Any more updates?
I know 2016 has already claimed George Michael but surely it won't take Carrie too!
Any more updates?
I know 2016 has already claimed George Michael but surely it won't take Carrie too!
'stable' condition her mother says
By the way, how does her mom look the same age as her? Did she haver her at fucking 12?
Carrie has been doing coke every day for 40 years
Sucks. I mean i dont have anything against her but I like habbenings.
no tweeting from her for 3 days means shes fucked for good
so wait, you mean now she'll manage to deliver lines worse than she did in 7?
bet shes a vegetable until they pull the plug to promote the next movie.
I mean, how can you tell the difference between her tweets and someone who is brain dead?
This. Life can age a person well beyond their years. When I first started in medicine I was always astonished to see people in their 80s who were in relative good shape with a clear mind.
Now that I am in my mid thirties and meet people I went to highschool with - I realize what diet and exercise does. I look better now than I did in highschool where as my former classmates look like shit.
God, can this awful fucking year just be over?
I can't take another celebrity death.
I literally CAN'T.
I'm bracing for one more brutal heartbreak before it's done. If not Carrie, then I'm guessing Queen Elizabeth and Hillary Clinton will both die on the last fucking day of the year just so 2016 can force us to look at our own hearts its ripped out before the beating stops.
tfw princess leia was never hot
her hotness is over-exaggerated by stars fags
last christmas was prophetic
>t. faggot
Who the fuck cares if a celebrity dies? What the fuck has George Michael or Carrie Fisher done lately to matter? At least Kurt Cobain had the grace to end it before it got pathetic.
>implying you wouldn't snuggle
THANKS WE WERE CONCERNED THAT "le person you never le knew who never le knew you" WOULDN'T SHOW UP
>;.; not some faggot who made a song 30 years ago!
she looked good in empire, especially in the beginning. cute little ass on her
>user, move it - you're poking me
>tfw princess leia was never hot
not everyone is as gay as you family.
>2016 has already claimed
Can we all agree as a collective to cut it out with this bullshit? 2016 isn't some eldritch abomination claiming celebrity lives
Celebrity culture, the human population, and media/internet/technology are all growing at pretty quick paces. This means there are more "celebrities", there are more people with access to these celebrities, and it's easier than ever for people to reach an audience of many millions. We're now reaching a point in time where nearly everybody's favorite stars from the 80s are aged 50 or higher. Unless we beat death itself, you're going to continue to see rising numbers of dead celebrities. Not necessarily every year - 2017 might be quite mild - but you will see a trend of this stuff becoming more and more prominent.
Each decade will see a greater amount of "celebrity deaths" and mourning than the last, because society is churning out more celebrities and is making their content easier to access for the masses. It's that simple. Stop being so butthurt about this vague notion of 2016 as some boogeyman.
I'm sorry? I actually have a heart and mourn when wonderful artists leave us like a normal human being?
Got it. Didn't know it was a sin. Fuck me right?
If I'd known, I wouldn't have bawled like a baby when Prince, Bowie, Harrington, and Alan Rickman left us.
I damn sure wouldn't have drunk myself into a blind, psychotic depression after Brexit and Donald Dumbfuck winning, Still haven't gotten over those tbqh.
Fuck 2016. I won't let it take my humanity no matter how bad it hurts and how much the hopes of millions have been crushed every fucking month by this cursed year.
Stable condition.
As in dead.
How drunk are you right now?
Not at all. Was I rambling? I'll admit I'm pretty shit at keeping posts concise, the point should still be clear though
nothing is more stable than death.
nothing more stable than someone who's lost control of their motor functions
Emergency responder here. Stable condition in the case of Carrie Fisher would mean she isnt braindead and is in fact making a recovery. Sorry to the edgelords but she is fine and will be on her feet in a week most likely.
shell be fine
unfortunately. i wanted 2016 to be known as celebrity death year
Celebs die every year. 2016 hasn't had "more" deaths necessarily, they're just higher-profile deaths.
Sit back and wait. Most of the stars of 70s, 80s and early 90s TV/Film are getting up there in the years. Within the next 10 years, we'll get a year with so many celeb deaths that it makes 2016 look like a little bitch.
It's going to be Queen Elizabeth and I couldn't be happier.
