He's the opposite of JUST. He's unJUST. What a terrible fucking thread. You're a goddam idiot, OP.

>I want all of you
what did he mean by this?

not so really JUST but he looks ass blasted from the great meme war of 2016

>I want all of you

It'd be pretty awesome if he was back on the drugs. Just think how much damage he could do with all that Iron Man money.

Thought that was Cumia

what a coincidence, i want robert downey junior too (in a sexual way)

Robert Downey confirmed for woman

but he wasnt trying to take a picture of the gym, your meme doesnt apply

>richest capeshit actor
>posting a cheery message from a gym

kill yourself OP, i mean it, seriously, kill yourself.

He's still an ultra millionaire while you're still a sad autist

dude drumpf heheheheh

they probably gave him 5 million for just that

i don't know how he can get away with it

Sup Robert Downhere Jr.

How's hanging?

they're right though. RDJ probably looks better than you and he's 51

>I was in movies you know

Ah I see you're projecting. Carry on.

>robert downey jr
You mean the insecure cuck who wears platformers because he's a pathetic beta with no self esteem?


LOL that pic cannot be real


Wants one what?

He went from a crazy drug addict to an absurdly successful actors. I don't like him, but isn't that like a reverse JUST.

You better believe it


yeah of course he looks ass-blasted that was the whole point of the video. a bunch of celebrities looking disappointed in you for not supporting Hillary.


Why is he so insecure about it? 5'6 is short but ok if you're an actor. Just look at Tom Cruise.

You probably start to feel really insecure when your whole life revolves around appearance

her heels are just as big as his though...

Leto looks about as tall as his female coworkers when they're in heels too but that doesn't bother. Though being as hot as he is might help with that


How is 'probably' the sign he's projecting, you faggot fucking redditor. He without a doubt looks better than you in the eyes of ever single woman who has ever lived since the dawn of our species. Including, and especially, your fat faggot mom.

danny devito doesn't care


His heels are barely an inch. What's the big deal

Nice projecting newfriend. Didn't mean to trigger kek

So he reads Jojo?

P. Cool

yeah but he owns it

It shows that he's insecure enough to use such ridiculous shoes just to mask his height a little. Using this kind of shit just makes your situation much worse than being short

He can't seriously think he's fooling anyone

Vast majority of people who just watch the movies he is in have absolutely no idea how tall the actor is irl. Most people are not like /tv you know.


Projecting: The Post

I have a small penis: the post

He's still a manlet and I'm not

>i want all of you
what do you want manlet?

>My wife literally cheated on me because I couldn't satisfy her with my infantile genitals: The Post
>I now drive a large truck and own a gun to compensate: The Post


damn, youre really ass blasted arent you?

this HAS to be shopped

Sorry to hear that. Maybe if you work on your attitude you can find another girl.

Lol I love when fucking losers like you always revert to "w-well t-they make more money than y-you"
Money isn't everything autist

dude Jesus Christ id be embarrassed as FUCK if I were you. Don't post anymore or you're in full damage control

>get called an autist and btfo
>get mad
>preface retort with "Lol" and end by also calling your bully an autist
Lol ever notice how kids like you who say they don't care about money never have any, autist?

TIL that owning a gun makes you have small genitals
nice bait buddy keep it up

I do though lmao. Thanks for the reply bud. Waiting on the next one loser


how tall is that woman

>health tips

That, or you're a coward who needs it to feel secure in the event another man raises his voice to you.

Well he can tell him about all the things he SHOULDN'T do, that is still a health tip.

why would you post this

What the fuck? Redditors aren't even trying to hide any more.

fucking pathetic shit right here, these are among the most cancerous posts there are, right there on top with furry shit

Reminder Joss Whedon wasted 50 million dollars on that ad.

Flawless post desu

I can understand all the autists on this board on Christmas (me included) but why would RDJ be posting here? Why even be a millionaire manlet if you're still stuck on Sup Forums?

That man can't stop cucking themselves

Well Sup Forums it's bsbeen a hell of a year with you bros. I've shared a lot of memes and laughs. I'm glad I had this time with you. Hapve a merry christmas, sincerely, and I hope you guys all the best for 2017.

Wtf is wrong with his neck

He wants ALL the drugs. He prolly wakes up next to his wife missing the days when he would wake up in his neighbors child bedroom.

I bet he misses doing drugs
Just look at his expression, he wishes he was high


>can ask absurd amounts of money just to show up and say a few lines every six months

It is not the real Downey jr. It's not even a fucking human being, he's at a effects workshop, it's a real life sized prosthetic dummy of Downey.

Are you guys fucking blind? jesus christ

It's a mask

>getting mad from an obviously fake post meant to get autists mad and reply
You replied. So uh user I got some bad news bud

I'm talking about Chris

fuck me that's funny

>Is a millionaire who can bang any chick he wants
>Still insecure enough to wear heels
That just makes him even more pathetic desu

Post the one where it's like 100 stars on a sage, and you can see him on his tippie toes in the back

>uuh uh uuuh toooo baad maan only pretending to be retarded there :^)

go play with your new toys or something sonny, you are an obnoxiously retarded child

you're probably too young to remember pre-Iron Man RDJ.

>one of hollywood's highest paying actors
>still in good mental health
>still good looking
>still millionaire
you can't even meme properly. Brendan is JUST. RDJ is far from that. delete yourself and this thread from existence


>he STILL replied
Christ I'm just getting embrrassed for you now. Give it up

Why does he wear the mask?

only dreams now

>be short
>be drug user
>have 100 million dollars
>be alone on Christmas
Can make this shit up

ITT: OP BTFO himself

He also got raped in prison

who the fuck cares.
Hell I would at least hire few bitches to be around me at times like that if i had the money.
being raped must made him gay or something.

You should really follow those steps

>I want all of you
ahahaha what the actual fuck ahahaha

suck my dick fag

Latza is a serious editor at Disney now. He's laughing at you, cuck.