What happens when Sup Forums grows up and realize there is no such thing as a "god" ?
What happens when Sup Forums grows up and realize there is no such thing as a "god" ?
>my beliefs are superior/less childish then yours
what happens when you grow up you fucking leaf
They are not my beliefs , they are my observations.
People need different things to ignore existential dread.
Making up imaginary solutions to a real problem isnt the way to fix it.
Yes there is faggot , I have observed a lack of god for my entire life as you have never observed god once , therefore rely on belief.
What about the god of the enlightners?
Depends on what you consider to be "God"
There is no proof that Im not god either , how the fuck do you know any better you stupid cunt ?
the exact same thing you just did
>tips fedora
Godfags are more often than not huge government bootlickers and statist cumguzzlers in general.
If you are looking for an answer I think you should find it in that piece of information, they are in need of a higher power like an intrusive government or a God in a bad mood to live.
Human trash id what they are
Are you enlightened by your intelligence?
Tell me , why are brits so damn fond of their imaginary friend ?
I have been in a constant state of euphoric enlightenment for as long as I can remember.
But there is no proof.
>Brits among the least religious in the world: UK comes 59th in poll of 65 countries after only 30% of population say they have a faith
>1/3 of a country believes in something they were told to believe years ago and still do unconditionally.
no wonder you're getting islam'd
nothing to do with the question:
>What happens when Sup Forums grows up and realize there is no such thing as a "god" ?
How do you know what I have observed? If I said I had you wouldn't believe me anyway.
You have not observed a moon landing so how do you know the worlds not feeding you bullshit?
Ex-Atheist of 27 years. AMA.
You can actually shine lasers at mirrors left on the moon to calculate the distance between the earth and the moon , If I wanted to verify the fact that we landed on the moon I could. Or I could just go there and check it out myself. to be sure I wont because of how fucking expensive it is , but I could.
It still would not be as expensive as the amount of money one would put into verifying the existence of something thats pretty much clear is a made up story..
Everyone knows virgins cant give birth , so either the bible is the biggest most popular cuck fantasy ever or its bullshit in its entirety.
How is the divorce ?
what made you change?
I honestly don't know how you can pass the age of 18 without realizing that the bible is a myth.
I got divorced to the world on March 15th. Its great. I no longer worry about anything.
Reading the Bible my self and investigating the claims it makes my self. Taking the promise of seek and you shall find to heart and holding God to it.
Some will never accept how meaningless their lives are.
There is The Emperor and the glorious purpose He bestows upon us, nothing more.
God is inmortal
if someone shoots you, you die
That's a pessimistic way of looking at it, I'm just saying it's a myth and that's very clear.
It is a lie, not a myth.
are you sure?
what if he just retorn to his incorporeal form?
Everything is pointless without God. Anyone can understand this. Few will ever seek out God but many will run away from him just like a thief runs away from a cop. We all know we're bad kids.
Religious existentialism is a way of experiencing the world and edifying the human spirit. Religious experience will always exist.
They're not mutually exclusive, but yes I do believe intentional deception was in mind when the bible was written. I believe it's an obvious tool of psychological control that perfectly targets the human mind in order to enslave it.
My life is not pointless without god. I live for my loved ones, and I enjoy nearly every day of my life.
You certainly can believe whatever you want. :)
I personally have witnessed way too many events in my life that while possible are statistically unlikely.
For example: When I was 7 Y/O my family was on a road trip to Georgia and we were stopping at a rest stop. We were going to sleep there but my dad had the strangest feeling that we needed to leave. That night a tornado hit the rest stop we would have been at had we not left.
Another example was from my time in the military.
In Sangin we had our route clearance team come back to the FOB and tell us that they found an active 200lb IED(Still working) with our tire tracks over the pressure plate.
Anyone can say it is lucky coincidence but I have had such a plethora of these events in my life that I'll take my chances with the whole God thing.
we need to test it
You know that animals including humans can detect coming storms right?
but if he returns to his incorporeal form, how are going to know?
you know, its very well known that if there is god he just doesnt answer us
what makes you think that if the leaf is indeed god he would tell us?
we ask him before we shoot him
if he says he's not going to show himself there would be the doubt
Bold claims for someone on the internet.
