Lads, say we need to begin the civil war if some serious vote rigging goes on, what will be our name? No meme names, needs to appeal to pissed off normies too.
Henry Sanchez
>gordon is still alive
Cameron Bennett
I'm already voting Brexit but is their any credible argument for a working class person to vote Bremain?
Jordan Smith
This lad reminds me of Chrischan.
William Lopez
What's wrong with his face?
Xavier Allen
Remain - 49% Leave - 43% Undecided -8%
Source: Sup Forums
Holy shit lads...
Nicholas Campbell
>Come home, white man
Dominic Morales
Treasurers of Justice and Liberty because we're treasuring justice and liberty.
Daniel Lopez
UKIP 2 Electric Boogaloo
Matthew Harris
>you will take the Kings Shilling >You will never fight the French >You will never go over the hills and far away
Parker Gonzalez
where in Cymru lad?
>tfw Caerphilly
Carter Russell
The Hitler was Right Party
Carter Moore
>Hi, I'm here to vote in the EU referendum?
Landon Price
reminder that swing to remain has begun and there is nothing you can do about it jajajajaj
Nolan Watson
/monmouthshire master-country/ reporting in.
Weather has been absolute shite the last few days. Got a party outside tomorrow, hoping the weather picks up
Justin Barnes
I'm also in Caerphilly, whereabouts are you cuck
Josiah Hernandez
Democratic Conservatives
James Martin
>brit >causing any sort of ruckus ever >starting civil war FUGGGGGGGGG
Not even democracy is safe in glorious Cymru, the Taffstapo know no bounds clearly
Joseph James
Northern Powerhouse
Jackson Martin
>implying you blokes didn't give up your ability to fight back ages ago Hope you've got a secret cache of butterknives and teaspoons somewhere. If not, good fucking luck.
Josiah Perry
So did that opinion poll ever come out?
Jonathan Parker
you first you kek
>in b4 Landsbury Park
Josiah Anderson
Guys, what do you think of my band?
We're called Florence and the Mujahideen.
Adam Edwards
It will probably end up being a pub fight, but it'd be interesting while it lasts.
Levi Thomas
Tomorrow m9
Gavin Collins
rooty-tooty revoluty
John Foster
Think about this logically though, turns out he was a right wing memer, not a nut job, so somebdoy literally made up that he scrubbed himself with brillo pads.
He's in Monmouthshire, if you installed extra flags for Sup Forums Sup Forums you could see and people could see yours
pic related
Josiah Stewart
hahaha this kid JUST popped up in my recommended videos on youtube
Lucas Gray
>404 page not found STOP
Jaxon Robinson
how do I install it? And can only Cymrubros see it?
Brody Stewart
B-But isn't it tomorrow right now?
Adrian Smith
The Neo-reactionary Party
Isaiah Torres
Nicholas Perry
Nathaniel Mitchell
Please don't, I have a weak heart :(
Nolan Gomez
Ok, so I cant find the picture I want, but something with Sam and Frodo and the ring, or the eye of sauron, both depicted as the unholy star circle of brussels and the caption, we've got to destroy it sam, or weve got to destroy it mr frodo
i could only find this one that even vaguely resembles what im thinking, biut it gives an idea
Matthew Cooper
Noah Wright
Why even live...
5th60th by any chance?
Wyatt Watson
If we had a revolution it would be given a meme name like the troubles. I'm thinking "the kick off".
David Rivera
U know wat i meme m8
Justin Butler
>Anything with Reactionary in it RED LIGHT RED LIGHT
I guess, we could take inspiration from your founding fathers.
William Watson
It's from June 13th mehmet. Your family can't come to the UK.
Dylan King
>He's from Monmouthsire
>guy says he's from Caerphilly
Who is right?
Nathan Lewis
>not a nut job source your ass
Mair was quoted as saying: "Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment."
Isaac Ward
Eli Cook
>Lads, say we need to begin the civil war if some serious vote rigging goes on
I remember the Poll-tax riots, 10's of thousands protested and rioted, it changed nothing and poll tax is still a thing.
And that's what worries me about the EU, if an accountable Parliement takes no notice of mass protest, how well would we fare against the EU
Google 'extra flags for Sup Forums' it's the first result . . .. .follow the instructions on the video, all of us with the add-on can see it.
Jeremiah Reed
Haha, i love it! how can we get it to look a bit more patriotic? or anti eu? put it on a massive eu flag/circle of stars, with im voting out out in red?
Also, take away the exclamation on the first Out, i think i fucked up with that
this is gr8 , and that was fucking quick man thank you!
Jack Perez
this dèsu
Aaron Bennett
>Didn't attack Parliament >Just protested and looted
We've got to physically get to Westminster and attack there. Furthermore the Poll Tax is completely different: a democratically-elected government does what they promised to do. The referendum will be more like: a democratic referendum is ignored, and an undemocratic decision that contradicts that democratic referendum is made.
If you thought the Poll Tax riots were bad, you've seen nothing yet.
Jackson Parker
I saw an article earlier that said the leave vote hardly changed (went down less than a percent) but a lot of remainers became undecided, like at least 10%.
Nathaniel Johnson
5th60th Rifles Regiment. It's a Napoleonic war reenactment society in Staffordshire- it's the same regiment which is portrayed in Sharpe.
One of the guys posts here occasionally and I thought you might be he.
Luis Sullivan
What did she mean by this?
Camden Baker
Day of the Rope Party.
Benjamin King
>how do I install it?
Just google
"Extra flags for Sup Forums by flaghunters - GitHub Pages"
won't let me link because spamfilter
Asher Barnes
Just woke up at half 2 and all the bulbs have gone