Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Westworld?

Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Westworld?

reddit tier trash

i wa surprised i found it so mediocre. i think it was the writing because Westworld had a stellar cast and superb acting, apart from the obnoxious in the wrong way Brit guy. it should have been a 5-6 episode event or 8 episodes at the most. too much filler.

menial trash

half of the characters are shit, most of them suffer from "why do we care", only made worse by the fact they are robots.

Anthony Hopkins was great, bernard was great, MiB/ed harris was great.

season 2 is going to be generic trash like GoT because its going to have nothing special, just plot twists and in-imaginative plot driven scenes.

Season 1 at-least had some decent twists /flashbacks/good scene held by acting.

they have stated that season 1 is like a prequel to the "real story", William/ good boy MiB isnt in season 2 so flash backs are going to be few and far between so its going to be awful

coupled with already fucking shit writing and asspulls for the sake of plot, especially to do with maeve

anyone with a brain about television can see its HBO pooling all their resources into attempting to hold the monopoly on big budget drama series of "high quality" that they have held so much with GoT (aka the award for having the most watched and talked about show by plebs) and have touched upon with various (far better quality) shows in the past.

WW is an awful show with slices of decent moments and writing.

I too am a non-conformist rugged individual who hates popular things.

Great-tier PKD pulp

westworld does nothing for the medium and its genre at all.

it is a glorified soap opera / public television show with budget

if you compare the television show of the past (especially HBO) to now, its a disgrace

deadwood, rome, sopranos, mad men, the wire, band of brother, the pacific, generation kill, fargo and the leftovers (the only decent "current" series )

This show is literally carried by the high-quality acting. It raises good philosophical questions about human morality when there's no law and AI conscience. That's about it.

But overall, the show didn't work for an autistic man like me because the way the park supposedly works is an absolute logistical nightmare. The very foundation of the story doesn't make any sense if you start analyzing it.

>This show is literally carried by the high-quality acting
i agree 100%.
i hope the next season will have better writing. i wonder what made HBO execs halt production way back when. was the writing even worse than before? what happened there?

Entertaining, engaging, some fairly obvious places where subplots got dropped and they didn't do a good enough job in editing to hide this, side characters were as usual more interesting, and the colored people really upset Sup Forums which is never not amusing

it's an adventure whore story that isn't fun or scary

I despise the bandwagon mentality of Reddit but the fuckers there called every twist and turn of the series weeks before it aired.

Meanwhile Sup Forums was only talking about the lack of good android pussy and the occasional Sup Forumstard mentioning how men are portrayed as cucks in the show.

avoided all reddit and Sup Forums threads about this show until every episode came out.

I watched the whole season over three days - thought it was great. Gonna do the same thing for season 2.

Literally finished it today and was going to start my own thread, but I can post here instead.

I enjoyed it. That's it. I wasn't wowed or overwhelmed, it just was, and is. I don't know where they'll take a second season, and I'll probably watch it, but I don't feel it to be necessary.

I had a number of issues:

>I did not like the score, it was overbearing, maudlin. I could see the admirable attempts to hybridize the West and the future, but I think it failed. I didn't like the score the composer did for GoT either - same issue.

>The black lady who wasn't Maeve was just horridly wooden. The way she performed her lines was odd. Maybe that's the director, but I felt that she gave a rote performance - outside that, every performance was incredible

>I know the writers wanted to explore and entertain philosophical ideas of what it means to be human, empathy and so on, but I thought the lines that Delores was given at times felt stilted and ventured into pretentious territory.

fun show but i thought the musical arrangements were really naff and the last 2 episodes were incredibly frustrating cause of all the fucking expositional dialogue


>Jonathon Nolan and JJ are the king of bazingas! and the 'black box' storytelling - Lost/Interstellar and so on. Didn't care much for the story and guessed the twist earlyish. I'd rather focus on exploring bigger questions, the world and its characters than trying to hoodwink the audience. I feel as though the show is far less watchable because of that - Bernard's twist was good though.

Yes. I had a huge issue with that too. Again, that's JJ and Nolan's trademark.

Started great, quickly became shit.

Is Ford dead or was that his host getting his brains blown out?

Also multiple parks were confirmed in the last episode. Are we going to see samurai world? Roman world? Medieval world?

Way too much shit going on at once. Cool prrmise but shit plot. I dont even know the chatacters names

One of the creators work was Pushing Up Daisies and that was on ABC which is the cancer of tv entertainment so I didn't expect much.

I thought it was great but I love AI and cyborgs and shit.

I'm hoping the ultimate conclusion is that hosts escaped the park and infiltrated wider human society a long time ago. And nobody can tell the difference.

