The madman does it again. He's going full ape shit , and Hillary and Obama supporters can BTFO with their weakness. This going full live- watch the replay because it hasn't been posted yet. You know the drill anons! High energy!
AWOOVeement !
Houston Rally: Trump calls Terrorist "Son of a bitch" on live TV
I was just there
It was great
Since OP is a cunt who can't post a link
How many people ?
Ian is a filthy nigger jew
I couldn't find replay - it just ended - thanks brother
Couple thousands from what I could tell
He's ascending to heights that shouldn't even be possible.
>dead mudslime
based trump
Time for the polls to have a turn - BIG LEAGUE
TIME FOR BASED HANNITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahah a beautiful sight - straight savage !
I love this man
Here's to hoping "bad man said a swear" publicity gets this video out there
inb4 media tears him apart for swearing
he is right
I woke up sunday and my first thought was he was right.
Come on Hannity air that shit !
Yeah - but maybe the gays will see his anger for the mudslime and get on his back. Cause it was a "cool word," for the millennial faggots
Use the longer one with more views and to get RSB more subs so ppl see trumps rally's.
Trump gets a 0 for prose but a 10/10 for saying it like it is
Liberals might play the "Omg he said a swear" game but we just need to say they care more about words than the lives of 49 gay men, and actually WANT terrorists to shoot up gay bars.
I really wish I knew how to push this so it gained media traction, or at least a meme of some kind.
>son of a bitch
How can Trump say he's not a sexist when he uses such gendered insults?
Its perfect, what you're going to criticize trump for calling a gay murdering jihadi a SOB? He is now officially tougher than Obama on this. Kek
Bitches are of a different species, unless you are suggesting women are like dogs?
Agreed .
Go hide in your hole cuck. I thought libtards thought "terms," mean nothing when they literally Change everything.
He's talking to a
Mudslime terrorist and we need strength, we got a bamboo president who doesn't have a clue:
Omar "SON OF A BITCH" Mateen
man there's a whole lot the insano-left can criticize about that little excerpt but they'd only be digging their hole deeper by daring to do so.
what a pimp.
Just call him the Jihadi SOB. Had a ring to it.
Meme it my friends - use the magic!
The legitimate anger has to sway some liberals right?
It's so different from Obama/Clinton's robotic response
It is me - or is cable TV mainstream not running the trump rallies as usual since bernout left? Trump would get better rating than any of these faggot ass shows anyways. Really makes you think . Air this shit, meme it -
>Son of a bitch
Isn't the shooter's mom still alive?
Wow Ben is spot on these days. What happened to him?
fuckin epic desu senpai
Hahahahaha fucking Amazing .
Video again.
Considered a cool term - trump will now obtain a jump with the black vote because he spoke a word highly used in their vocabulary. We wuz Kings
the memes came to control him.
You lucky son of a bitch. I couldn't get in, got there too late.
Don't know how many people were inside but there were also a couple thousand (at least 10) outside in line waiting.
Any videos of the protestors user?
Houstonians assemble!!!
I got off work early and got to the mall around 3 and well the line was forever long and hot as hell. Pissed I couldn't get in. :(
I got all excited when I saw someone wrote Make Memes Great Again - but then I saw Reddit.
I would love to see the view of how crazy the crowd went during that statement. Please someone show us
Wait, you got there at 3 and couldn't get in?
How many hours did the guys who made it in have to wait?
I was going to get there around a couple hours before, but luckily I stayed home since I guess I wouldn't have gotten in.
Wow what a loose cannon bigot, think of the chilluns!
>Turns around with megaphone: "FUCK DONALD TRUMP!!"
Some friends of mine camped out in their truck beds in tents around noon in the shade. They got in.
I think this kind of honest emotion calls to people on both sides, and with people being used to the robot liars, they go to Trump even if they don't agree with him 100%.
Not that I know of man sorry. I was near the back the entire time. Protestors were near the entrance. I got to see some when I finally made up there but they were moving us along to quick I couldn't engage with them. I'd say there were ~100-150 protestors, all of them look exactly what you expect.
Pic related passed by and that was the most action I got.
