Is craft beer red pilled?

Is craft beer red pilled?

The only people I see drinking this stuff are numales.

I'm starting to think jews are behind craft beer. It would explain why it costs twice as much.

>jews are behind craft beer. It would explain why it costs twice as much.
No shit, you just figured that out?

Some are pretty good and alot of people like to drink local brewed beer it's kinda like eating farm stand fruit or vegtables it just tastes better when you know it's made locally

It's much better than the big manufacturer's swill. Beer snobs should al be shot, but the good beer can stay.

If you can't tell the diffence between a small brew local beer and the piss water that is budweiser then no it's not worth it. Just stick to drinking bud with your underage friends behind the supermarket.

But if you aren't destitute and have taste buds then yea you should shop around and find beers you really like. Finding new stuff is half the fun of drinking 2bh fàm.

Beer snobbery is attractive to betas because it allows them to feel superior for doing one of the easiest things to do in the world.

see also: literature, movies, music

budweiser isn't piss water. anyone who knows anything about beer knows that budweiser is completely inoffensive.

Craft beer is a shitty meme. Mostly the guys who make them aren't good brewers and they contain all sorts of shit. Hence why you get terrible hang overs from them. They are even inconsistent with the alcohol level.

t. beer aspie

Honestly it's pretty good shit m8, but the numales obsessed over it are pretty insufferable.

i don't really see how anyone who isn't incredibly insecure would care that "numales" drink different kinds of beer, and would even decide against drinking something they might like because someone else drinks it.

what's wrong with you people?

The beer world is a-political and has no pill, red or blue.
Craft beer is more expensive than macro beer, because it costs more to make. American lagers use less ingredients and supplement the grain bill with cheaper adjunct grains.
Craft beer is usually stronger and more flavorful, which means more ingredients, especially hops which are fairly expensive compared to grains. That isn't to say the mark-up on beer in general isn't ridiculous, but if your product costs more to make, you are entitled to charge more for it.
t. work at brewery

I'm agreeing with a swede here. Like 90% of "craft breweries" go bancrupt in two years. Was an article.

People are judged by people they hang with, you dickswap.

sometimes the hatred is so strong it goes to level of symbols. like I don't actually hate homos but absolutely fucking loathe the people pushing gay agenda I vote against on issues just to make them mad.

I don't have a problem with local people enjoying local products, in fact I'd encourage it. but the whole culture thing surrounding it is shit

It's an interesting experience trying a bunch of craft beers but the market has been flooded by every hipster thinking they are master craftsmen who just brew piss water with too many hops and mark it up $5 a bottle. Whats even worse is people buying the piss beer and pretending it's good.

I've spent well over $1000 on different kinds of single bottle craft beer and while I've had good experiences, it's like a 1/10 chance you actually will get something good.

Just stick to bourbon and black strap rum, most bang for your buck

>Good brewery related

Continue to drink the trash that Chicago sends down river that gets bottled in st Louis

>it's like a 1/10 chance you actually will get something good.

If you try over $1000 worth of beer and only like 1/10th of them, you might just not like beer that, much, man. I'm not saying every craft beer needs to be an orgasm in a glass, but most craft beers I've had at least been markedly better tasting than an American light beer or Eurotrash lager.

post your go-to beer

It's fucking beer mate, chill. We're not autistic Marxists who need to make every little thing into a political act.

Holy shit this.

Craft beer always gives me a massive headache. No matter what, I always wake up feeling like I took a blow to the head with a baseball bat.

I work in the bar industry. Lemme tell you about craft beer. It's a scam. Most of it is bought out by big brewers and the same shit as big name stuff. My advise is, do your research. But also, who cares, if you like it, drink it.


Beer has 4 ingredients. Budweiser boasts that it has over 100.

Just don't drink IPA often because hops give you tits.

Honestly, I went through a craft phase but I couldn't justify the price for local stuff. I'll still grab some Sierra Nevada(if you can call them craft). After awhile you start to realize that all the beers are the same and you're not going to find a beer that blows your mind.

I'm drinking Tyskie for the first time tonight and its alright. Colder the better with this one.

If it's truly local beer, just go visit the brewery and hang out. Local beer brewers are always more than happy to get visitors drunk.

