Which TV show has the best Christmas episode?

Which TV show has the best Christmas episode?


Does Hey Arnold count?


home improvement

Frasier. "Mirace on 3rd or 4th Street".

American Dad

South Park

Twilight Zone


I cry every time I watch Scrooged.

Put a lil love in yo' heart. Niagra falls, Frankie angel. Gets me every time. Swear to god.

hairy mole

>which tv show
>talks about a movie

Fucking moron

I never got this. Why didn't he just go back and get his keys? I would have

uk office

because frasier wanted to make the bum feel good as well as avoid an embarassing situation. If he walked back in and told the women the bmw keys were his, the bum might change his attitude towards him

Peep show


West wing season one
In excelsis deo

Bojack Horseman

Tales From The Crypt Christmas episode was great