This Makes me feel better. At least Conservatives have some sense

A new Gallup poll shows just how widely split Americans are about...what is to blame for the attack

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i'd like to see independents as well.

>79%+ 29%

am i missing something?

Why do liberals have a mentality where they think everything is THEIR fault or their country's fault?

How does one get so beta?

it must add up to 100 vertically.

there were probably other options as well that arent being shown.

Probably an "other" category.

Brainwashing by other liberals, who got the ideas from cuck sources like The Frankfurt school.

>Fox News


It's funny. Despite the negative view a lot of Norwegians have about American gun laws (primarily due to a very one sided coverage in the news), the discussion surrounding the Orlando shooting has almost exclusively focused on Islam being the problem. I've read dozens of different opinions pieces, discussions and articles in the newspapers where moderate muslims, gay muslims and Norwegian pundits have come out and talked about how extremely homophobic Islam is and that it needs to be dealt with. Another common theme is the left being criticized for refusing to admit that radical Islam is a problem.
It's strange to see how laced with left-wing propaganda everything in the US has become, despite your false reputation as an ultra-conservative nation.

79% of Repubs believe terrorist is responsible while 60% of dems believe guns are responsible

>despite your false reputation as an ultra-conservative nation.

No we are conservative. The marxist bullshit that permeates our media is not a representation of most Americans.

It's fucking weird is what it is.

I haven't owned a TV in years.

Yes, you're an idiot.
It doesn't say that 79% of the people who voted "Islamic terrorism" are Republicans, and the rest Democrats. It says 79% of Republican voted Islamic terrorism, while 29% of the Democrats voted Islamic terrorism.

Just shows how dangerous liberal thinking is.

>have common sense
not sure

Where is the both option

Its ironic that multiculturalism is the very need that american choose to be protected

How can both parties be so fucking wrong?

Why the fuck isn't it BOTH, which it obviously is?


If we had our country back without multiculturalism we wouldn't have a need for guns.

But I guess you brits are more cucked them we are because while we are culturally enriched we have a way to defend ourselves

maybe a couple IQ points


Why the fuck would you want a country full of both terrorists and unarmed citizens?

That's called Iraq fool

>no muslims
>no orlando shooting

>no legal guns
>criminals/terrorists have a field day for at least a decade until the government magically gets rid of all the guns in the USA
>south of the border brings in guns via black market anyways

Brain cells

>1/3 democrats has at least some sense
>1/6 repubs are cucks

> no muslims
> still VTech, Sandy Hook, everything else

Kill me now.

Most people who watch Fox News are 50+ cuckservatives. But they fucking hate Muslims so of course they're gonna blame Islam...which is true because Islam does all this.

Honestly, I think it's a mixture of the two.

Heard news about this, didn't read into it much until the next day. Liberals at work already were saying "it wasn't a terrorist attack, it was a hate crime" and "I can't believe people are politicizing this tragedy".

>your country isn't perfect
>you should import more problems
why do leftists think this is a good argument?

Democrats are really delusional.

It is a mixture of the two, but these people polled were asked to pick one or the other, so they picked the one they figured had the most impact.

It's a stupid poll and designed to be polarizing.

I doubt everyone thought it was a mixture. I would say the majority either thought it was due to access of guns OR islam being extremely homophobic

It doesn't actually matter if they thought it was or not. I've worked for Gallup before. They read the question and give possible answers. The person asked must give back one of the answers.

For example, for this poll, the person at Gallup goes "was the current attack in Orlando brought on by islamic terrorism or gun violence?" Even if the person replies "both", the Gallup employee must respond "I'm sorry, sir, it's either-or. Was it due to islamic terrorism or gun violence?"

If they refuse to pick one, the poll is over and it is completely useless to Gallup and they discard it.

It's a bad poll queston and bad results because of how they conduct their polls—whether or not the people surveyed had other answers in mind.

why not both

I just told you

it shows what people think is the bigger problem. it filters out some of the waffle people, probably the same people who don't decide who to vote until the last day.

A both option was available. At least read the poll.

I was saying that people most of the time probably picked one or the other anyways
so having a third option wouldn't have made that much of a difference.

so if it was a bomb would these retards think we have a bomb problem?

no you could pick the 2
1% of the republican 9% of independent and 7% of democrats think its both

>Scissors stab kids in the eye
>We don't ban scissors
>Instead we tell kids not to run with them

It's not our fucking problem if a dumb kid stabs himself in the eye after we told him not to run.

I wouldn't blame all kids for the actions of one kid, and I wouldn't blame the scissors.

Unless there was a religion and literal text that says you must stab children with scissors if they don't like cutting with them.

I don't fucking know, I tried with my scissor analogy.

The media is owned by extremely leftist (((people))) and organizations, but the truth is the vast majority of America, ESPECIALLY whites, are conservative or very conservative.

Despite the supposed influence of the media, the mainstream networks now have so few viewers that Sup Forums literally has more influence in terms of absolute numbers.

And it only gets worse and more and more young people stop buying TVs.

Fox News does polling through independent services, and is actually one of the most reliable survey sources in that regard desu. No joke

This debate is a little bit ridiculous. The guy was planning on strapping bomb vests to people. If he had set off a bomb to kill those people because he didn't have guns, nobody would be talking about how bombs were the main factor in this incident.

Sure guns are a factor in all the gun violence but this guy even went through the trouble to make bombs so it's not like he went on a highly implusive spree, he made an effort to this.

>am i missing something?

Right-wing religious conservative extremist violence caused the attack. They literally preached homophobia from the pulpit to incite this terrorist act.

The attack was particularly brutal because his war weapon was perfectly suited for killing a large number of people so quickly they didn't have time to react and couldn't escape.

Now those same malignant right-wing conservative religious extremists are shit-storming the propaganda to prevent any rational conversation about reducing these attacks.

More and more Americans are starting to realize this situation and they're going to vote to make change happen in November.

What if some kids create a facebook group that advocates stabbing your eye with scissors, and people that subscribe to the group start stabbing their eyes with scissors?
Will we ban scissors then?

there are no "liberals" . democrats are merely an anti-white and primarily anti-white male party.

the jews took over in the 60's and everything went hard left. now they've had 3-4 generations to indoctrinate. the rhetoric against whites will get worse and worse as demographics change, and especially as whites show weakness