How can I prove that male violence is caused by women? This one dumb cunt posted this on kikebook
How can I prove that male violence is caused by women? This one dumb cunt posted this on kikebook
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Ask her how many of them were black, then prepared to be blocked.
Yeah but libtards still think blacks are "people". So young darkies are male humans in their eyes
not even mass shootings, just "shootings"
but ya, just ask her how many were by blacks
male violence isn't directly caused by women that's a dumb argument
Conveniently forgetting Chattanooga, Fort Hood, the DC snipers...also muslim men make uo like what, .5% of the population?
Because who gives birth to men?
I'd like to see them refute this. The female dichotomy and privilieged cabal of womyn encourage these kinds of attacks due to their insatiable lust for cock, which then in turn produces more men, who kill people.
Females around the world have to answer for every act of violence a male has ever committed. Because without them we'd be living in a violence free, MALE FREE utopia.
Oh sorry, she said since sandy hook. Bit still...
Who raised the shooters?
Wow it's almost like men have been cannon fodder for women and children since the dawn of time.
It's almost as if the same is true for most mammals.
She's literally bitching about basic biology.
The incidence of violence varies greatly by location in the world. So it's not caused by men alone.
point out that like 90% of those shootings were blacks
>all violence is caused by women
lol, jesus christ, pol is full of losers
Didn't a muslim shoot a cop in Philadelphia or some shit a few months ago?
God damn libtards are ruining this nation. HEIL HITLER!!!!!!!
The primal instincts which lead to male aggression are the building blocks of society. With the savagery of the male the human tribes would have been wiped out by predators or hostile barbarians long, long ago. If, as a consequence of male sacrifice in our primordial past, the male aggression has become outdated or even a hindrance in modern society... Tough. We've protected our tribes for millenia. The fact that we've ultimately conquered nature and our enemies does not mean that we can be cast of as refuse in the twilight of the barbaric era.
Correct. Most "shootings" or "mass shootings" are gang violence.
you don't have to
the day of the rope will take care of her
In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended. Of all unintended pregnancies, 4 in 10 are aborted. There are approximately 1.21 million abortions in America each year. There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980.
Single mothers but it's not a very good argument. Individuals should take responsibility for their actions.
this is the point of the story where I say that I don't care.
It's an overbreadth fallacy. It's like saying that mass-shootings are carried out 100% by humans and 0% by rabid dogs, therefore rabid dogs are not a problem.
"Humans" is too broad of a category for that kind of analysis, and so is "males." You need more precise demographic information to figure out WHICH males are the troublesome ones.
Libtards and women play the victim? All I see on here is you guys whining about niggers and feminists and liberals. Every other fucking thread. Jesus, get a hobby or a girlfriend.
Post pic related and ask if it's a coincidence
Ask her how many of those shooters were black to find the real issue.
I honestly don't give a shit either way, but really? Using a site called "religion of peace" as a source for anything, as if its not terribly biased?
>site lists its external sources
>m-muh bias!
Isn't it time for your 5th prayer of the day?
Literally every shooting since sandy hook was perpetrated by a male? I refuse to believe that
>How can I prove that male violence is caused by women?
That's a stupid thing to try to prove, you'll look like an idiot if you do so.
What you could do though is talk about how the definition of 'mass shooting' has changed over time.
she'll just say that the spree shooters like those reported in the media were white males, which they were
guys you're looking at this wrong, you don't reason with people who try to destroy you
roasties like that harbor an irrational fear towards males, you accomplish NOTHING by talking to them
that said, op isn't entirely wrong when he says that women are also responsible for those shootings, after all a lot if not most of those shooters were sexually frustrated guys that fell victims to the insane standards women have
imagine a world of genetically engineered women and sex bots, that should be our goal, instead of trying to convert lost causes