Be gay

>Be gay
>Be down the pub after a few too many beers and decide to slightly red pill people
>Everyones talking about Orlando
>Say how it wasnt an attack on gays but an attack on western culture and how it accepts gays
>Say how gays like me are no different to normal people (I mentioned straight is normal because its the norm obviously) and how I prefer men to women, thats it
>Say how I, like most gay people, dont want to be associated with LGBT and that trans is a mental illness and suicide rates increase with surgery
>Because I'm gay everyone listens to me and says I make a really good point

Fuck me Sup Forums is this what its like to be a "minority" who goes against the norm. Everyone was fucking shaking my hand saying how they respect my opinion and a few people said I made sense. If I was straight I can guarantee these people would have called me a fucking lunatic.

Welcome to identity politics. I don't like it either, but those are the rules of the game right now.
Don't expect it to work on die-hard leftists though. Normies buy into that shit, but not the people for whom ideological purity comes before all else. Those cunts will turn on their own families if they smell dissent.

thats only because the people you talked to agreed with you. if you say it was muslims fault for being closed minded and spreading hate for centuries those people who agreed with you would have probably questioned if you were gay and maybe become violent

its what liberals do when you confront them with reality. its like waking up a sleep walker. best to only do it with a gun or mace in hand

>If I was straight I can guarantee these people would have called me a fucking lunatic.

Go say it in front of the r-selection machine, see if you come out OK after that.

Ideology trumps all victim status. You can be a black Muslim transsexual woman, but if you don't subscribe to the Narrative, you're the enemy.

This. Once you talk with them, then it will start sorting you according to your various "privileges" as a means to dismiss your argument.

Fuck off faggot

>be gay
>tell everyone who asks me about it that the victims should have been allowed guns in that club to defend themselves
>watch the liberal mental gymnastics begin

U r a homo.

Yeah it's very strange.
I started claiming to be a tranny years ago because of this.
Can't get fired for what I say, people can't just call me a name and brush me aside, people can't just think I'm an angry white male.
They have to listen to me or else.
And what I have to say is the real true true, not illogical bullshit you have to restart your brain to even begin to understand. Clear cut, straight forward logic that is undeniable.
Redpilling is so easy once you are no long normal.
Become a mentally ill retard and suddenly everyone cares about what you say.
This world is pathetic.

It's just normies giving you tepid sympathy. You're still a useless degenerate and in less than a week when brexit comes, you'll be shunned as usual

quit trying to justify your existence and your faggotry

The thing is though, one of them is a complete commie who disagrees with me apparently (his previous views on facebook) then the moment I bring this up its like he cant face being challeneged with his ideals by someone who he thinks should agree with him and he crumbled. It felt fantastic but I agree its a shame most leftists arent like this. I'm in a small town and small town mentality is truly in effect. If I were i London I would probably have been lynched.

lol fag. post your butthole, lol queer. lol gay. pics of ass?

Yeah thats how i feel. Im gay. big deal.

He's not a true commie. Forgive the expression, but it's true. People who toy with the idea and play along because they think it's right are not the same as people who've bought into it wholesale. The former can be persuaded, the latter cannot.

Bleach your anus fagnuts

Enjoy it.

If you were straight and said that shit to normies they would spit-roast you, and not in the good way

You must be a Euro on vacation here. I redpill people on Muslims all the time. Once you speak youll be surprised how many people agree with you.

Maybe they agreed out of fear of what would happen if they didn't. Both the orlando shooter & the guy with bomb head to the gay pride event, are rumored to be bi-sexual. #shootback


Yup we have a duty to redpill more than our straight brothers. It's fucking stupid and sick that people will put us on podiums just because our love of cock but we need to abuse it.

I'm also a faggot but I don't go around telling people unless it's relevant.

Fine Aussie fag

nice arse