
I'm finding I'm getting more and more disillusioned with fascism. I still hate democracy and globalism, but the economic and revolutionary aspects of fascism are now putting me off.

Maybe monarchism with a strong nationalist chancellor (a la Otto von Bismarck) is the best form of governance, but the current British royal family are fags and I wouldn't want to be ruled by them

what to do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I still hate democracy
Fuck off Iran



>I hate democracy

Got you spoiled and insufferable little bitch. You live the best form of government the world has ever seen (western liberal democracy) and you're bitching like you've been so wronged.

You'd be unhappy no matter what government you lived under.

>Wanting your politicians to mass import migrants for votes

Fuck off, cuck

Any anti monarchist Quebecucks should be deported from Canada, does Louisiana still have some room?

Try and Canada will be a French country :^)

We don't need anymore Muslims here


A traditional monarchy presiding over a relatively laissez-faire capitalist economy.


>Calling other countries politicians cucks

>You live the best form of government the world has ever seen
you've had that drummed intoyou your whole life, eh user?


You'll get no argument from me

It's weird how North Americans glorify monarchism when the monarchist countries of Europe are some of the most cucked.

Modern politics are governed by international relations, global challenges and interests of power, to secondary degree by law and contracts. The question of person and system are actually secondary. But believing that failed systems like communism, facism, or monarchy could somehow solve the problems we have with a magic wand is dellusional.

Some, like aristocracy, are aesthetically appealing, but that's about it.

Only Anglo Canadians do it because they have no culture of their own so they have to slavishly worship some German bitch

No, it's very easy to see. Prosperity, peace, democracy, freedom and technological advancement are all a result of our Western liberal democracies. Keep dreaming that you lived under a dictator you submissive cuck.

Literally every government in history has said this of itself. It only helps that said government also controls the education system

Or you can just look at the facts and stats of each country and see that Western liberal democracy is about as objectively superior as you can get.

Quebecuck culture
>vote liberal because le stupeed Anglo are unsophisteecated conservatives unlike us
>hate religion because le trying to be European meme
>all women are whores
>all guys are anorexic nu males
>women survive on a diet of vodka and Arab sperm
>take money from Alberta because the only thing Quebec produces is porn and maple syrup

>a la Otto von Bismarck

>le rebel media memes

Oy vey Mr. Levant, ya got me!

Prosperity, peace, democracy, freedom and technological advancement are independent of government form

Lol objectively incorrect. Read a book.

I have no idea what you're talking about, what's rebel media?

>what is imperial prussia
>what are renaissance Italian republics
>what is bourbon france

bro, you live in a monarchy, it's just that you don't call the big men "kings" anymore.

Your chief executive is essentially an elective King, your provincial governors are essentially barons, and the parliament is filled with minor aristocrats.

Your country differs from mine only in that you have an empress: Elizabeth.

You're not calling for monarchism if you don't understand this; you're calling for absolutism (which is a subset of monarchism), which isn't really much different from fascism once you strip away traditional titles and noble birth.

>mandatory conscription and authoritarian rule
>freedom, peace and democracy

Jesus christ are you even trying?

And how is mandatory conscription and authoritarian rule not something that describes your country?


elective systems actually ARE more peaceful than non-elective systems, if only for the fact that with elections, you can pacify the people more easily by assuring them that they can vote out a king that they hate, rather than having to take him to the chopping block.

you're right on all the other stuff, though. any regime hypothetically would be no more or less prosperous and technically inclined just on account of it's government, and as the west is showing, wherever there is government, freedom has to be curtailed in some form or another.

Because drafts are not a regular facet of our nation and I don't live under authoritarian rule.

Read Bertrand de Jouvenel "On power".

Read Erik Kuehnelt-Leddihn

What about executive orders and the supreme court? A few rulers overruling the will of the people.

>that last line.

I don't get the love for fascism either. Living under a fascist government sounds like shit. Not a fan of the war-like tendencies either.

The supreme court represents the Constitution which is a tool of the people in itself. Executive orders can be overridden by Congress.

Burgers had no enemies. Canada and Mexico were pitiful competitors.

If all you need to is to mow down redskins, militias will do fine.

There is a reason why the US armed forces were considered amateurs up to Vietnam.


> leaf
> wouldn't want to be ruled by the royal family

B-but you are already ruled by the royal family

Trump for God Emperor.

Authoritarian regimes entail much more than just spying on its people.

Stop calling him that

So the supreme court overruling the results of referendums is ok? How so?

And when was the last time any executive order was repealed? Your congress is vestigial at this point

Don't tell me what to do, faggot.


It's more complicated than that. Congress is not vestigial, that's absurd.

They do, authoritarian regimes suppress dissent violently and disappear those that protest against the state.

Trump isn't even a Christian

Monarchy is the only God approved government, although all governments are flawed and inferior to the Kingdom of Heaven.

"they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee"

You will find no such endorsement of any other government in the Bible, even though democracy had been created by the Greeks for a long time before the New Testament was written.

Isn't congress controlled by republicans? How come all of Obama's executive orders still stand?

Because Republicans and Democrats agree on many issues believe it or not.


Feel free to support your arguments at any time.

