Name is Greedo

>name is Greedo
>attempts to extort Han in a greedy fashion

#Bravo George

Other urls found in this thread:

more like jewdo amirite

>name is general grievous
>is a general

almost walked out right there

george should've updated plasticface faggot

>posts shity Star Wars meme
>expects to grow a bigger dick
>gets aids

BRAVO user!!!

>name is han solo
>he doesn't actually work alone
how did lucas get away with this?

>name is Jabba the Hut
>doesn't look like a hut

Had to drop it there

He also flies a ship, so you could say he flies Solo.

Chewie is his copilot.

>special edition

>star wars: rogue one
>there's more than one rogue
are they even trying at this point?

>star warS
>only one war

>Clone War
>Galactic civil war

>star destroyers
>don't destroy stars

if they destroyed all the stars it wouldn't be star wars you idiot

it would just be wars

it's because of pizza hut

> Sleazebaggano
> Behaves in a way conducive to being a "sleazebag"

>"Koo nee tang, na' na' na', ah lawah. Koo nee tang"
>"Cha tung ee-ma chay-choo raun ta-nee-ee-choo"
>"Ee-ma chay-choo raun"

>"Ko-nee nan-kee chong noy khan chay-chee-kum
Chee ka koo-ja oo pa-pa chee-ka-nang kee hey"
>"Chee-ka nang kee hey"

>"You bang ris-pa ka may wang pee-ya nay, yea"
> "Oo-la-wang choo koo-chee-pa-tie tan-ga ris-pa ta ya lee oh
Yo, ahh, yal-lie"
>"Ee-ma ta-ka-moo nan-kee say yal-lee oo ya see"

>"Na-too pa"
>"Chun-kee sal-la ma-na na-too pa"
>"Zai ya la"

>Is called Palpatine
>Palpitates a Teen
Really George


>name is Ben Quadinaros
>races a 4 pod podracer
Bravo George

>Luck Skywalker
>walks above the sky


nah, his name was Maggie Gylosomethingsomethingstarwarsey

Hello beautiful!

>name is Porkins
>Overweight X wing pilot

No one ever accused Star Wars of being subtle

>Main hero's name is Luke
Bravo Lucas

>name is porky pig
>he is both porky, ie. fat, and a pig
bravo, warner bros.

>Communication Disruption
>Assumes with absolute certainty it can mean only one thing
>Deals in absolutes
Isnt suspected of being a Sith

Bravo Lucas




>Name is Rey
>Is a MaREY Sue

Bravo, Disney

>not a British man walking

>s-sure /pol
>say, do you take your meds at all anymore

'n he likes to chew like a giant furry canine

made my gf chuckle



it's short for Porkinstein
there's antisemitism everywhere

Okay, this one made me laugh.

>Have squid looking aliens
>Call them "Mon Calamari"

Confirmed snoke.

dangerous drug people get addicted to

>name is Duku
>character looks like dooki

While you are insulting Sup Forums, Sup Forums is valiantly working to save the white race.

So fuck off kike.

>all black creatures that doesn't work.

>Name is Darth Vader
>Uses the "dark" side of the force.
>In-vades planets and galaxies
This stuff just writes itself, eh Georgie boy?

this scene in bladerunner may be my favorite of all time.
>coated man walking down the street at night
>stopping to eat at a noodle shop

maximum comfy

>luke skywalker
>when his friends see him they don't say "look, skywalker!"

>Luke, I'm your Vader!

>Its name is 3-CPO
>A droid that never gets a software or hardware upgrade in 50 years.

How the fuck is it still functioning?

>never chews tobacco

yeah sitting in front of your computer posting about how you saw a black person once is really sticking it to the jewish boogeyman

Someone get this madman out of here

this should've been everyone's clue right off the bat what they were dealing with, that and Chewbacca being a fucking monkey-bear-man that communicates in garbles
but no, they're surprised when the Ewoks come in, they're shocked when Jar Jar is invented
it was always kid stuff, it just managed to distract you from that before


It runs gentoo

>general veers
>moves in a straight line

Probably got the name from being a greedy fuck as a kid.

>plo koon
>not a black Palestinian terrorist

Who punched first?

Yep that's a possibility...

>His name is Darth Maul
>But he hates going shopping