So why do people believe that Russia is the only country who uses doping while USA and China dope their athletes too...

So why do people believe that Russia is the only country who uses doping while USA and China dope their athletes too... USA is the only country that doesn't need to test for doping before Olympics because they were "tested" in US and they have a "guarantee" from USA and their olympics committee that they are "clean"... Or they just use some special "allowed medication" that is known for boosting the performance...

Because the western propaganda machine is in full overdrive mode at the moment m8. Don't take it too personally.

Anyone with a brain doesn't.

That being said, Russia is more brazen about it. Lots of Americans dope, but >we don't run a state-sponsored doping program like the Russians.

>why do people believe that Russia is the only country who uses doping
we don't
stop talking to americans

Because people don't like russia or specifically putin. that's pretty much it. All the politics outside the actual competitions are a popularity contest.


Never forget Lance Armstrong and the Discovery team

>people don't like russia or specifically putin

I don't know how small your personal ingroup is, but even people who hate Putin like Putin more than America after the Obama years. It's only the media and

Athletes from other countries dope
Russia is the only one dumb enough to have instituted a fucking state sponsored doping programme


Bravo Igor, 2 rubles have been deposited in your shilling account

When Sowjet states broke apart, their systematic doping programs came to light, that's why.

>the eternal mehmet

Because Russia is not attractive enough place to keep government agents from spilling everything for a chance of US citizenship.

Other countries aren't as blatant about it, they don't get caught as much and they don't act like total hypocrites, only pointing fingers, afterwards.

Remember the "vitamin pills", Zvonimir?

USA doesn't do full scale systematic doping. Only the select few get the goods, and everyone in their 'team' and personal trainer crew is paid handsomely by McDonald's and Coca-Cola to be quiet.

So this is my take on 9/11:

-Lots of Oil for muh petrodollar
-Huge airfields and posts on either side of Iran (iraq + afghanistan)
-Disruption of Russian and Chinese energy exports
-Pass the Patriot act
-New boogey man(important for iraq)

-A global Jihad
-A way for osama to try to ruin the saudis as pack back for exile
-Was potentially a russian or pakistani asset

-A fuck of free money (10s of billions)

Osama and Al-Qaeda plan 9/11 attacks to get back at USA/Saudi, two birds one stone. America knows about it but realizes they can get one free country(afghanistan) and one permanent military colony(iraq). They also enslave every american citizen by patriot act, perfectly legal government surveillance. USA tells silverstien he can make billions if he buys the towers for pennies and keeps his fucking mouth shut.

This explains NORADs war games the day of the attack, the 17 years of war and the absolute raping that the american worker has endured from the capitalists since. but i cant figure out why WTC7 went down or how the towers fell like they did

wow user s uper insight-ful

In Russia doping is sponsored by the state.

In the US, the state finds cheaters like Lance Armstrong when international doping agencies declare him to be clean.

>When Sowjet states broke apart, their systematic doping programs came to light, that's why.
good point, but OP's asking compared to US and China, or maybe im misunderstanding you?

>I don't know how small your personal ingroup is, but even people who hate Putin like Putin more than America after the Obama years. It's only the media and

>USA is the only country that doesn't need to test for doping before Olympics because they were "tested" in US and they have a "guarantee" from USA and their olympics committee that they are "clean"
I don't see an issue here, sounds pretty solid to me.

It's not government sponsored unlike in Russia because our politicians have a sense of shame. They're afraid of embarrassment and want to always be able to claim the moral high ground. Russians are just tired of being cucks and want to win so they have government scientists develop ways to help them cheat so they can pretend to have the glory they once had.

gulf of tokin
binary thinking

don't forget the brits

>t. Special Agent John Smith shilling from Bad Aibling

So usa dopes because of putin?

>mfw reading normie opinions during that whole shit show
>mfw when this thread already filled with them and "who's cheating is worse" brainlet battle is in full effect"
Too much reddit-light here. Just like in roided monkey Serena's cunt, if you know what I mean. Take a snow pill of superior winter Olympics with white man's sports. Protected AMAP from cheating by mental and technical skill required to do them. It will help you chill a little bit and not end up like don poo dogs that changed somebody's piss in the shadows of the night just to have 1 day of news headlines.

In the U.S. China is always believed to be as much of a cheating dope in the as russia


>it's only the west that propagates propaganda


Who is this cum drum?