Sounds like an excuse for denying that your congress is vestigial. Incidentally this will mean that Trump will have no problem passing his agenda, but it's still a bad thing

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Monarchy only works if the monarch has absolute power. As soon as laws or constitutions come into play you can forget about it.

Absolute monarchy, like in France until the revolution, is the way to go. You politically neutralize the aristocracy/oligarchy by making them completely dependant upon the royal court.

Everything else is just complete bullcrap.

Tell me how many divorces he's had

ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to waggle your willy like a willy wanking bishop;;'))

ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to waggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wanking star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywanking game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to wank our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))


GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wanking your willy!!!

step #2

move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))


you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be white wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by waggling THEIR willies;)))

and now you are a master ant waggling your willing with your mates;))))) just remember to ask me if you ever need to waggle your willy again;;;;)))now pip ipip cheerio im off to waggle my willy!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

ooooooooohhhh man me mates!! allo me chapss!!! i think me mates i have just made a major breakthrough in the field of the majestic art of the waggle..!!!lissen closely maties,its not often u hear wagglin tips down the line like what im abouta drop now!!

so u know howdo waggle ur willy.and you now it causes willy pleasure. but did u know what if you stick your finger up your bum and wiggle it around u get bumbum pleasure instead?? combine it with the willy waggle for dubble trubble 0_o whOaAOAOAOaoAOoooo!!!!!!!!!!nows thats what i callsome relief eh esse..mmmhmmm.......stick me finger up my bum......pull it out....hehehehehit smells lilke ey kid,...smell me thinga eheheh smell me smellie fingers kid heheheheheh!!!!!!!!!.....

if u want advanced bumpleasure shove TWO or maybe THREE fingers up ur bum!!!! keep wagglin until ur entire body starts convulsin w/ PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYBUMANDMYWILLY THEYFEELLIKE ITS AN EARTHQUAKE IN ME BUM A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dress up in me sisters school unform.finga me bum and take pictures and post it on the internet!!!!!!!! i always ask me mummy and daddies permission to use the net first 0_o just because mummie and daddie dont wanna see u waggle doesnt mean u can be a freeloader breakin the house rules -_-

well until then.pippip cheerio me wankas!!!im off to finga me mates bums and put the picturegrabs on a website called ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!until then waggle it away maties!!!!!!

Masturbation is a sin and nothing to joke about

ohyhhhhmy willyfeelssogood;))))endlessWILLYPLEASURE.
u wanna some willy wanking tips I give you some my willywanking grasshopper
>step 1: grab your willy
>step 2: waggle it up and down!!!!!!
>step 3: even tho it hurts waggle it to FULLJOY!!!!mmHHHHmmmmmwaggleurwilly;))


Don't joke about this, it's seriously not a good thing

>Maybe monarchism with a strong nationalist chancellor (a la Otto von Bismarck) is the best form of governance, but the current British royal family are fags and I wouldn't want to be ruled by them

And therein lies the problem with monarchism ya dumb shit

The rest of the world figured this out a good century ago

ello mates ;) good ev'nin,as they say on the streets of england!!!!! i was just waggling my willy the other day when i googled something into yahoo...callled "porno".....oh man me mates you gotta check this out!!! all these boobies and bums for all the eye can see!!!!!my willy has never been so overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!imwagglingmywilllyyyaAaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MY WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathat hit the a bit of an artful dodger you see you pick up these tips and tricks from the rookeries and streets of england so dont go around telling anybody about porno ok???ok:)me mates we have a deal ;) waggle it away maties!!

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0wned,p0wned an laid the fuckout by MEMEBLOC. dam your a fag.. have double the dose of flippum birdums 0_o,,

WILHELM, this is your grandmother; the motherfucking Queen of England. Now listen to me you little cunt, wot wot wots all this eh about you walking up and down these fine folk with your cock out? What did the good doctor say boy about the devils handshake by jove, first you go blind, then your unmentionables go black, ejaculate pure lice and plague, then the whole sordid mess drops right off. Luckily my dear prince Albert though afflicted with this vile and unsumptious condition cannot affect thy queen for my vagina is huge and royal good heavens.

But listen to me you little shit if Benjamin Disraeli mentions once more of your frequent aquaintance with Rosy Palms and her five sisters I, befitting this great nation of fish and chips will throw you in a Black Maria and send you to fucking Australia. Try waxing your moustache with an indigenous spear up your arse you lame-armed little cunt. Ooohhhh good heavens I have gone right red in the face I 'ave, so ashamed I am to have such dissapointement in me life :;( Oh well, off to tottenham courts for a day at the races and a pint of gin eh guv ;)

Meet the new royalty of USA.


>I wouldn't want to be ruled by them


Wow, Bulgarians are autistic as fuck. Must be the slavic blood I suppose.

*leg sweeps u*

U Wot M8? !!

*does epic steampunk parkour backflip onto your stomach and fucking crushes your kidney*


us britpostere eh -_-
oi mate,do you mind? me ole wanka? me ole bishop? ya wanka mate? all these britwords we learn on the rookies of the streets of england -_-

anotherthing.US BRITS.ARE teapot steampunk parkour gentlemennies CYNICS.WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN A MAGICAL SKYDADDY!!!

anotherthing. we.say. zeh-brah. not zee-brah. ZED>ZEE.gedditrite yankees 0_o

I'm still amazed by these shitposters commitment.