Cocaine. How much of Sup Forums has done it?
Degenerate? Utilizing nature for enhanced ability?
Cocaine. How much of Sup Forums has done it?
Degenerate? Utilizing nature for enhanced ability?
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I really think these guys do it.
>really makes you think...
Its pretty dank i like to do it every couple years or so
Elaborate on what you like about it & what you do not, if anything.
All drugs are degenerate
For the discussion, Cocaine is 2nd to marijuana for illegal drugs in America, yet costs so much more on the street.
How does so much get used? How often do you see it being passed around and where do you live?
Drugs are for weak people to further deteriorate their ever weak minds.
I see the logic in this, but still partake. An hero?
*tips fedora*
I've done it a few times not really my thing.
I don't like drugs that speed you up and make you hyper i like drugs that make you chill out and relax like Weed and Xanax.
It's gross you don't know what's been put into it.
I've done it. It was alright, but I never became addicted or anything.
My roommate in college was this big coke head, who somehow got the idea that buying i pods and shit from the school store, and selling it at a local pawn shop was some genius business idea or something.
I kid you not. He would buy i pods from the school store. The next day he would go to a pawn shop and sell this thing obviously at a huge loss, and he somehow thought this was a smart decision.He was shocked that other people hadn't thought of it before. Basically he was stealing money from his parents, who were paying for his college.
You don't need to intelligent at all to get into college these days.
All drugs are degenerate but coke takes the cake
>Gives income to violent brown people who then subcontract to stupid violent pavement apes
>Destabilizes legitimate governments in regions it is produced
>Destabilizes the social climate through violent organized crime in the areas it is distributed
>Legitimately horrific for your body
>Highly addictive, addicts of it and especially its crack form perform all manner of auxilary crime to facilitate their usage
Coke is the absolute worst famiglia.
Yeah this girl i knew used to sell coke and she would cut it with fucking miralax.
Did it once, made music sound good.
Would I do it again? Probably not, too terrified of it being contaminated.
No, just stop
Have some acid instead senpai. If you're going to do uppers take some prescription shit.
over time i've probably bought and done a little over a kilo
dont do it anymore, found better things to do.
Keep it up. You'll get a vasospasm and migraines.
Can't stop the ayy lmao, to see the logic in things I use it to calm emotions, or detach them ayy lmao.
Pfft. Back in the 80's coke was a white person drug. The darkies couldn't afford it........ until they figured out how to cook crack, then it was cheap enough to afford, and all hell broke loose.
Yea, coke is pretty bad for you
all drugs are literal blue pills
smoke crack once a while
feels like you must get something done with your hands, makes your mouth feel like cotton and if you're a smoker; you'll smoke like a damn chimney
It's actually pretty okay but it's way too easy to cut other shit in it.
People who deal that shit are some of the most short sighted in the business short of krokodile dealers.
trump would be ashamed of you druggies
drugs are bad, user.
everyone should eat mush atleast once tho
I probably do it once a month, I don't think it's much of a big deal. The key is to get started early and then it's just like you're going out with coffee mainlining into your veins. If you have to get it at 2am from your stoned high school aged dealer, then it becomes a problem when you just keep doing more and drinking to fight off the anxiety of how late it's become.
Good coke night just leads to more dancing, mostly nerding out in conversation...every time you think this time is gonna be like the movies where you're doing it off of girls' tits in the club, but really you just spend two hours talking about old video games
And the sex, bang tidy.
Coke is THE meme drug.
if you can get it up, familiosa
Did a shit ton when I was in high school, had to get septum surgery.
7/10 barely recommend.
I've use to do a lot of cocaine when I was 18,19, and 20. I was never addicted to it, but I would go out like twice a month and party with it. I mostly used it to get girls. A bag of Coke and some fire ball will get you any woman you want.
stick to ghb
if you're trying to enhance your ability, take amphetamines
if you're trying to blow all your cash to act like a high strung lunatic for an hour do coke
>how does so much get used?
demand never changes for drugs. whether it's expensive or not, people will consume them.
>How often do you see it being passed around
depends on where you are and who you're associating with, of course. Ghettos, clubs, raves, the gay scene, all will be saturated with a myriad of drugs, including but not limited to cocaine.
Coke is expensive, but it's kind of a good drug in a way. For one, it's not neurotoxic like MDMA or meth (even adderall). For two, it's not much of a commitment like LSD, MDMA, or meth (it lasts about an hour). For three, the comedown isn't unbearable, assuming you haven't been using for days on end, and passes very quickly. Four, it's not physically addicting like an opiate or benzo might be.
Drugs are not degenerate. The responsible use of (some) illegal narcotics can be a great tool in understanding yourself and the world around you. I don't think coke is one, but it's fun anyway.
The shit won't go down bro. She does though.
it turned me from a beta to an alpha if that helped
also made the redpill a lot easier to take
i had a good dealer though ymmv
You didn't do it with girls? That's the whole reason why I use to do Coke.
>Falling for the powdered Jew
I haven't gone crazy with it but I've done my share.
