>"MOMMY MOMMY what's wrong with that man's face?"
"MOMMY MOMMY what's wrong with that man's face?"
That, my sweet daughter, is the most handsome man in the world
What a mess
His teeth can't seriously look like that. Post the unedited version
>tfw my beard "grows" exactly like his
Why has god cursed me so?
The man plays so much movies in costumes we don't even know anymore how exactly he looks in real life.
But no worries that Disney money is long and the new Pirates will fix it all.
Dude is a functioning alcoholic. Remember that phone video where he poured himself a giant-ass class of wine? You just know that was like his 20th glass that day.
>look like this
>still be one of the most paid actors and own a freaking private island.
Come on mate fix yourself up.
I feel kind of bad for him. His newer movies all suck and have been panned by both critics and fans, people aren't excited for the next POTC and they've gotten tired of Jack, it'll probably underperform and prove to Hollywood once and for all that Depp isn't very marketable anymore.
keith richards wannabe desu
>What are "phrases often directed at OP"?
>MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY Why is your skirt wet? Did you go potty?
the good thing is now he looks perfect for playing Spider Jerusalem, if he shaved his head
Fuck you're right
Fuck y'all.
needs shave off that ugly ass facial hair
No, seriously. What the fuck is wrong with his face?
That offscreen gaze makes me kek a little.
he looks like floki
>It's a Johnny Depp can't jump so they have to CGI his face onto a stunt double episode
>it's a johnny depp spends 20 years convinced that he is actually hunter s thompson episode
Dr Gino here
he is "justing".
i know this is spergy but this is my head casting
>spider - depp
>channon - karlie kloss
>yelena - maybe zoe kravitz?
>royce - andy serkis, younger rip torn would be ideal but he's too old now
>the beast - john c reilly
>the smiler - maybe will arnett?
>fred christ - doug jones
>malandra newton - gina torres
>vita severn - jennifer connelly
>oscar rossini - ben kingsley
>kristen - mimi kennedy
>mary - deborah ann woll
i've been thinking about this for a while
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi , what a douchebag.
...ok, dude. But I can still buy drugs from you, right?