Why did it bomb?

Why did it bomb?

Is mommy kino hated for some reason?

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No one wants to watch a boring looking film about gun control, not even the ones who advocate. People don't like blatant agendas forced down their throat

because gun control doesn't work

The presidential campaign season was long and brutal so people have been going to the movies to get away from the political discussions. This is a movie about the one thing people were trying to get away from. They should have released this film back during the primaries instead of 2 weeks after the election.


anti gunfags btfo

Women main characters are boring



women are smart and funny, get over it


Their shoes are fucking awful. Can't even see their toes.

female leads need to have an actual decent character, aside from being female and "empowered"
also, showing a film about a controversial political topic 2 weeks after the most exhausting political seasons of modern US history was a retarded idea

> political movie = box office succes

AH, yeah sure pal, nice joke....

Why did they think that making and releasing anti-gun movie in USA is a good idea?

This. They couldn't have picked a worse time to release a film. Should have been an August or October release.

So it should do better when released on blu-ray right?


It's because white men are still not able to handle a strong woman as the leading role.

not to mention that it is glorifying a lobbyist, one of the most hated of all professions


love this meme


It's not a meme it's the truth. Men have become increasingly more misogynistic over the years and Drumpf being elected president sent them into overdrive.

Because gun control is bullshit. Or sheep shit. Whichever.

I love this meme

I don't see a single wolf in that image.

If you post this kind of tripe again I will have you reported and potentially banned. Keep in mind I won't be doing the reporting so this is not announcing a report but I guarantee you WILL be reported.

Does... does this mean you don't want me to grab your pussy...?

user, ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>Men have become increasingly more misogynistic over the years

Just like there is an epidemic of rape on college campuses, right?

>increasingly more


That's because the guy with the rifle shot them all.

Which is why you need to stop before you get yourself banned. Is that what you want? To get banned on Christmas? I hope not.

Slightly on topic, wasn't Sigourney a big time nogunz activist? I recall she wouldn't let action figures be made of Ripley if they came with guns for awhile and only just recently acquiesced.

And I don't know if Chastain supports GC in real life, but it's kind of funny her next project is to play Painkiller Jane

1. Jessica Chastain is not a draw.
2. Hollywood movies that hate America always do poorly.

Trump didn't make things any worse, he just made the existing shit ingrained in American culture louder.

Or maybe it's a bunch of different people tired of so called "progressives" thinking that female protagonists are some kind of wonderful new thing and thinking that the "glass ceiling" that was broken many years ago still hasn't been broken. Just a thought.


From what I read the whole premise of the film was implausible, even to liberal reviewers. It was obviously hoping to ride the coattails of what they presumed to be a Clinton victory to push gun control.

Banking on an america that would vote for hillary


Americans hate strong women.

>mommy kino
Women who go by "miss" are generally, though not always, mommies

Come on OP

God she's so fucking hot I just wanna blow a load into her face and watch her lick it off with her lizard tongue before realizing what she just did.

Friendly reminder that America did vote for Hillary by a wider margin than any white man in history.

When one memes to create a meme in response, is it still an honest meme?

>Friendly reminder that America did vote for Hillary by a wider margin than any white man in history.

shit dumb people believe

It's because Chastain is a cold, unlikable unmitigated cunt that looks like she can barely restrain from sneering!!!FACT!!!

just because they have an American passport or live in the US doesn't mean they are "American"

Real Americans voted Trump in a landslide

its not even true though

tons of white dudes won by a larger margin than 3 mil

Bill Clinton did both times for example

except for the fact it is literal truth

for god's sake paul, it's christmas. go be a doormat at a party or something

>mommy kino
what? its about guns and why they're bad or some shit.

>Men have become increasingly more misogynistic over the years
>Men stopped eating our bullshit


not even gonna bother going back before 1980

>needs help to stand

Facts Drumpkins are allergic to

is this another one of those threads spammed by those folks from /hr/ with Oedipis Complexes


It is now

Trumpets triggered by facts. Sad!

>having a chin-asshole

>nixon beat his opponet by more than 17 million


it's just propaganda. they say it's not anti gun, rather anti lobbyist and therefore anti nra. what the leftists don't understand and refuse to acknowledge is that the nra is funded almost entirely by its individual members and gives the people a real voice in government. anyone who is against the nra is an anti american traitor and deserves a traitor's death

>reagan also beat his opponent by more than 17 million

why are republicans so good at winning?

Because white people are racist as fuck


its why obama lost pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin

its almost 2017 nad i cant even literally shaking now

I just wanna bend her over that table and fuck her brains out she's so hot

post more Chastain



Read an interesting article a few days ago that pointed out how a great deal of the Drumpf vote came from ex-Obama voters and how the Dankold won these areas by turning the anti-Romney (elitist/globalist/etc.) rhetoric onto Hilldog.

white people were massive nigger lovers all along
negro fatigue sets in very slowly




No good feet scenes.

Taking that a little far wouldnt you say fascist? Im a conservative and an nra member but youre a piece of shit. I hope your mother dies of cancer or your first born child has sex with tons of black dudes, which im sure youd be upset bout since you don't want your whore daughter fucking outside of her family let alone her race!

Fucking cunt.

Well the nigger spent 8 years expressing his content of whites
What else do the dems expect

They had banked everything on the idea that they can spit on whites while still getting 45~%+ of the white vote


are you a #nastywoman Sup Forums?

I think it was less of that, and more a mix of...

>people who expected "change" and got another 8 years of the establishment
>people who still actually think he's a muslim communist from africa

Probably has a little more to do it how they thought he would make things better, and he didn't.

>gun-grabber LARPing

People want to go to movies to escape their boring lives, not to be reminded that rich assholes and gun violence exists in the real world

That doesn't explain why basically the whole population votes straight ticket now

>be TV show producers
>bet it all on an unlikable old hag having enough supporters that will watch your shitty political drama
>die of tay-sachs disease

thanks famalam
