What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
fan service basically lol
Why does the droid have lightsaber?
Bad writting
Bad acting
It exists in the same universe as Rogue One which makes it look even worse
Slavish remake of A New Hope.
All character development for original cast reset to zero.
Mary Sue: The Protagonist.
too much reliance on nostalgia, all the new characters were either complete shit or barely there, Abrams is a bad director, and the entire movie reeks of a shameless cashgrab with no thought put into actually making a good movie
It felt like watching a really long commercial for Star Wars merchandise
along with what everyone else said, it sucked because it was a JJ abrams movie and not a star wars movie
Isn't that all star wars films after a new hope?
all of them after ESB
I don't think so. Most Star Wars film have some sort of plot. Nothing even happened in TFA, it was just a series of dude lightsabers lmao sequences.
J.J. Abrams
>Nothing even happened in TFA, it was just a series of dude lightsabers lmao sequences.
You can say that nothing happened because yeah, that's about right, but one thing I'll give them credit for is that they did cut back on the lightsaber shit.
They hired Jew Jew Abrams to make a diversity-hired movie that was completely all-style-no-substance, ADHD pacing so that audiences wouldn't pause and think about how fucking bad it really is, and the entire movie was written in an executive board room based on focus testing and fanservice throwbacks.
Also, the characters fucking suck. The main appeal of the original star wars was how LIKABLE and memorable the main characters were. TFA totally forgets this point and just copies the hollow form of ANH without having the characters to carry it. Rey, Finn, and the others all fucking suck. Rey is the equivalent of Luke and she doesn't even have any characterization beyond "I'm a strong independent womyn who can do literally anything"
Forgettable characters
Reusing ANH's story/plot concepts
Marvel-tier humor/quips
It worked for Star Trek but Star Wars was too tonally similar to benefit greatly from JJ's "magic".
Weak plot, weak characters, cringeworthy comedy. Total disrespect for the whole SW universe.
JJ is as bad as Lucas in directing. I'm glad that R1 at least was a decent SW movie. Let's see what they will deliver in ep8 But with all these characters they've established it will be so difficult to redeem
rogue one had forgettable characters. TFA has genuinely shit characters. I have literally no desire to see episode 8 because I won't be able to bare having to stomach another 2 and a half hour toy commercial for mary sue, the magical negro and emo mcdarth.
ep 8 is going to be fucking awful. an endless amount of cringeworthy scenes with mary sue and luke and an endless amount of cringeworthy scenes with magic negro and chewbacca (we all know that they're gonna be a duo from now on) and i have no fucking desire to watch emo mcdarth and that cheesy Snoke hologram again
the characters all have shit writing. not just forgettable writing, but shit writing.
>people are talking about the year-old TFA more than the Star Wars movie that just came out
The movie was kino. You only hate it because it was made by Disney.
JJ's directing is very strange. He's essentially able to trick people into thinking that objectively shitty movies are good by making them extremely fast-paced - so fast that you never actually catch your breath and get a chance to take a step back and realize how retarded everything is. To make a video game comparison, he reminds me very much of Bethesda, who are able to put out shit-tier trainwrecks like Skyrim and Fallout 3+4 and people eat that shit up anyway.
That and he wrote TFA like it's the fucking pilot of a new TV show, rather than a complete story on its own. So many unexplained things and dangling plot threads, it reminds me of Lost or Alias, which were both his works.
there's 1 tfa thread and like 4 rogue one threads
also, being remembered for being shit isnt a good thing
^This is an example of the BvS argument
They played it safe.
Forcing human diversity in a galaxy full of interesting aliens. SJWs will be upset no matter how many blacks, Chinamen, gays, or disabled you add.
Sadly, but this is not the biggest issue with this schlock.
TFA was a pure rehash, and thus not interesting.
R1 was dull characters, uninteresting story, and too much jumping around.
They took the ultimate safe route and gave us Ep IV 2.0, but didn't try for even a second to convince us otherwise. As a longtime fan, I actually enjoyed watching it the first time, but rewatching it made me realize they were basically grabbing the viewer by the neck and going "hey, this was in those other movies!" without a shred of subtlety.
Nullifying the character arcs of the original cast, lack of discernable character motivations, weak acting, a script that thinks aping plot points and ideas from the originals makes for a quality film, lack of imagination, contrivances, and too many plot holes.
They set this film thirty years after ROTJ and everything looks the goddamned same aside from minor stormtrooper alterations. What the fuck was everyone doing for the past thirty years? How did the defeated Empire allocate enough resources for the construction of ANOTHER death star? Why didn't the Republic recognize one of the biggest armies in the galaxy as a threat? Why is this film so lazily made?
Yet I enjoyed R1 genuinely. In terms of star wars universe it was pretty neat. I am not pretending that it was some big kino, but as a star wars fan I legitimately liked it. And if you compare it to ep.7 it was so much better, in literally everything.
>They set this film thirty years after ROTJ and everything looks the goddamned same aside from minor stormtrooper alterations.
If Legends/EU is anything to go by, not much has really changed in the last 5000 years.
EU is bullshit though. They only did the whole "go back a billion years and the technology is literally exactly the same and the only difference is our ships are shaped like Z's instead of X's" shit because it allowed writers to make star wars stories that could do anything they wanted due to being so far removed.
You're right, but then again, I don't think the galaxy saw ships as large as we get during the Civil War, like the star dreadnaughts. Everything previously was small star destroyer size if it was large, and republic ships were like the size of the Corellian corvettes.
Skyrim was unironically millions of normies' first RPG so that's why that piece of shit is viewed in any positive light
Doing a think