>they're just higher-profile deaths.
isn't that the whole fucking point? who care if some no name z lister die
who else can die now?
robert de niro? bob dylan? stephen hawkins? bill gates? arnold schwarzenegger?
i can't think of anyone of importance left to die desu. Michael jackson already died.
No man, he has a good point
>unfortunately. i wanted 2016 to be known as celebrity death year
2009 is still tops this.
Mom died months after Micheal Jackson
>then I'm guessing Queen Elizabeth and Hillary Clinton will both die on the last fucking day of the year just so 2016 can force us to look at our own hearts its ripped out before the beating stops.
>implying the death of that traitorous scum Hilldog will be a bad thing
>implying amerifats, with all due respect, care about the queen of england
She was a good friend
people like you should really kill yourselves
> 2017: King Charles
jesus christ
you weren't kidding god damn
Why do British people loathe their leaders so much?
Carrie actually looks worse due to the shitty facelift.
Because they are all pedophiles.
Cocaine is a helluva drug
Is this bait?
You're not a real emergency responder.
>surely it won't take Carrie too
It's already taken her brain, her body just needs to catch up.
Because they pedos/white guilt pushers and love islam or some shit.
dat mum tho
She shouldve stuck to refer.
>implying you wouldn't smuggle
I thought the exact same thing my dude.
>mfw it's Prince Phillip instead
I'm not even that attracted to her but that slave girl outfit does unholy things to my dick.
>she never did any nudes in her youth
If I'm allowed one regret, it's that I never got to see that.
The thing that always gets my dick hard is that they had to tape her boobs back because they were "too big" for Star Wars.
Nothing's gonna stop me from eating meat faggot
How do you feel about nudes of her right now ?
>they had to tape her boobs back because they were "too big" for Star Wars.
It was just an excuse for someone to get his hands on those sweater puppies.
She isn't our leader, she's our monarch. Anyone with enough of an international orientation to post here is probably not going to be a monarchist.
No thanks.
Nice. Talk about job benefits.
A pox on you, traitorous scum.
David was a big guy.
>people are actually expecting an update only days letter
dont hold your breath, youre going to hear nothing.
>for chew
pretty much. Right now they probably got her hooked up to a few machines, drawing her blood like every 6 hours and checking her troponin levels trying to decide whether they should do a bypass or get her a new heart.
He sounds like the most sober guy in the room.
oh yeah, that's the other big guy
I hope she dies.
She is not talented, not funny, and superfluous as both an actor and a character in Jew Wars.
Not to mention she is a fat retarded liberal.
rip in peace
do they give crackheads new hearts before children?
unless she buys it off some black market, either she's on a waiting list or a lottery list.
Queen Elizabeth will outlive your worthless ass.
Oh no, what a loss!
or dick
Why are there no fucking lewd set shots or secret pictures of her in that bikini?
This is about as lewd as it gets, sorry user.
Fuckin' went commando under that thing and we're all lead to believe that there wasn't a single fuckin' upskirt or random act of god that blew that shit in just such a way that you could see it all. What the fuck.
I've been asking the same questions for years. She'd fuck anyone for some blow but not once did anyone record anything be it video or photo. All those years and not one glance of her vag.
I will forever curse our phenomenal bad luck.
Someone somewhere has this shit. There is just no fucking way. One day, user. One day. And then teen to senior citizen will flip their dick to that national treasure.
>similar haircut to Hayden's in Revenge of the Sith
What did he mean by this
big shame, her boobs were nice
t. self aggrandizing piece of human shit
she has an underwear of sorts under the skirt thing
Lucas had it, but now it resides on the hands of the mouse. If there is ever a time when they need a popularity boost they'll release something.
The day that happens is the day my dick can die happy knowing it got spanked to the holy grail.
You damn straight.
Carrie Fisher did a lot of drugs and booze
>that lean
She has admitted in her new book her and Harrison were having an affair during the filming of New Hope
what's wrong with knowing you look good
no we have never been led to believe that, she has admitted it was always slipping during filming
Empire was seriously best Leia.
She's got a bit of babyfat on her face in A New Hope, I mean totally cute by all means but not something I honestly think dirty thoughts about.
They totally whored her out in ROTJ and yes I'd fuck the shit outta slave girl Leia but she loses her base appeal.
In Empire she's just totally fucking adorable and sexy, god imagine being Prime Harrison Ford and fucking that while snorting Coke off her ass what a fucking life that miserable fuck has had.