1) Look up: burden of proof
2) There's a load of evidence supporting the non-theist position.
3) Just because you cant be proved wrong doesn't mean its right. Silly goose.
> the universe just is and we shouldnt question why it came to be
Have you ever predicted a tornado out of the blue when you are originally from a state(Oregon) that virtually never has even a thunderstorm?
Also, as I said before. Many other examples in my life.
what if the leaf is an actual psycopath troll?
I'm not even sure what that's supposed to imply. People who use the internet are unhappy?
...That's not how it works. A severe storm changes the quality of the atmosphere and many people can detect it coming. Also, a few coincidences in your several decades of life and suddenly magic is real?
Use some critical thinking user, this is bad.
The universe is causal and posits a creation.
This means that it cannot be created in and of itself.
If it was created in and of itself, that would be a miracle.
How do rationalise this?
Some canadian on a trap sharing site said god doesnt exists. Ok
kek will cut you down for saying shit like that m8
I was convinced by the data that God exists and he is the God of the Bible. No data has ever come out contradicting God. Only hypothesizes attempting to and dunces clinging to them as their hope despite them not holding water.
It might have always existed. There are a lot of possibilities and none of them require the bible to be true. With this logic you could say any creation myth is true. Do you guys really not see the flaws in this type of thinking? This is really basic stuff.
They go to reddit.
False. No real atheist has a real postiion, or a non-position. Aside from there being no good evidence supporting your claim, there are too many contradictions in the bible and other falsities. One being the flood. Either way, i'm not too worried about being right or wrong in the end. If you're right you're right, i'm just following the evidence.
I think the flaw here is you're running away from the Bible because it doesn't make you feel good about yourself.
God is seen as the non contingent ground of all being.
He is not contigent upon the material world and does not abide by its laws.
If the universe present itself as contigent, the question becomes what is the source of creation.
A multiverse is yet another contigency and and not an ultimate source.
The question of why there is a universe in the first place holds sway and i dont think a God is out of the question when it comes to examing the miracle that there is life at all.
> 2) There's a load of evidence supporting the non-theist position.
get a petri dish... put nothing in it. then conjure up a universe with life in it inside the petri dish... until you do that, you have ZERO evidence supporting the non-theist position
>It might have always existed
you have applied the powers of a god to a material universe.
why is a God magical thinking what you just said not?
What is nothing
everybody knows that the universe was a coincidence, and humanity is a coincidence, and everything we do is a coincidence
They find Her, in some form or another.
No I spent years learning about it and eventually decided that it was obviously a myth, which it is.
You're gonna have to try again with this post buddy, doesn't make sense.
Why does the universe need a cause?
The flood is quite real. You just accepted the cover story for those layers. If you're actually interested. Read a book called Genesis Flood. It is actually the original and prevailing theory of geology. Though they usually dub it catastrophism because they don't want to accept that the data says those layers were put down in a incredibly short period of time and with water on a global scale.
you realize that you can't make excuses for your behavior, that you've only got one life, that happiness is truly what's important, not devoting yourself to a man made religion for promises slipped from the mouths of men.
people who are good because of religion are the worst kinds of people to have around you when survival instincts kick in. These are people who think "oh well i cant kill or rape, then i'll never get into heaven." not because its wrong, but because they miss out on a good goy award.
What happens when OP grows up and realises he's a flaming faggot?
nothing is the entirety of what would exist with no creator force
Some of them literally could not be a coincidence. As in they could not be given a probability and if they could it would be a number like .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
I'm not going to bother explaining the dynamics because I am not here to convince anyone.
I am simply stating that some of us have experienced "Godly" things that are outside of the realm of anything I believe the be scientifically possible.
For someone to state that I/we have not is as arrogant to us as we are to you.
Comparatively I am a god to you, you fucking peon maplenigger. Now go suck off a dog you fucking degenerate.
You mean you were looking at all the fabrications you could which twisted the raw data to fit what they wanted it to say.
If you were really interested in God. You would go looking and find the information very quickly that there is a lot of evidence for the God of the Bible and only for the God of the Bible.
At the end of the day the reason I came to know God is real is because I looked for Him knowing that it would be like working upstream against a lot of theories using the same data falsely to try and ignore the possibility of God to the most extreme.