It's really bad for your brain and that's why I don't do it or other drugs any more.
That charge is fake as fuck. Ecstasy fucks your brain literally. Majoring in conductual neuroscience.
Coco pops mate
Take the coco, off pop the panties, I'll have a bowl not a plate.
I personally don't like coke. Every time my buddies do it they get really loud and obnoxious. I took a couple of bumps once and it made me uncomfortable, like I had just drank 10 cups of coffee. I'll stick to smoking weed errday and doing LSD once a month thanks.
I'd probably be about the same. I used to be able to get it carved right off the brick, nobody stepping all over it. And it was cheap too compared to today.
We'd party all night, sometimes into the next day. However the difference between me and my friends was I could do copious amounts of blow and go to bed when I was tired. They'd be phoning to get more at 9am. And I would just stop using it for weeks and moths on end. Eventually I just stopped all together. I think some people are more susceptible to addiction than others.
It is hard on your body, and now that I'm in my 30's, the recovery time after a weekend bender would be days long.
But, I'll admit one thing, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I had a HELL of alot of fun in my late teens/ early 20's. And coke just added to that.
My parents aren't divorced so I don't need to self-medicate sorry.
I feel like a large portion of pol does acid. I see it talked about here a bunch.
Basically really expensive caffeine. I don't get much euphoria from it.
tried it
not fucking worth it
>hassle to get
>only lasts a short time
>gotta have loads of it on hand for a good night
>fuck the comedown
>cut 10 times before it even gets in your hand, especially in australia
i much prefer mdma
Too expensive, but if its free (or I can throw in like $20) I'll sniff it
If I was buying drugs for my own consumption, MDMA or amphetamine.
Of course it is degenerate as fuck but it carries a Nietzsche clause: You can will your use to be nondegenerate
meth is superior:
>comes from super labs in mexico
>extremely potent
>readily available
>euphoria lasts up to 6 hours, with 6 more hours of stimulation.
My dad had a huge coke problem so I stayed away from it for the most part, but I did try it once.
I have a good connect with the zetas so I get pretty pure stuff
Basement dwelling degenerate
And MDMA with a romantic partner ;)
It was huge in the early to mid 90's where I grew up, then it just disappeared.
Always enjoyed it, never once had a bad trip.
Cokehead here, kinda ruined my life.
>tried cocaine for the first time at age 20
>like all the druggies ITT I started with "just once a month" and every now and then.
>Eventually once a month became once a week, Would take "breaks" mainly because its expensive
>Overtime I realized that everytime I would take breaks I would comeback but only doing more and more cocaine each and everytime
>25 now, still cant quit cocaine only take "short breaks" I do it as often as possible, get anxious when I cant get high, mood swings, anger problems,
Dont do drugs guys, fuck the day I was introduced to this drug.
MDMA is by far the most dangerous drug you can do. It's not dangerous because of impurities (though they can be) the actual chemical literally fucks your brain and it takes years to recover. Never touching molly again.
Nah don't get no bees if you ain't on the trap. Sting you once and die of going to work to live off your expense, that shit ain't Happening, alpha too smart to be hit with an anchor weight instead of a moral suited mother type. These just Coke hoes.
This. Coke and coffee are beverages, speed is a drug proper.
Fucking amazing shit, I talked my fucking face off when I was on it, I could have probably written a novel in about 10 minutes on it. Didn't have any comedown either and was full of energy the next day too.
Probably because it was cut to shit.
Also, cocaine barely gives me euphoria, if at all.
Don't do it.
Stick to coffee, Adderall or Modafinil. They are relatively standardized, longer-lasting, and semi-legal.
With cocaine, you don't know what your mysterious baggie really is. Dealers cut it with lidocaine and other shit. Lidocaine is some white powder that makes your gums numb, so it tricks people into thinking it's cocaine, which is all the dealer cares about. Snorting can ruin your nose and I've read about serious long-term health effects from cocaine (not sure exactly which aspect of cocaine causes them-- the impurities, the snorting, the chemical itself...)
But also, it's a waste of money, the high is quickly over, and you want more and more. For most people, it's not an instant life-ruiner, though. It's just a negative thing.
It's okay for me, due to the high price I only do it on rare occasions, maybe a few times a year.
I like the euphoria it produces and how easy it is to seduce women with it. Beyond that it's not great.
It's only good for a wake up when partying. I've had good conversations on it, but otherwise amphetamines are better for studying etc.
Not surprising. It dissolves existing cultural boundaries and opens your mind to suppressed thoughts and alternative ideas, which seems to be what this board is all about.
Tried it once in a substantial amouny while also drinking heavily. I don't remember that night, but I ended up in the ER. My pregnant best friend lost her baby that night because of stress over my horrible actions. I've never done it or any other drugs since.
Seriously stay away from that shit, Sup Forums.
Explain what it fucks in your brain?
Interested in what sort of effects.
Not really. It's neurotoxic but overall safer than many popular drugs. A lot of the stuff on the street isn't going to be pure though.
you're ruining your metabolism guise. why don't you get /fit/ instead and have a nice glass of milk to drink.
