
They barely even made toys of killian anyway. Maya Hansen being the main villain would have been based as fuck.
He's already been broken. Guardians of the Galaxy is ruled entirely by toy revenue. Every decision is made based on how much toy money it will bring in.
GOTG was like Thor. Besides some half-arsed Lego, it didn't really get a merch push compared to Iron Man, Cap'n Murica, and Avengers.
>thinking people can actually hold their own weight in those grips, let alone 6 other people
Weren't they electrified or some shit?
yes. iron man was running a current though them to make their hands clamp shut.
Sure because everyone wants an action figure of this
just stick with that don't bother with the rest, SAVE YOURSELF.
It was shit, capeshit is shit by default, fuck you faggotron.
Brad Pitt?
Afaik they never made one. Probably PR bullshit story to cover up that they'd consider it too risky to have a female villain but dont want to seem sexist
>it's a "Shane Black has a smart mouth kid" movie
>disregarding entire genres
Yes most cape films are terrible, but disregarding all of them simply because they are of one genre is just foolish. Just as bad as fags who refuse to watch Romantic films, Horror films, or Westerns.
Shane Black is a shit director
All the Marvel directors are shit
Except Wright and the Slither guy
>hating on the 2nd best part of The Nice Guys
Okay, I guess that Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and The Nice Guys suck
>All the Marvel directors are shit
Gunn is a good writer, mediocre director.
Physics and biology won't allow that to work simply can't happen with the grips they are using. You actually need to have enough muscle and the proper grip to hold onto that much weight. If you don't have it, no amount of electric will help that would allow you to live.
SHane is a great writer but he can't direct
>mediocre director
Then explain how GotG is the best directed MCU film - besides the first Iron Man.
so isn't the first woman technically holding the weight of every person below, like 800lbs, wtf
To this
>not one person tried flapping their wings
really makes you think
>caring more about what a film is about how it is about
Literally Rebbit: The Film Taste
Roger Ebert is on my side fag
I fucking despised that girl in the movie desu
Why? Do you just not like Shane Black's writing style, or was it more her performance?
you dont belong here
but he's only an inch shorter than mel gibson
She's a cute girl, but I can't stand the "daughter smarter than her father" bullshit in a comedy. Poorly written and not funny. Just irritating.
Everyone in the movie was retarded and I felt like a retard for sitting through all of it.
So, you're just a massive fag with shit taste in film
No one in the movie was retarded. Every one was smart and dumb in their own ways, hence the humor. Her dad was actually a good detective, he was just an alcoholic and not above scamming people out of extra cash. His daughter was the 'quirky adventure girl trope' except nothing she did ever worked right but turned out okay in the end. Splashing the chick with the gun with coffee? Didn't work at first, then it did. Like everything she did in the movie.
Who is that woman on top? Her thighs are delicious
Are the Russo Brothers corporate yes men hacks?
its not well directed at all but still fairly entertaining
>t. john podesta
Those are RDJ's legs
>genuinely surprising twist
>only movie didn't need a huge surprise twist
>main villain literally dies right after screaming "I am the MANDARIN!"
fuck off
They do suck
>implying anyone saw the Ben Kingsley twist coming
Only true surprise from a Marvel film. I will agree that the Guy Pierce Mandarin reveal was lame, but at least it was over quickly, and Shane wanted Rebecca Hall's character to be the real villain but The Mouse wouldn't let him.
The nice guys was cancerous
Fuck you OP duck my cock you fat faggot.
>Dude, Dutch angles LMAO
Oh I'm sorry, have you been nominated for an Oscar is FIVE different categories? He has
So was Ben Affleck, Cuaron and Inarritu
All talented individuals.