Just got around to watching Stranger Things, why the fuck do people like this character so much? So cringy and embarassing.
Just got around to watching Stranger Things, why the fuck do people like this character so much...
She's a qt you mong, watch your mouth or I'll bash ur fuccen hed
> HEY Barb
Nerds need something to cling / relate too
Probably because she was trying to be a good friend and ended up getting a raw deal.
I was more surprised, after I've heard of the hype, that she gets so little screen time. I didn't mind her for good or for bad, but she didn't even have room to make any impression on me.
it's not so much about her as how everyone else reacts to her being missing, and then later, her death
what happens to that kid whom everyone is looking for, which is only the entire catalyst that drives this story, happens to her as well, and nobody cares - not her parents, not her 'best friend', not the school, etc.
it's what made the series shit because it breaks its own logic in a significant way
She's so plain looking. 90% of all the girls at my university look like her. Doesn't make her unattractive though
what if Barb was presenting her big pale ass to you on your bed?
This guy gets it
She gets fucked over by bad writing. Makes Nancy look like a cunt and her parents look terrible
Yeah but Nancy is a cunt
Only tumblr and sjw retards like this abomination, because she's fat as fuck and disgustingly ugly and "queer" and socially inept
Barbs death created a sense of urgency because it's basically a BAD END if they don't save the kid. It also springs the subplot with the sister and awkward camera kid into motion. Its more important than you give it credit for.
>has an instagram post about why porn is a disease
>gets popular and deletes it
What a pussy, can't even stick to her principles
fatties can identify with her
she's a loser who did nothing to deserve the bs life threw at her and then nobody cares that she died. ie: she's very relatable desu
bitch makes my dicc thicc
The cops say that she ran away cause the government guys moved her car to a bus station the coverup with wills body didn't work as well as that one
I'm glad I'm not your friend.. She was being a cunt from start to finish. Insecure and clingy. Subtly belittling because she finds no real value within herself to bolster her self-esteem so she tries to keep her "friend" from following after the things she wants. Worst girl is the worst.
>pass this thread dozens of times thinking it is a pic of some gender swapping 80s tv show plot
>finally read the OP
I don't even remember "her" in that show.
relatable to losers and people who got bullied.
Duffer brothers say Nancy will play into season 2 a lot...
Not really. I love that the unlikable bitch doesn't have anyone who cares. Barely anyone cares about Will too and they even mention at least other two people going missing.
>she got fucked over by bad writing
the character was written from the start with the sole intention of being killed off
even the writers obviously don't care for her because Steve was originally going to be killed off as well but they spared him
she was written to die?
This. She was a lonely prude with exactly one friend, and her friend invites her out to a normal party and she spends the entire time pouting and whining and doing everything she can to prevent her friend from being social. She wanted to keep her only friend out of a relationship, and she shamed and looked down on anyone with a modicum of a social life or any sense of fun. In the end she tried to make her friend choose between her and her boyfriend, and when Nancy called her bluff and chose to spend time with her boyfriend she decided she was going to pout alone in the middle of the night, where she got killed.
Seriously. This bitch does not want what's best for her friends.
She's qt, but at the same time, she's a cunt at parties.
If she lightened up and had some fun she'd be top tier.
She's literally the Sup Forums "I wish I was at home listening to Swans" comic.
What's not to like?
She needed a boyfriend ,even a neckbeard would do, to give her the love and attention her pleasingly plump body desperately craved.
She needed a girlfriend, user. Were you not paying attention?
Hey come on now, maybe I've been infected by the sjw plague but it seemed pretty obvious Barb was interested in Nancy but couldn't say anything due to her fears/social pressures. If you were in love with someone it'd be pretty hard to gracefully see them off to get fucked by someone else.
Do you go to culinary school or something? Why do 90% of the girls at your school look like that?
People think it makes them quirky. She's le offbeat fat girl xD that normies think makes them eccentric for liking.
I'm guessing they thought this up after people were just left wondering why no one cares that she was missing, even though lots of time had passed.
Hopefully they thought about it beforehand but I guess we'll never know
This guy is right.
Because she was T H I C C C.