Also got to see Donald drive by with his escort, was pretty awesome.
r/TheDonald serves it's purpose. Sure they are cringe worthy. They essentially a vehicle for information mass information dissemination.
oh shit trumps in the woodlands?
i was wondering why traffic on 45 north was worse than usual.
keking at the pompous rich assholes in the woodlands getting raided by rednecks
Fuck me daddy
I love that man.
>It's an agenda when they do it, but it's just a meme when we do it!
>1 post by this ID
You would hope so
He was always really good.
Don't point people here point them to reddit...The more hardcore will find us.
There were a lot more to my left and behind me, plus all who couldn't get in.
he is holding his signs backwards.
This is where I was standing.
Lots of attractive women, I might add.
Was that negress a protestor?
>candidate says mean word
Trump supporters only care about how it 'feels' to have a big man talking to you
>all those people vertically filming
absolutely haram.
We are witnessing history -
AnCap protestor
beautiful beautiful
Hah probably not, but I did only see like three blacks the whole time, well there was one nigger speaker who yelled like a nigger preacher.
It's always an agenda, this just happens to be the correct one
i saw charlie murphy tonight.
he was rambling on about how trump is racist and hitler 2.0 yada yada. but in reality i felt bad for him - he has cancer or aids or something - he looks thin and frail and sick as fuck.
he was just rambling like old guy knowing he's about to die and all mad
Please show us
i want him to be president so bad.
but the entire media, republican and democrats, all corporate money, all government and foreign money is against him .
>attractive women
wew lad
I'm pretty fucking bummed I didn't get to see him when he was about 2 hrs away. I'm not letting that opportunity slip by again. Even if I have to fucking fly to see him.
We can help- meme Magic the son of the bitch statement - and in addition use our Asian based trump supporter as well . The slanted eyes are with us
Looks like the black guy next to her has a MAGA hat and flag bandanna. So I'm going to go with no.
How do I know when a rally is going to be in my area? I live in Ohio, so I'm going to get all that swing state goodness.
Kek, I wish I had a motrized recliner like that. Dudes a fucking genius.
Watch the news? That's how I found out.
There's probably a list somewhere.
I can vouch. I understand your point, but we all know TRUMP Girls are the best looking women on the planet. The big black ladies Houston is known for were probably cashing in their alimony
They're on his website.
Also on the podium theres a number you can text that gives you updates and shit. I forget what it is.
Here you go user.
I was there too. When this poorly-photographed sonnuvabitch walked onstage, I shouted "I LOVE YOU STEPHEN!", which earned me some strange rooms from the people in the crowd around me. At one point, I also yelled "REDPILLER MILLER!, but I'm pretty sure that was drowned out by other people cheering.
Sigh I forgot to include the link.
I don't know how to feel about this issue Sup Forums. On one hand I realize gun free zones are a shooting gallery but if more people have guns
>terrorist starts shooting kills 1 person
>nigger tyrone pulls out 9mm and kills shooter but kills 2 people cuz holds gun sideways
>nigger tyrell pulls out his .45 and starts shooting
>kills tyrone and kills one other person.
>nigger tyreese pulls out his AR-15 that he keeps in his baggy jeans.
>kills tyrell.
>5 people are dead and the terrorist only killed 1
There should be some special national group of armed citizens. They could be accepted trained and verified as being responsible gun owners. They could have a way of identifying themselves in public. That way there can be semi gun free zones and only this group of respectable citizens are allowed to bring guns in.
Theres usually a thread up with the event schedule
No one concealed carrying legally is going to be a nigger. Black people who own conceal carry permits aren't niggers, they're Americans. Niggers don't get permits and if there are any niggers there they'd be carrying their illegal pistol regardless of it it was a gun free zone or not.
I saw them. Small group at the entrance. boxed in my horses.
What you would expect.
>love trumps hate
>make the woodlands great again... by leaving
Lame signs. Losers. Sad, frankly
boxed in BY horses*
who in here got in. i was probably part of the last 100 that was able to get in.
>tfw Massachusetts
>will never have a Trump rally
feels fucking bad man
The libcuck media is going to be all over this tomorrow
High energy thread theme:
turn on captions.
I didn't take any, sorry, user.
Sure there are, Houston just isn't a popular city, but there are plenty of attractive women.