I've stopped at the fifth episode. Intend to continue only to the end of the season just to say I've done it. But Jesus, this series is so fucking bad. The story is sterile and boring, I've fell asleep a few times, I admit it. The characters are awful and uninteresting and most of all, the issue is that they explain themselves too much, they talk only in catch phrases and exposition, it's like they are constantly working on short monologues. Everytime someone started talking "you see, the human mind is..." or something like that I rolled my fucking eyes, or when the guys who work in the park talk technically and coldly but with some tongue in cheek kind of thing, like CSI speak. Some good actors like Ed Harris and Hopkins, or even Rachel Woods herself who is not bad at all, are wasted in this piece of shit series with horrible script and no room for acting. Then again there are the dolls or whatever, which I get as a concept that they have scripted corny lines and predictable behaviour within the series, but then again they deliberately show us this behaviour all the time and it bores me to death to see. The Dolores and Cyclops couple being camp romantic is pure suffering to watch. There is this crappy and not at all engaging quest for freedom, truth or whatever that is completely washed out through the bad dialogue. They also show deaths, which we know are not actual deaths, as if they meant something, but then again they mean nothing, but then they kind of mean something. Anyway, a complete waste of emotional energy, which makes it neither like something that looks fake and then reveals itself to be true, nor something that feels as something real except it's alright. On top of it all, the whole concept is enough confusing to be meaningless, with enough exposition to feel they think you are stupid. The very premise of the show and the vision they have about what people are like and how they act is ridiculously childish. Fuck this show.

Why are all the coworkers such assholes to each other?

Total Recall is great PKD pulp. Westworld is shit.

I don't say this lightly: This is the most anti-human show I've ever seen, and not in a way that is particularly thoughtful or interesting.

Every fucking person in this universe is such a piece of repulsive shit, without a glimmer of humanity to redeem them. This feels like the kind of thing a fedora teenager would create.

Now that the dust is settled I think we can all agree that not only was Maeve our girl, but she was also best girl

The movie was much better. More likeable people, less dull, less pretentious, and wasn't so annoyingly cynical.

>anyone with a brain about television can see its HBO pooling all their resources into attempting to hold the monopoly on big budget drama series of "high quality" that they have held so much with GoT (aka the award for having the most watched and talked about show by plebs) and have touched upon with various (far better quality) shows in the past.

I see what your saying, but does that make the show trash? Its better than 99% of whats on TV right now. Name me a better currently airing show...


what a faglord

Some amazing actors and deep4u trash story

I don't understand Westworld.

Why make a production about an AI revolution if you won't portray the biggest advantages of AI?

They didn't make the hosts sentient, they just made them human. The show lost all meaning at that point - there's no profoundness about what group of humans killing another.

I appreciate the production value, but it's way too plot-heavy, and it feels like >Le androids is just an excuse for shit acting.


I'm so tired of the "hurr humans a shit" cliche trash.

>Is Ford dead or was that his host getting his brains blown out?

I'm thinking that was a Ford robot.

>Also multiple parks were confirmed in the last episode. Are we going to see samurai world?

Without a doubt.

>Roman world? Medieval world?

Maybe, or maybe some other kinda Worlds?

>Why are all the coworkers such assholes to each other?

They are also robots.

Why would Ford bother paying for real humans to do grunt work when he's got hundreds (thousands?) of robots who are indistinguishable from humans?

Maybe there's a Processing World where guests can pay to watch people make robots and watch them fuck, repair, or get killed by robots.

you small-minded fuck

that was real ford, but there is a robot ford that that is actually pulling all the strings, he hid himself with the shrink ray

Is he inside someone's anus?

Like what? I'll rate your autistim.


Should I spend my night watching this or binge watch The 100


Even if we consider that there's only one park (which is proven false by the last episode), the logistics behind the basic functioning of Westworld are impossible to achieve on a daily reset basis.

The park is very large and there's a big number of hosts. Every time a host is killed, it must be brought back to the facility to be cleaned up, patched, tested and brought back to Westworld. The crew also needs to repair the damaged scenario from bullets, destruction, fake blood, and replenish all the broken and missing items ON A DAILY BASIS.

Other problem is, the hosts function based on scripts that often make them dispose of each other, even when there's no guest around.

For example, as shown in the series, there are bands of criminals and natives who slaughter themselves in the wild every single day. They fulfill their scripts by wasting park resources for nothing, since there was no guest there.

So, for all hosts to be synced every day at the same time to start their loops, accounting guest interaction and self-destructive scripts, where you need tens of thousands of coordinated workers every single day to pull it off, with guests paying only 40k/day, Westworld is an impossible logistical and financial nightmare to be pulled off.

Then, when you add other parks, it just turns into a bigger joke. The rules they establish for the park's basic functioning aren't fathomable in our physical reality.

mein nigga