Don't buy street then, buy on DNM and check the reviews.
>because of stress
or you know, from being fraile of the mind
Shoulda chose weed. Does it actually give you euphoria? To me it's a lot like caffeine with more of a mental stim aspect, but no noticeable euphoria.
Even tried HQ crack and I wasn't impressed. Nothing can hold a candle to 4MMC (mephedrone).
I've done it maybe 15 times in my entire life. 10 of these times were in high school.
It can be fun OP, although at higher doses the jitters and fucking awful drip sort of cancels out any fun I would otherwise be having. Anything on the street is total garbage, so if you decide to do cocaine you'll just have to accept that it's likely upwards of 90% cutting agent, most of that being active cuts (crushed up pills ect. ) or if you're lucky inactive cuts (baby powder, flower)
>inb4 someone comments saying how they get "pure" cocaine, unless it's a Peruvian or Colombian kek
I spent heaps getting some Modafinil only to find out it doesn't do anything for me, really depressing to find after reading how great it was for some.
I've never touched any drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes my entire life. But I have vidya addiction :^)
thinking of trying it
Suppressed thoughts of growing up, that's memories, different ideas ls individuality. So basically you just take stuff to see crazy shit then act like your some kind of mystic meg.
Never done it. Got millions of chances to do it, though.
I try to safeguard my body a bit.
I'm an occasional weed smoker and lsd user. Wanna try shrooms and some DMT.
And that's enough for me.
Nope, stress can cause people to miscarry, and my nearly dieing probably caused hers. Don't mix shit you fucking leaf.
start smoking that shit and you are fucked.
We don't do crack here, but they smoke it with this chemical in a water bong.
no thanks
You know it's in the final trial to be approved for medical use in the USA by the FDA right? MDMA is not dangerous if you use it like a responsible fucking adult. Keep spreading bullshit, more MDMA for the adults who actually appreciate it.
Demand goes up as supply and purity rises which drops the prices cause their is more it
There are a lot of great resources to educate yourself on the risks and responsible use of drugs. and are great places to start. you have obviously been fed some bull shit.
Try fuckin meth once.
Sounds to me like you had shit dealers, I live in the border and my dealer is some mexican guy who always has top notch quality cocaine. It gives me intense euphoria.
Fuck off Shit Reddit Says
Modafinil is shit, get good pharmaceutical adderall if you wanna concentrate more
In UK you can just give the usual symptoms and get a prescription, or just buy it on DNM.
MDMA is only dangerous with high-dose, long-term use, as you are, in essence, borrowing the feels you could feel tomorrow for today, with interest. It's no different from the neurotoxicity from chronic cocaine, alcohol, and amphetamine use.
Heroin and other opiates are ironically the least deleterious to cognitive performance (anecdotally I'm acquainted with a brilliant surgeon with a 40+ year heroin habit and no intention of quitting) but the most likely to kill you on the spot. Choose wisely.
We out here bro.
Even if you read anti-drug sites they cannot give any harmful effects for psychedelics as there are none.
Just don't take it if you're feeling down, as you'll just feel 100x worse on shrooms, if you're happy, comfortable and feeling good you'll have a experience you will remember for the rest of your life.
Never EVER done cocaine. Fucking degenerates.
google it. But for real, mainly it depletes your brain's ability to produce serotonin over time. In addition to this it actually destroys physical axons in your brain. Especially if you do a lot.
If you only do 50mg of at max 100mg at a time (a tenth) you'll probably be "okay". If you do much more than that though you risk serious brain damage.
It also is much worse for you when combined with ethanol. If you drink booze while rolling (which many people do) you compound the negative effects of both substances.
One study I remember reading that was about tangible effects had to do with people who regularly did ecstacy. We're talking at least once a month. Over a couple year period, those who did mdma ended up scoring worse on cognitive functioning tests and even simple things like spelling mistakes. Also, most of these people did not notice these cognitive deficits until confronted with the findings. (which is probably a good thing).
Basically, they will in fact make you stupider, but you won't be able to realize unless you do a fuck ton at once.
That happened to me last fall. Drank a lot and took up to 500mg of molly at a concert. Sleeping has been fucked since then and my spelling is way off, whereas before I would only misspell the words exercise and banana. Now when posting on here or fb I regularly misspell words and have to correct them.
MDMA is no joke, you're honestly better off doing meth or heroin or cocaine. The brain changes caused by those drugs go away with prolonged abstinence of a few months. with MDMA the brain changes linger for at least 7 years if not longer. It's only been in vogue since the 80s so there aren't as many studies on it.
I've never done cocaine but I've been on amphetamines every day of my life since age 7. Thanks mom and dad
I've tried it once. Got better effects from my ex gf's adderal xr t b h
it's not just high dose long term use. It is also high dose one time use.
If you don't believe me go to scroll down to the MDMA and Empathogenic drug section, and just read the horror stories from people who think they fucked themselves over from MDMA. It's just not worth it.