>Arrive to new region
>Bring horse to a halt
>Say name of region outloud
>Continue riding towards the city
Arrive to new region
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Wow it's like it was a movie
i love lord of the rings, i love it more than anyone.
yes that means you, all of you who think you love it. i love it more.
Yeah, it's the sort of thing you might do back before signage when you arrive at a destination with someone who's never been there before.
I bet you haven't even read the books
i've read like, fellowship and half of the two towers motherfudger.
what have you read. like, the sillymarilliod? pff
Someone post the Burger King pasta
I do this all time, egg sample:
>enter burget king
>stand hands inn C position
>say with louder bellow 'burget king, I'm loving it!"
>my gf walk in, her head lowered
so what did we love about the hobbit films?
i loved the bit where the fellowship/moria music plays because bilbo takes pity on gollum and lets him go in AUJ
>always talk about "the east" or "we must ride west" or "the evil rises on the east" while being as vague as possible
I liked the first film when it actually felt like the book. Hell I liked all the parts that actually felt like the tone of the book.
Why did they get the best book and turn it into three shitty movies?
i do this everytime i go to a new place myself
merry christmas to you anyway my friend! have a great new year, and let's hope 2017 is filled with great memes like this year!
i think in time the hobbit movies will be well rated. they're bloated and follow in the footsteps on the groundbreaking trilogy but they are genuinely good films. with mistakes but the trilogy had mistakes as well.
>a red dawn rises, blood has been spilled this night
What did Legolas unironically mean by this? Blood is spilled all the time tbqh family. Red dawn nigga what the fuck it's a normal thing get a fucking grip mate fucking elves
The problem is he was trying too damn hard to make them like LotR, when they simply aren't. It was a bedtime story for his sons, not a genuine attempt at creating modern mythology.
"A red sky at night, farmers delight.
A red sky at morning, farmers warning"
I’ve always heard that if there is a red sunrise something bad has happened or is about to happen.
>he was trying too damn hard to make them like LotR,
i agree and i think because he was trying to recapture what he'd already done. it was a bodged job and he came in late to the production, i can forgive that
t was a bedtime story for his sons
but there's nothing really wrong with that is there?
>not a genuine attempt at creating modern mythology.
i think his priority was tying it into the lotr trilogy while being somewhat playful.
The problem was the movie was already halfway done, and then they decided to scrap the whole think and put someone else in charge.
>i think his priority was tying it into the lotr trilogy while being somewhat playful.
No I mean, that's what LotR was when Tolkien wrote it. He wanted to create a european mythology for modern times, basically the explanation as to why magic is gone (because at the end of LotR, most the magic has left the world and is fading away). It's why Middle Earth is clearly Europe.
so what would you have wanted from the hobbit?
i just want to preface this by saying i have read it, you don't need to explain any of the characters to me but what would you have liked to see in the films?
Just a lighthearted adventure with the songs that were in the book. I can see it being 2 movies since the book has a definite halfway point (right before they meet Beorn), but not 3. But Jackson tried to make it too "epic" for lack of a better word, but really the story is too small in scope for that. Stuff like the necromancer being Sauron and Mordor trying to recruit Smaug were stuff LotR retconned in, it wasn't in the original book.
The Rankin-Bass animated film of the Hobbit has a lot of problems, but it got the tone of the book right.
Was he talking to his horse?
No, to the audience. Characters just talked out loud like that in the book sometimes
>massive city
>literally no farms surrounding it
Was Jackson lazy on this or did the idiot not think of it?
Possibly, Shadowfax is no ordinary horse
have you even seen the movie?
If you've ever seen avatar Minas Tirath is supposed to be like the earth city.
i loved the scenes with sauron and the discussions about him in the films, but everything else, i agree with you. it should have been 2 films, it should have been more light hearted overall.
>Rankin-Bass animated film of the Hobbit has a lot of problems, but it got the tone of the book right.
i never really enjoyed that interpretation i think because of the music. not that it was bad, it just didn't engage me. the animation was beautiful however.
Minas Tirith was supposed to be Rome, right? I know Gondor was the Saxons.
Rohan was the Saxons, I meant.
My dad works as an archivist for the Tolkien estate. As such I have had access to every little piece of his life's work, during my childhood.
Did you ever cum on the original manuscripts?
yeah duh
Yes. Of course. Actually I ejaculated onto the first verse of Tom Bombadil's song in a freak accident.
To hide what I have done I had to rewrite the damaged section.
>Ring a dong! Hop along!
This passage in the second line was as much obscuring my deed, as it was announcing it to the world.
let me post my favourite scenes.
i encourage you to do the same.
that is so hot
that's even hotter omg.
>was as much obscuring my deed, as it was announcing it to the world.
christ you''re a poet
That saying means it is going to be a fucking hot day.
wow sarcasm i've never encountered that before
That was sarcasm by the way. .
wow it looks so tiny
We're never getting anything like this again, are we?
>pulls red hot metal out of burning coals
>It's quite cool
it's sailors, not farmers, you dunce
Farmers can enjoy high-pressure fronts too, you dingaling
Nope, never.
I hope the Silmarillion will never get made into movies / series.
It's clearly not red hot by your own picture.
then why is he using tongs?
The fireplace is hot.
He was trying to prank Frodo but it backfired and he accidentally gave away the most powerful object in Middle Earth
Gondor was Ancient Egypt.
I posted that picture and it's actually because when he almost touched it with his fingers when it was on the ground he saw Sauron and knew it was evil .
I thought Rohans were vikings