Friendly reminder that if you prefer left over right, you dont belong here and you should fuck off back to reдit

Friendly reminder that if you prefer left over right, you dont belong here and you should fuck off back to reдit

>opening a thread with dubs

Fuck Lord of the Nothing Fucking Happens.

Star wars is for cucked up fucks

Gandalf = Obi Wan
Sauron = The Emperor
Saruman = Darth Vader
Frodo = Luke
Aragorn = Han
R2D2 and C3PO = Merry & Pippin
Frodos Glowing Sword = lightsaber
Mount Doom = The Death Star

Lucas is a fucking disgrace.

Rey could beat Bombadil

They are both overrated trash only a small step above capeshit.

I want rey to annihilate me

Star wats is cape shit

pit whore

NEVER fucking post in my thread again

Star Wars is a glorfied toy commercial while The Lord of the Rings is both a legitimate well penned and cinematographic masterpiece.

Next you'll be telling me the LOTR books are GOAT and Tolkien was actually a good writer.

Said the ever increasingly irrelevant lotr nerd

they are good books, its not Dostoevski, but they are good for what they are


Only nonwhites hate lotr and like shit wars

I'll be completely honest with you senpai; ive read all the greek and all the 100 greatest books and i would rate silmarillion higher.

I dont care if that makes me plebian

>be non white
>enjoy both

I'm so sorry

>be slav
>fucking hate star shit
>fucking love LOTR

slavs confirmed white ?!?

The Silmarillion is a goddamn work of art.

Based zwhqhsz


star wars is extremely dated IMO, and in more ways than one

the main reason it caught on with a fandom is due to the original trilogy creating outstanding practical effects for the time, thats it
the acting was godawful in general, carrie fisher and harrison ford were the only two decent actors in the trilogy
the plot was meh at most, and is only carried by the practical effects lucas used to emphasize certain aspects of it

also guys, did it make you ree internally when sarumon was killed in the extended edition of the two towers? i mean fuck, they could've just left it alone, i was content with sarumon's ending even after reading the books, but the extended edition death of sarumon just felt needless
it's one thing to detach certain things from book lore, but it's another thing to directly oppose booklore

LOTR are great children's books

hobbit is good for 8-12, LotR is better for 12-16 imo

>Carrie fisher and Harrison ford
>Only decent actors
>Hasn't heard of Alec Guinness

I mean you are pretty much right about everything else.

That's still children.

carrie was good in the sense she definitely fit her character, but mark hamill for example couldn't even deliver emotion sometimes

but yes i forgot alec guinness, he actually was ok

wrong slav, nerdboi

What if I like both?



thats the same tho


>star wars
>childrens flick that most people saw as children thus have a certain nostalgia for

>A brilliant world built upon the terrible prose of a hack author, that was turned into a shit boring film series for man children

Alright tyrone cunt

what is tyrone? Something from GoT or Harry potter or something? I've never seen those

thats not even slav u sperg

Oh I forgot to add Star Wars is a brilliant world as well (desu people would spend their whole lives and not dream up droids, the force and lightsabers) that doesn't mean lucas isn't a hack. He's just creative, much like Tolkien

Guinness and Cushing were the only legit actors involved in Star Wars ever.


They're both shit senpai

>muh terrible prose
Go home, Lewis.

lightsabers, spaceships, lasers, robots and cool people >>>>>>> elves, beards, walking, mud and carrots

if you've ever read LOTR which is almost a guarantee you haven't. Its very much like Game of Thrones. Excellent world, terribly written. There isn't even a side of the debate that is on the side of Tolkien. Everyone knows his writing was dogshit

Lying on Christmas day for some worthless (you)s


>everyone who disagrees with me is doing it for (you)s

so? Does it get anymore reddit or is this the peak

Dude I read lotr, the silmarillion, the hobbit, the children of hurin, the lost tales and the unfinished tales. I loved the way they were written, loved all the descriptions and the poems in between. I can see why some may not like it, but saying it's terrible is a load of horseshit.
>Now news came to Hithlum that Dorthonion was lost and the sons of Finarfin overthrown, and that the sons of Fëanor were driven from their lands. Then Fingolfin beheld… the utter ruin of the Noldor, and the defeat beyond redress of all their houses; and filled with wrath and despair he mounted upon Rochallor his great horse and rode forth alone, and none might restrain him. He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come: for a great madness of rage was upon him, so that his eyes shone like the eyes of the Valar. Thus he came alone to Angband’s gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat.
>And Morgoth came.
Fucking shivers, everytime.

Why is that the DC Comics logo modified?

> but saying it's terrible is a load of horseshit.

It's widely accepted fact. tolkien couldn't write for shit. Go post on /lit/ or some other forum where people actually read. He's very much a Lucas of novels. The only half decent book he ever wrote was the hobbit. LOTR is so unbearable to read, it took me until I was 22 to finally just force myself to finish the novels after first trying to start them when I was 15.

Honestly is that passage supposed to impress?

>nonsense words written non-terribly

wow book kino mirite senpai?

Dude, just because (You) couldn't finish the book it doesn't mean it's bad. It just means you're a shit reader who gets scared when he sees more descriptions than dialogues. I read it for the first time when I was 13 and then again and again every year until the current one because it honestly gives me joy to do so.
Also why would I care what /lit/ says? I know how to form my own opinion, I don't need other people to tell me what to think.
>is the passage supposed to impress?
It sure does impress me, every time I read it. Maybe you don't like it, but tell me where is it that you find it objectively shitty.
They make perfect sense, what are you on about?

i read them when i was fucking 12
do you live in a third world country?

I didn't say it was shitty. I asked if it was supposed to impress. Its up to you to prove its worthy of being repeated on this forum, not me to prove it isn't great because lets be real anyone with a brain knows LOTR is shit.

>implying implications about my reading skills is the only way you know how to defend the only book you ever read

>This same faggotry

why even bother?

SW 10/10
ESB 10/10
ROTJ 9/10

FOTR 10/10
TTT 9.5/10
ROTK 9.5/10

No dude, you were the one who said Tolkien's prose is terrible. It's up to you to explain exactly why that is in an objective way. Except that you can't because there's no objective way to do so, it's all a matter of taste.
Also what makes you think it's the only book I've ever read? The Silmarillion may be my favourite one, or at least the one I care about the most, but it's really far from being the only one I've read.

DO NOT compare Tolkein to that fay shit Martin ever again.