Sup Forums BTFO yet again

Sup Forums BTFO yet again

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>muh land was ours before
These faggots should get instantly deported for treason.

Let me just bust out my fucking microscope to read his fucking manifesto he thought was appropriate to put on a poster board.

>DRUMPF (trump)

Loving every laugh.

Based Jose

Why do they always look sweaty?

I still don't understand how ''Drumpf'' is supposed to be an insult in any way

>1 post by this ID

it sounds funny XD

Because everything is offensive for a libtard

You're the type of people that we want to immigrate legally

No one does.
Liberals are sheep, they saw the funny man on tv say it so it must be funny. The funny man on tv never lies.

I like how these fucking beaners act like they were rightful of that land when they basically committed genocide on the mexican natives.

What is this dumb fucking meme? Do you think I genuinely posted this in earnest and agree with this retard's incredibly long sign?

Is this your first day here? I want R/The_Donald and Neo/pol/ in general to fuck off permanently.

You shouldn't blame them all for the action of their ancestors.

Its funny that people with no argument always resort to name calling.

>I gave you a bad name! That means I'm right!!!!


Also, am I right in seeing this, that mexicans are basically saying they want texas? And this is somehow seen as a mainstream acceptable idea?

Lets let them secede but then they become part of mexico. Oh what will happen then?

>Inb4 they want to be mexican populated but still given US welfare.

I'd love to ask them this. So, we give you this land, but you are now governed by Mexico, and get no federal income. Your currency becomes Mexican currency. You also have to pay for the infrastructure we have left for you.

Wonder what they'd say?

>Inb4 we don't want to see white people but want all benefits of their labour

White hispanic here. Fuck chicanos.

Maybe they shouldn't blame us for the actions of our ancestors.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

>white hispanic

But you still benefit from all the atrocities your ancestors did and they don't :^)

I'm the guy paying their benefits.

Fuck off mate. Niggers are like Irishmen. They aren't human.

It's funny because the Commanche Indians slaughtered Mexicans without even flinching

I know. Glad I'm not Irish, huh? :^)
How's S.A. by the by? Do you have to fight off niggers every day or is it relatively safe?

He has an Apache band flag on there as well. Let's see what the most famous Apache of all had to say:

"I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans. With me they were always treacherous and malicious."

Wow. Really makes you think.

Anyway, this Native-American- Mexican-historic-brother-struggle against-the-evil-Yankee narrative is entirely a figment of La Raza's imagination. Mesoamerica was a distinct civilization. I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans. With me they were always treacherous and malicious."

Wow. Really makes you think.

Anyways, this Native American and Chicano solidarity narrative being shilled at Trump rallies is entirely a figment of La Raza's imagination. The Indians of the North had never had for the civilization down south.