I get the feeling if you knew the God of the Bible was real. You wouldn't worship him. Am I right? I think this sums up most atheists.
Punishment of Idolaters.
* The wrath* of God* is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickednessp of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
For what can be known about God is evident to them, because God made it evident to them.q
Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made.r As a result, they have no excuse;
for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened.s
While claiming to be wise,t they became fools
and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged animals or of snakes.u
Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts* for the mutual degradation of their bodies.v
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.w
Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural,
and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.x
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.
y They are filled with every form of wickedness, evil, greed, and malice; full of envy, murder, rivalry, treachery, and spite.
Yes , but we shouldnt call it a coincidence , as people attach to coincidences a magic feeling , as if they are acts of god.
Our perception of god is largely limited by the physical boundaries we interpret as the universe.
God is not a metaphysical being.
"God" is the essence of life, the spirituality of prayer, and similarly to time, present but non existing.
The belief there is one "God" is human perception in the wake of overwhelming cosmic power that unites us all, no matter in which way we worship it, or what we call it.
does it not strike you as a miracle that the universe has always existed?
do you believe in miracles or does everything have a rational explanation?
>id is fucking kfag
K, fag.
No user, it's very obvious that the bible is just a myth and our modern science is constantly uncovering information that discredits the bible.
It is not against the laws of physics, does not require bible magic at all.
See that OP. That's you. A fool. Someone who can plainly see the world is a ruin filled with all manner of evil and you say, "But there is no God".
You've made yourself wise in your own site to deny the absolute truth.
There is a God, and all knees will bend on the day of his triumph. Meditate on this and seek forgiveness.
happy accidents?
You stupid fucking leaf
>lol wheres my evidenc
>you cant gib evidence so therefore nu
You act like people are getting up in your face and shoving a bible down your throat. Christianity is not provable, but you act like by believing that theyre 'claiming' that it is. Nobody will ever know if its real or not, AND IT DOSENT FUCKING MATTER. Western society was build on the ideals of christianity, we would be NOTHING without religion. Suuure, nobody can prove god exists, but you obviously cant get it through your syrup clogged brain just how healthy Christianity is for society. Failing to see that, you run around like the autistic leaf you are going LOL RELIGION ISNT REAL WAKE UP SHEEPLE.
How did plant life live underwater for a year, how did all of the varying species of life branch off within such a small amount of time, where did all the water go that reached five and a half miles, how did all of the animals fit on the ark and how did they survive a year in a boat
I could go on.
Atheists have no proof that there is no God, and Christians have no proof that there is. It all boils down to faith.
Grow up.
Argument from ignorance.
>Baseless assumption
Read a book called God Has Spoken. The Bible in 24 Hours or Genesis Flood. Or if you can't read. Try Creation.com.
See above if you are actually curious and are actually searching for God. This conversation is pointless unless you actually want God in your life.
bible magic is turning water into wine
your magic is a universe that eventually ends up creating life, and has existed for ever and always
now THAT is magic
>read a book or check a website that's wrong
Lol no. How about you try defending your assertions that magic is real.
The flood has a real life natural explanation. The Younger Dryas impact and the meltdown of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age flooded the planet.
no mistaskes , just happy accidents.
>It is not against the laws of physics
Laws themselves do not create anything, they are merely a description of what happens under certain conditions.
You have confused law with agency. Asking someone to choose between God and physics is a bit like someone demanding that we choose between aeronautical engineer Sir Frank Whittle and the laws of physics to explain the jet engine.
I want proof. It's pretty simple.
argument from logic
your argument is completely illogical.
Once again anything you say could be used to defend literally any creation myth and it would be just as stupid. Just because you can't wrap your head around the idea of the universe always existing doesn't mean others are incapable of doing so.
Knock yourself out.
>"I don't know how we came to be, and scientists cant figure it out so must be God"
Lol I'm not the one who reverts to glorified fairy tales like a child does.
Fascinating see
attacking man made religions is a deflection tactic
this isn't about the validity of christianity or islam, this is about whether an eternally existing universe that creates life, with no external influence, is logical
and it isnt'
What am I looking at specifically
>something came from nothing
>the universe sustains itself
>its just coincidence its finite and dying
>entropy only applies when I want it to