Based policeman refuses to shake Hollande's hand.
Looks like France still have a little fight left in them. #Frexit
Based policeman refuses to shake Hollande's hand.
Looks like France still have a little fight left in them. #Frexit
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Yeah, there's still some based people in France.
Shame that not all the policemen refused to shake governement's hands.
Can someone explain what's wrong with Hollande? I don't know much about frog politics
The poor bastards been marked for "removal". His fate is sealed
Wtf is up with Valls trying to be the alpha male?
Kek, It just keeps happening.
Forgot pic.
The french are rats everywhere they are, especially Walloons
I don't know why Sup Forums doesn't hate them insted of the jews, the entire French history is fucking people over and crying like a bitch when getting fucked bad.
Also a breeding nest of cancerrous ideologies and philosophies to slowly turn the rest of us into cancerous shitholes too.
the comments
Did he do that because hes mad that hes not allowed to enforce the law against muslim invaders or because of that new labor law there?
Tbf, everyone does
Wait, I just watched the video again. Hes holding himself up with 2 crutches. he can't shake his hand or hed fall over. look.
>Can someone explain what's wrong with Hollande?
It would be easier to explain what's good with Hollonde ... Nothing.
Look in the top right corner from 0:13 on.
This guy got it right.
Reminder that secularism began in France, which essentially destroyed the west.
first day on Sup Forums?
I even have Nicaragua and best Korea (from the proxyfag admittedly), but I've never seen Tunisia.
Fuck you France, i'm ashamed to have an adopted whore of a french grandmother.
I hope FN stays as small as it is now and you suffer the eternal hell that is social-liberalism.
Also cancerous philosophies like existentialism and enlightened thinking and degenerates like Sartre and his wife.
Also the french revolt and the 68 revolt which both spread their cancerous believes across the globe.
France is a dungeon full of socio-liberals and SJWs, it's worse than Sweden.
If i saw him, Merkel and Juncker dangling from a tree i would be so happy.
France is the most based country in continental Europe
A lot of people don't like shaking Hollandes hand
Said the butthurts Netherland who's the most famous painter was insane and cut his ears...
Can you even compete with our military history ?
Or with our scientific history ?
Or maybe our rich and complexe language ?
What about food ?
So please, be humble my butthurt neighbour. :]
If you're not even going to try to prove it then don't spout any nonsense.
>M-muh impressive battles
I don't even care what you shitty faggotloving frogeaters do, you're still a bunch of degenerates with a degenerate culture, spreading poisonous philosophies wherever you go.
Hitler should've gassed the French instead of the Jews, even french women look like ogres with their bubbly skin and negroblack hair.
>Reminder that secularism began in France, which essentially destroyed the west.
You're so wrong.
The middle-east used to be 100% christian, and Constantinople didn't fall because of secularism.
You should learn how muslims used to deal with non-muslims, and maybe you'll understand what is going on...
Is the Bilderberg cunt Valls trying to talk shit to this upstanding citizen?
He did, and the policeman answered that he doesn't wanted to shake his hand.
Later on the newspapers, he explained that he didn't shake their hand because of lack of support, and that nothing is alright into the police services...
Putain j'ai ri des commentaires qui l'acclament en héro
Personne n'a remarqué qu'il avait des béquilles et que c'est pour ça qu'il n'a pas tendu la main
>Personne n'a remarqué qu'il avait des béquilles et que c'est pour ça qu'il n'a pas tendu la main
Valls s'arrête et lui demande "C'est à cause des béquilles que vous ne serrez pas la main ?"
le mec répond un truc du genre :
"Non, bien au contraire, c'est volontaire"
Après Valls n'as plus voulu écouter, et le mec a été interviewé, il a éxpliquer son geste à cause du manque de moyen, et que la police va mal...