Red Pill

What was the hardest truth you had to reconcile?

Other urls found in this thread:

that women can't be faithful and they are always looking to trade up. always.

Cynicism is what happens when you strip away the sugarcoating people like to place on life to give them hope, when in actuality it's just sensory candy to keep them from feeling listless.

The retarded bastards that surround me are actually victims. Casualties, actually.

This desu senpai. They'll only pretend to like you in order to use you for their own personal gain. They are heartless creatures incapable of love or empathy


>Red Pill
It's a robot red pill thread

> mgtow

This applies to all normies though, but women disproportionately are more likely to emit this type of character.
There's always exceptions, but they're extremely rare.

Global warming is a myth and the holocaust never happened.

Different races have different average IQ's, genetically.

That means we literally can't do anything to solve societies inequalities. No amount of welfare, education, affirmative action, tolerance will change the fact the blacks have a 85 IQ average and commit massive amounts of violent crime.

This single-handedly changed my perspective on what government should be doing to address these problems in society, and forced myself to listen to different viewpoints that I would normally brush off as "retarded right-wing trash."

I am now a nationalist-libertarian, if that makes any sense.

People have voluntarily chosen to be submissive to the powers that be. Our cause is redundant, yet here we are, continuing to fight.

the earth really is 6000 years old

The idea of "might is right" morality. It always seemed wrong and evil to me. But it's inescapable. Power is the definition of what will exist in the future, as the weak are destroyed by the powerful by definition. This can never be any other way. If you wanted to protect the weak, you'd need to gain power in order to do so. And if you then spent your power protecting the weak, the more you did that you'd only lessen your capacity to continue doing so as you'd be in a weaker position than those who didn't do that.

If you're a pacifist you're just going to die and someone else will control whatever you could've controlled. If you argue that pacifism is a power in itself because your bravery will inspire others to your side, then that's not pacifism anymore as you're trying to control people. It's just a different method of influence than pure force.

This as well

I just started reading up on the Holocaust. It's not that it "didn't happen", it's just that it's hugely exaggerated. It makes me angry, walking around knowing people believe in this massive fucking lie.

That God exists, and he knows my name. I couldn't imagine it at first. Now, it fills me with hope.

those are some sweet sideburns

Their love and empathy is limited to their children and themselves. Other women they despise, and men they simply learn to master emotionally for the purposes of securing resources to build families. The problem is that society at large deems families to be a waste of time and thus the value systems are such that women simply abuse their abilities, which most of them are now aware of and have always been subconsciously aware of.

Being socially retarded is forever.

All women are sluts.

Dude that was beautiful

Everything is a lie, history is written by the victors then rewritten when its forgotten.

Every critic of Jewish antics in history was probably right, especially Jesus.

That in order to beat the kikes, you must first join the kikes.

can someone redpill me on this? havent really heard much about it other than what i'd learned in school

That circumcision is wrong and how I and virtually every man in the US has had a piece of their genitals ripped out for more jewish profits. It is still a problem exactly because it is so terrible, and few people are willing to face it and confront that pain.

Abandoning wn-gnosticism.
White people dont have a divine spark that will snuff out if they're no longer around

Easy. Google: "The greatest history never told"

Is a 6 hour documentary that serves as an entry level redpill about hitler's germany

He dindu nuffin? Nah. He was a bad boy? Nah.

It's not black or white.

Oh, this too. Good post user.

As soon as you reach 30, half your life is dead.

That paganism is false as is just about every other religion. I occasionally practice more for meditation but the faith is gone.

That Australians are people, too.

That white girls generally like black cock.

Let's stay within the bounds of reason

Islam will take over the Western World soon not through war, but by simply outnumbering us.

Thanks bro.

My generation is full of self hating faggots that are ruining society


>People are animals, and animals can be bred to be better or worse than they currently are; some breeds being stronger and smarter than others
>Biology begets psychology; Psychology begets socialability; socialability begets culture. Therefore, biology begets culture
>Humans' psychology adjusts to their immediate surroundings and experiences, and if said surroundings and experiences remain the same via tradition, said reactions can likely be inherited overtime.
>Ultimately, different ethnic groups develop innate group psychology that makes them inherently different from others, in some cases being incompatibly so if placed in other cultures/societies.

But the ultimate worst is...

>Evil people have been aware of this for a very, VERY long time, and that they can introduce bad living conditions to shock a people's group psychology to the point of atomization and the moral apathy that comes with it:

>What was the hardest truth you had to reconcile?
That the society i grew up with was living a lie and will be gone before i die myself.

There won't be any saving western society or the white race without violence. There is literally going to have to be a bloodbath that eliminates both non-westerners and cucked whites, but we are so far from this it's insane.