>Most of it is bought out by big brewers and the same shit as big name stuff.



The only brewery in my town is owned by a couple that won the lottery. That should tell you something.

You'd be surprised by how many people think Blue Moon and Sam Adams is craft beer.

>I'm starting to think jews are behind craft beer.
Crafty Jews Behind MY Craft Beer?

Surely you jest.

>Most of it is bought out by big brewers
I wouldn't say most. Some "craft" beers are notorious attempts at getting into the market. For instance, Blue Moon is owned by Miller-Coor's. Some are bought, yes. Goose Island and a couple others have been acquired by AB-InBev. But I would not say the majority of breweries have been bought, especially the joe-blow smalltown ones that barely distribute outside their tri-county area.

the bruery is so great.

craft beer in general can be hit or miss. i don't care for ipa's bc the hops are overwhelming, but everything else is palatable, depending on my mood.

>Tfw drank this beer from a local brewery
>It was fucking good, the best beer I've had
>They don't export it outside of the town
>It's 200km away


Miller High Life will always have a special place in my heart. I can drink that beer any day of my LIFE!

Blue Moon is owned by Miller-Coor's. Sam Adams isn't owned by a parent company. It actually is a craft brewery that "made it in the big leagues", even though it only makes about 1% of the market and gets BTFO by Bud Light.

Best macrobrew on the market

t. Pennsylvanian

Look at me mom, Im such a special snow flake, I only like craft beer brands that no one else knows and costs 5 times as much as popular brands!
I dont care that beer only has 4 ingredients, its really different!

My go to beer

It's aight I guess

The "beer snob" or "beer geeks" really are insufferable though. I know a few. They're pretty much your typical hipster that also reads Pitchfork and goes on Reddit.

I hate craft beer with a passion. You could have a brand called Giant Faggot shipped in dick-shaped bottles and it still wouldn't be as gay as some of the shit out there, every asshole at every microbrewery thinks they're clever yet none of them would know funny if it fucked them.

I used to drink craft beers but now I mostly sip hard liquor in the evening.
It is cheaper in the long run and I like the taste more.


Best craft beer on the market.

Just brew your own beer, it's like a $30 investment. That's probably the most "redpilled" way to drink


There are monestarys over in your part of the world that do just that. I have been to a few. Heavenly beer but these old monks will only sell it to the local town no export.

I live in texas and our local beer is st. arnolds. I used to go to college 2 blocks from the brewery. Let's just say we gad some fun lunches.

I don't consider it craft beer really. I just drink it cause it's cheap as fuck and is miles better than other cheap beer to me

Ask a Trump supporting straight white male from Portland, Oregon that exclusively drinks microbrew anything

It's a paradox of better tasting beer, but being absolute complete and utter faggots if you enjoy it.

Beer snobs are the worst kind of people.

>it's like a $30 investment
For the ingredients of a 5gal batch, maybe. The basic equipment needed to brew will cost you at least a hundo, though.


You live in america you fucking fruit, pour some old grand dad

There is a lot of bad craft beer out there, but some of it is quite good.

I don't live in Belgium, Germany, or the Czech Republic, so the cheapest high quality beer is locally produced craft beer.

>blended scotch

bourbon is piss

>On Saint Patrick's Day in 2005, the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control served a twenty day suspension of operations to investigate alleged cannabis dealing by employees. Officers had staked out the brewery to observe people supposedly consuming on premises. No charges were filed; Magee admits "no one was willing to sell it to them, but everyone was willing to give it to them for free." The ordeal was eventually commemorated with a beer named Undercover Investigation Shut-down Ale.


Go tip your fedora somewhere else nerd

Here it's old men who like to pretend they are not piss heads by drinking this stuff who spend all day down at the pub.


Literally poison

>I'm starting to think jews are behind craft beer. It would explain why it costs twice as much.

I find local brews to cost more.

Anyway, isn't it the invention of a degenerate used to control goyim? Trump said not to drunk and some people Sup Forums said they gave up alcohol/beer.

lagunitas sumpin is great but it's all i've had from them

I love this shit. Drank half a bottle for breakfast one day because I thought "There's not *that* much left from the night before". It was more than expected.

