This may be the most annoying character in any show I've ever watched

This may be the most annoying character in any show I've ever watched

wait, wich one?

>watching Judd Apatow
>watching sad-comedies

First time I saw this pic, I assumed it was two women, real talk.

Britta at least tried to change but the not-jew jew was such a shit he didn't care about her road to self help

The slut or the cuck OP?

what show is this?

>it's a 10/10 aryans all fall on the dick of the 6/10 jew episode

Woody Allen. The meme is true.

If a jew man doesn't marry a jew wife he's fucking 10/10 whites.

>Ugly, whiny, slouched Jew gets. 10/10 cum demon gf

Why do the Jews push this fantasy in media? Is it to give false hope?


That's being generous user.

eh you have high standards

he isn't fat and covered in acne which makes him above average in america

>he isn't fat and covered in acne which makes him above average in america
You must've been severely bullied in high school if you think that means anything. That's the bare minimum to be good looking

Not only that, but every hot female character he runs into in the show wants to hop on his dick. I can't even tell if it's supposed to be parody or not.

Women are such sluts today

Nah that's just Paul Rust in general. He's an annoying little shit

OP here, I meant Gus. Mickey at least is trying to fix herself and aware of her problems, but Gus is so far up his own ass he thinks he's perfect.

This is kino for "slubby jew gets white qt" deconstruction-wise, though. Like Evangelion tier.


>teetoller IRL

She's Probably a kissless kirgin too, user.

that's a trope in like 3 very comedy regardless of the dudes race. never seen king of queens/everybody loves raymond?

I have some bad news for you

She's talked about how she's basically the exact opposite of most of her roles

Jesus how long is that guy's dick?

what movie is this?

Hot Tub Time Machine 2

Goddammit I want her so bad!

why didn't that fucking tease not take off her bra while fugging rust's character? not talking about gilly.

He's like a 3/10 at best. It's ridiculous. All the guys on the show are ugly tho.

good feel this

The only reason these kikes attract so many hot women is because they have either money or the connections to make them famous.

That guy's not a Jew though. He's ""Aryan"" as well.

He's lying. If you're pale with a big nose and dark hair, you're a Jew. End of story.

> you're pale with a big nose and dark hair, you're a Jew
So you're telling me this guy tried to exterminate his own people? WEW.

She put a witch spell on his dick so she didn't have to, did you even watch the episode?

>Judd Apatow
Only one.

everyone knows you need unsheathed wands, and 2 is better than 1 so there is no excuse.

he's jewish in the show

no he isn't, he specifically says he is not

This fucking little shit on the right

His friend Chris is the best one

sorry, but nobody beats Ross from friends

>Not Fiona from Shameless
>Not any character from Shameless
>Not Hanks wife from BB

>he says they'll get kicked out if he takes off his jacket
>she makes him give her his jacket anyway
>they get kicked out

Fucking dumb cunt.

all women, just a coincidence though

>Everybody hates Marie and Skyler

I will never understand, I had zero problems with either of them.

during community's run she was dating a black guy



Not IRL. And her and Troy was over within half a season

no, irl.

Skyler I didn't have a problem with: her frustration with Walter made complete sense and I had sympathy for her situation

You're talking about the girl right?

I mean they're both annoying, but she's a straight up selfish cunt.
Even in the very beginning, she hits some dudes car because she's an idiot and then drives off and it's supposed to be this lolsoquirky moment where we sympathize with how free spirited she is or something, but it just made me angry.
And showing up somewhere after you've already declined an invitation is a complete cunt thing to do. Also when she shows up to his job

they actually address how much of a jew he looks like in the show. Hes not jewish lol

t. cuck


>it's a the jewish dude just happens to be a co-creator and have writing credits on every episode episode

Not that far from the truth if we're being honest here

>a fat white guy has a hot wife (literally every sitcom since The Honeymooners
/poltv/ has no problem.

>ugly Jewish guy that isn't actually Jew has a hot gf
And suddenly /poltv/ has a problem.

Gus annoyed the hell out of me. Then I realized I share some of his maladjustments. You can't expect the world to care about or take care of you. You've gotta win things for yourself.
