Will there be a new Justice League trailer in 2016?
Trailer when?
Hopefully soon.
Why are all the DC actors big and strong?
i've seen it.
>Intro starts with three mother boxes: one for Atlantans, one for Amazonans and one for Humans.
> shows scenes of how they combined forces to defeat ancient evil god (darkside?)
>skip to future
>bruce wayne voicover
>explains after what happened to superman world is looking for hope again....
>scenes of bruce trying to recruit justice league
>battle scenes
>final voice over: "...world is looking for justice once again"
>trailer ends with Stepenwolff (not cgi) and his army arriving on earth
>ends with Flash quip joke
>they already cast Black Adam but not Shazam
I truly hope they get Channing Tatum as Shazam. His Gambit movie seems like it'll never take off.
The Rock is such a meme actor. I though the DCEU was supposed to be more high brow?
Nope, because 2016 already killed DC
I don't believe you but that's probably it
It sure did.
Any shots of the Batsuits and Aquaman?
Cara Delevingne is about as high brow as you can get.
Yeah and he lost doug Liman as director, which was probably the best thing it had going for it. Really do like the thought of Tatum as Shazam, he's got the chops to play both a big kid and a serious type as seen in Foxcatcher.
So what, Everyone's search trend goes up when they die
>as Shazam
>Not John Cena
No, kill the Tatum meme, he's not a good fit for Shazam.
Trailer? How about a truck to hitch it to and drag it behind?
Tatum already played Superman in the lego movie, this is the next logical step.
Dad, you're drunk
the trailer will have a huge focus on Aquaman
how will DCucks spin this movie bombing?
>john cena
That'd actually kill any and all hype I had for the movie. Cena isn't actually entertaining like the Rock is.
quips too smart for the audiences
>DCEU trailer drops
>get hyped af
>movie does poorly
>swear to never again fall into the hype
>repeat cycle
When will it end?
It's extremely unlikely that it'll bomb. I could see it failing to break a billion and getting poor reviews though.