Trump is the first step though, he is shifting the Overton window like nobody else could.

Not unless we do something about it. Which we won't. The future is a battle of chinks and muslims. I'd rather the former.

The west welcoming Islam with open arms calling for the death of western civilization.

Nobody is capable of everything. Some people are capable of very little. If those people have more reproductive success than everyone else, humanity itself will eventually be capable of very little, whether through genetic and cultural inheritance.

When trying to understand politics, understanding the interplay of identities is far more important than knowing the factual reality of a situation. SJWs are not suicidal, and a significant number of white supremacists interact with non-whites without violence, because they exist in opposition to ideas rather than specific people.

The majority of humans believe that the end cannot ever justify the means if the means are bad. You can use propaganda to convince these people of almost anything.


It's impossible to do anything thanks to feminists not wanting children, men not wanting the responsibility of children, goons in the media/schools/government that will corrupt any children, and divorces that will fuck up any family that does come into existence. Feels bad. I wonder how we'll be remembered.

There is something we can do about it. American niggers have an average IQ of 10 more than African niggers. They say that communities that practice incest have 10 less IQ than everybody else, so American niggers are either smarter because of less incest or because they have some white blood in them.

One thing we know for sure though after thousands of studies on this is that IQ is 100% genetic and 0% conditioning

What made you start to believe it?

Most of my favorite celebrites are just a bunch of shills.

I think the best red pill I took is realizing not all races have a hivemind mentality. There are good whites, blacks, asians, hispanics etc and there are bad. Just get rid of bad people and things will be alright

first post is always best post

That there's no God and you live once and that's it.

That the jews have already won and western civilization will stagnate then die.

That the world will be 70% useless niggers who won't make any progress, will irreversibly pollute the ecosystem and consume most non-renewable resources this very century.


I believe in most of the bible, even more so than many Christians but I can't help thinking that it's written by man as a compendium of all the best wisdom and lessons that humanity had learned up until that point. It includes everything you need to know in order to maintain a civilization.

I think the parts of the bible that are obviously not real are probably just shitposts from a bunch of Jewish shills from biblical times

My heart fluttered. Well said.
I grew up in a small rural white country town. I never had any interaction with blacks or any other minority. When you're young, I don't know whether you're indoctrinated or you really just think everyone can get along.

For the past two years, this realization is really hitting me hard. It's like putting on glasses and seeing for the first time. I moved to a mixed neighborhood recently, and the blacks around here at least have jobs, but there are also more whites than blacks here. When I go through the dark side of town, you see all the same nuances and tropes in the black community: loud, obnoxious, dumb as shit, etc.

Someday it will get better

>The idea of "might is right" morality. It always seemed wrong and evil to me. But it's inescapable. Power is the definition of what will exist in the future, as the weak are destroyed by the powerful by definition. This can never be any other way. If you wanted to protect the weak, you'd need to gain power in order to do so. And if you then spent your power protecting the weak, the more you did that you'd only lessen your capacity to continue doing so as you'd be in a weaker position than those who didn't do that.

Nigga, read up on virtue. Morality is not defined by anybody, because it's an inalienable property. Every person embodies some virtues to varying degrees, you do this or that (morally) because you either are or are not a virtuous person. Morality is not a skill or something engendered, it logically cannot be. That is like page 15 of the republic. Stop being a relativist cuck

That Trump has no chance.

Don't give up hope so easily you fag


pretty much this
the powers that be would never allow him to take office in a million fucking years
sadly to most people realizing this is considered synonymous with being a shill but it's the fucking truth
keep fighting to good fight but don't delude yourself

Righteousness and "doing the right thing" are a meme to control you. Look out for yourself and your family but never forget you have to be ruthless to prosper, let alone survive. Take every advantage you can get and never be ashamed of your privilege. If it's not you it will be someone else.

> Human beings are designed to believe stupid shit; even when you know religion's false, it still makes you happier

> You can't ever get rid of all your delusions

> Free will doesn't exist

> You don't exist; the self is an illusion

> You'll die unhappy and unfulfilled

I was raised with the life goal of having a reasonable income raising a happy child and creating a loving family. I'm Asian do white families still teach this?

So Sup Forums is this actually the closest we've been to shit actually hitting the fan on a mass scale in the past 10-20 years?

Reading that is Literally the only thing I've encountered today that made the day tolerable.

Thanks user, God bless and keep the faith

Personal and financial debts are necessary for society to function. I have no debts but then I'm unable to be normal or do what someone in the middle-class does. I'm poor but principled.