Had a friend take me to Jason's Deli for lunch where I proceeded to crash an old man's birthday party to hit on his 16 year old granddaughter. She was super hot, never saw her again.

I didn't like beer until I finally got some decent 9+% shit. fuck bud, busch, and all that sub 7% alcohol beer. they're all shit and I thought I'd never like to drink beer. Then I found great stouts (not american guiness, kthx). Fucking Dragon's Milk is gold

From what I understand, homebrewing beer is illegal in Japan. Is there any push from the Japanese brewing industry to repeal this?

People who take a high and mighty stance on craft beer are the fucking worst. I used to be one in my early 20s before people called me out on my shit. Now I just sit back, relax and enjoy my beers.

Alcohol is weakness.

im drinking a craft beer and paid twice the amount for it because it has a hight percentage of alcohol and im a degenerate drunk

I think irish and the alcoholic tendencies in both sides of my family line are a bit to strong in me since i'll drink just about anything.

The only thing i discriminate against is price. If i want a buzz i don't want to pay out the ass for it.

t. Jaffar ibn Abu-Mohammed

No, all you need is a couple carboys and a siphon to brew. If you're particular about bottles you can buy stubbies or whatever but you can also just collect pop top Grolsh bottles or whatever.

I am not sure about the laws, but sells homebrewing kits, so I assume that at least homebrewing for personal consumption is okay.

It's also extremely common for Japanese people to make their own plum wine (umeshu). Plum wine making kits are sold at super markets.

Same here. Pour it in a glass next to PBR or Busweiser and you can see how much better it is.

>Not homebrewing

Enjoy your xenoestrogens and jew chemicals


Different definitions of good.

When I spend $10 on a bottle and it's okay, i don't look at it as a good beer, price is a factor in my judgement.

For $3 I can get some tits Bell beer or some stouts from miscellaneous brewers but when I pay more than triple the price for something that is the same quality, I consider it a bad beer.

Trips of truth. Old Grandad is fucking delicious

This looks pretty tasty what does it taste like?



The very best.

>when an american thinks they know anything about alcohol near you

A hydrometer is also a good idea, but the stuff that really adds up is your mash tun and boil kettle. Even if you just decide to get 2 pots over 5gal, those are surprisingly expensive.
PBW and sanitizer also have crazy markups.

Around here everyone drinks its. Their was a time when it was all hipstery but now even rednecks are all about it.

>drinking warm beer

honestly this senpai.

What does "knowing about alcohol" even mean? I am highly skeptical most pub-goers actually give a shit about the process and chemistry of brewing and fermentation.

>american "" people"""

I've always wanted to try it, I worked with an Australian guy who wouldn't shut up about it.

>drinking beer

The Jews already got you. Liquor is the only red pilled alcohol.

>thinking anybody gives a shit what you think

That was from a Risk thread. Thanks for the heads up, I always forget to remove that shit.

This stuff tastes like absolute shit to me, I dunno why people say it's good. I'm not a beer snob either, I usually drink the cheapest shit and think it's good.

That's why I said do your research.

Since major brewery places can claim craft now it's hard to tell what is actually local stuff and what isn't unless you know your shit.

Though I do highly recommend ninkasi. Especially their tricerahops.

We had someone in my bar trying to sell their "craft import" beer. I googled them and found out its rebottled Heineken. Look on his face was priceless when I called him out.

>implying the jews wouldn't rather you dislike alcohol and prefer weed

>implying there's anything you can do that would save you from their grasp

Dark beer is best beer.
Dragons milk is fucking great but I prefer founders KBS

Also pic related is what I enjoyed the other night, its a bit ocerhyped, but still fantastic

My point was saying "it's a scam" and that most breweries are secretly owned by macros is a bit of an exaggeration.
The fact that it was an import lager alone was a red flag, so I don't blame you. Even most fake craft breweries like Blue Moon or Shocktop are at least witbiers.

>Not posting Black & Tan
Just spend the extra nickel, you cheap Amish bastard.

(York was here. Lancaster is a loser.)

>Gulden Draak
That's good shit right there. Especially the Gulden Draak 9000. It's usually $20+ for a four-pack, but it's worth the price of admission.

coors and molson canadian are pisswater. bud is slightly better.