Less profound

> Jews control the media and the government, and they always will

> Anyone who says so out loud will be crucified or the next best thing to it

> Even if we get rid of the Jews some other bunch of evil fucks will become the new untouchables

> Trannies are mentally ill and they will slowly and surely spread their illness in front of your eyes as long as you live and force you to deny reality and call men women

> We are heading towards a 1984 SJW dystopia

> If you speak out you'll be "on the wrong side of history" and reviled forever

That sounds pretty demented. Like kill or be killed type of mentality. What a hellish way to live

What? Are you talking about the Orlando shootings?

How so? I'm not actively hurting people. Just putting my best interests first

God exists.

means "The Greatest Story Never Told".

>I am happiest when I am by myself; even though society insists I surround myself with people it never makes me happy
>Nothing will stop the fall of western civilization and those that speak out against it will sooner or later be vilified and have their lives ruined
>Therefore, the only enjoyable path in life is to focus on myself, enjoying my hobbies and spending my leisure time in ways I see fit (smoking a shitton of weed)

nice ID 2bh

You sound exactly like me man. Hope you find happiness friend

My white family did. Conservative families still do. Unfortunately many don't now. Especially here in burgerland.

>Evil people have been aware of this for a very, VERY long time, and that they can introduce bad living conditions to shock a people's group psychology to the point of atomization and the moral apathy that comes with it:

Why, in your opinion, do they want to do that?

Everything you do is a distraction so you don't think about how empty life is. Nothing happens and then you die.

I can never get to the point where a woman begs me to blow a load in her and I'm too mentally unstable and shy to form a relationship with one I'd be happy with.

A few weeks ago I visited my grandfathers graveyard and ended up walking around. On a hill there was a lone gravestone, a vitenam vet, defaced and damaged. I stood at it a few miniutes thinking, "when was the last time anyone even visited this or thought about the guy?" . The reality is very few people are remembered. There is no sense living for the future that you won't get to enjoy if you lose the present.

People have mistaken language with intention.

There is no good or bad just conflict of interests.

What you are saying simply is that there is peace because some people are willing to use violence to enforce it. But might is right means that those who are the most aggressive are the most moral, and whatever they enforce through violence is good.

>We probably live in a simulation
>No woman will ever give you what you truly desire
>Helping people will make you look like the devil to them
I'm at the acceptance stage. I hope I can embrace these some time in the future.

lmfao whatever makes u faggots happy

weak minded sheep

ayy someone like me
solitude is best man, i managed to get a night shift job in a decent area of town. i just sit around drinking soda, watching netflix, and spinning around in circles.

then i go home, relax, do nothing of any use because i can.

it's a good life. a lot of people don't understand it, but it is.

Security really was the best. I can't work in it anymore due to criminal convictions though.

criminal convictions? here you can go back into security after like 4 years without another conviction as long as it's not something like murder.

you can't get an armed security license or anything, but you can do normal patrols/driving/cctv work.

Classical liberalism's emphasis on individuality is the reason the West is crumbling, and subordination to the state is the best way individuals can work together to achieve something greater than themselves.

Is the guy in OP's pic the lead singer from Reel Big Fish?

holocaust didnt happen like they say it did.

Thats a blue pill user

That there is no afterlife. I still have hope, but as long as there is not proof, i can'tbelieve. Kek and meme magic are giving me hope.

Bullshit, the state isn't the best, businesses are.

Business is the real producer of wealth, the state takes what it can off the top, for what should be the common good obviously.

Are you by any chance jewish?

>criminal convictions

Low level pedo.
(got almost got Chris Hansened)

Another unrelated assault charge. (knocked a overzealous supermarket worker out after he grabbed my arm)

nationalist-libertarian makes perfect sense. you are for a state that acts as a strong watchman at the gate while the rest is left up to the individual.

Anime is degenerate, Libertarianism is degenerate, drugs and fast food are degenerate. Homosexuality is degenerate. Porn is degenerate. You are all hedonists and odds are all of you will get triggered by at least one of these things.

That my parents, who are recognizably less intelligent than I am, got into the same school I was denied from while several dumb nigresses I know got into it. Liberal entitlement is a mental disease.

Assuming that the generation of wealth is the most important thing a people can produce, sure. But this anarco-capitalist assumption doesn't account for cultural worth. It turns real people into numbers on a spreadsheet and treats them accordingly. It's literally the reason all Western countries are being overrun by the brown hordes.

That Jews are The Chosen People precisely because of how much they're prone to ruin humanity.

The compassion of a nationalist is stronger than anything, because it can't end without self-immolation.

My life will never be happy, even though I'm a socially competent white 6'4" veteran in good shape with a great education, because my dick is just a little bit too small. If it wasn't for my battle buddies, I'd have killed myself over it already. I cling to the Army like a drowning man, even though I'm in the Reserves now. It's the only thing that ever gave me back my self-worth.

4 inches, lads. There's no hope.

Probably the depths of ingratitude the jews have for the rest of the world.